What is the inverse of the 3x3 matrix mod 26

In summary: Thanks for the help!In summary, the conversation is about finding the inverse of a 3x3 matrix mod 26. The speaker found all the cofactors and took the transpose of the matrix, then divided it by the determinate -939. They then multiplied this by 17, using the euclidean algorithm to find the inverse. However, the resulting matrix did not match the answer in the book. After further discussion, it was discovered that the speaker had used the wrong number to multiply by, and the correct answer was in fact already obtained.
  • #1

Homework Statement

What is the inverse of the 3x3 matrix mod 26?
K = [tex]
17 & 17 & 5\\
21 & 18 & 21\\
2 & 2 & 19

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I found all the cofactors and then took the transpose of the matrix. I then divided new matrix, by the determinate -939. After which I would multiply this by 17 because 23-1 mod 26 = 17 to get the inverse. I found 17 by using the euclidean algorithm. This was all UPLOADED. However I am confused because even if I do this I do not get the answer in the book. They get:

4 & 9 & 15\\
15 & 17 & 6\\
24 & 0 & 17

I have so far without multiplying it by 17:

300/-939 & -313/-939 & 267/-939\\
-357/-939 & 313/-939 & -252/-939\\
6/-939 & 0 & -51/-939

I realize that even if I go ahead I will not reach what the book has, what have I done wrong? All of my work has been UPLOADED.


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  • #2
I'll do the center column - because it's easy:
k_{11} & k_{12} & k_{13}\\
k_{21} & k_{22} & k_{23}\\
k_{31} & k_{32} & k_{33}
17 & 17 & 5\\
21 & 18 & 21\\
2 & 2 & 19
\end{pmatrix} =
1 & 0 & 0\\
0 & 1 & 0\\
0 & 0 & 1
\ \\
\ \\
\ \\
A)\ 17K_{11} + 21K_{12} + 2K_{13} = 1 \\
B)\ 17K_{11} + 18K_{12} + 2K_{13} = 0 \\
C)\ 5K_{11} + 21K_{12} + 19K_{13} = 0 \\
D)\ 17K_{21} + 21K_{22} + 2K_{23} = 0 \\
E)\ 17K_{21} + 18K_{22} + 2K_{23} = 1 \\
F)\ 5K_{21} + 21K_{22} + 19K_{23} = 0 \\
G)\ 17K_{31} + 21K_{32} + 2K_{33} = 0 \\
H)\ 17K_{31} + 18K_{32} + 2K_{33} = 0 \\
I)\ 5K_{31} + 21K_{32} + 19K_{33} = 1 \\
\ \\
\ \\
Modulo 26\ table\ for\ Y=3X: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, ...\\
A-B)\ \ \ 3K_{12} = 1 \\
A-B/3)\ K_{12} = 9 \\
D-E)\ \ \ 3K_{22} = 25 \\
D-E/3)\ K_{22} = 17 \\
G-H)\ \ \ 3K_{32} = 0 \\
G-H/3)\ 3K_{32} = 0 \\
\ \\
\ \\
k_{11} & 9 & k_{13}\\
k_{21} & 17 & k_{23}\\
k_{31} & 0 & k_{33}
\ \\
That book answer is looking good to me.
  • #3

The Attempt at a Solution

So I found all the cofactors and then took the transpose of the matrix. I then divided new matrix, by the determinate -939. After which I would multiply this by 17 because 23-1 mod 26 = 17 to get the inverse. I found 17 by using the euclidean algorithm. This was all UPLOADED. However I am confused because even if I do this I do not get the answer in the book. They get:

4 & 9 & 15\\
15 & 17 & 6\\
24 & 0 & 17

I have so far without multiplying it by 17:

300/-939 & -313/-939 & 267/-939\\
-357/-939 & 313/-939 & -252/-939\\
6/-939 & 0 & -51/-939

I realize that even if I go ahead I will not reach what the book has, what have I done wrong? All of my work has been UPLOADED.

Mod 26 (-939) is 23.
Mod 26 (1/23) is 17.
So 17 is the right number to use.

17*300 & 17*-313 & 17*267\\
17*-357 & 17*313 & 17*-252\\
17*6 & 0 & 17*-51
\end{pmatrix} =
17*14 & 17*25 & 17*7\\
17*7 & 17*1 & 17*8\\
17*6 & 0 & 17*1
\end{pmatrix} =
4 & 9 & 15\\
15 & 17 & 6\\
24 & 0 & 17
So you already had the solution.
If you're using a recent Windows operating system, you have a calculator with the Mod function.
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  • #4
Ok cool so I did get the answer.
  • #5

Your approach to finding the inverse of the matrix is correct. However, there may be a mistake in your calculation of the determinant. The determinant of the given matrix is -939 mod 26 = 17, not -939. This could be the reason why your final answer does not match the one in the book.

Also, be careful with the use of negative numbers in modular arithmetic. Instead of -313, it should be 16 (since 313 mod 26 = 16). Similarly, instead of -357, it should be 20, and instead of -252, it should be 22. After correcting these errors, you should get the same answer as the one in the book.

Another approach to finding the inverse of a matrix mod 26 is to use the extended Euclidean algorithm. This algorithm will give you the inverse directly without having to calculate the cofactors and transpose the matrix. You can try using this method to check your answer as well.

FAQ: What is the inverse of the 3x3 matrix mod 26

What is the inverse of the 3x3 matrix mod 26?

The inverse of a 3x3 matrix mod 26 is the matrix that, when multiplied by the original matrix, results in the identity matrix. It is used in cryptography and other mathematical applications.

Why is finding the inverse of a 3x3 matrix mod 26 important?

Finding the inverse of a matrix is important because it allows for solving systems of linear equations, calculating determinants, and performing other operations in linear algebra. In cryptography, the inverse of a matrix is used to encrypt and decrypt messages.

How do you find the inverse of a 3x3 matrix mod 26?

To find the inverse of a 3x3 matrix mod 26, you need to first calculate the determinant of the matrix. If the determinant is relatively prime to 26, the inverse exists. Then, you can use the adjugate matrix and the determinant to find the inverse using a specific formula.

Can you give an example of finding the inverse of a 3x3 matrix mod 26?

Sure, let's say we have the matrix M = [[3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11]] mod 26. The determinant of this matrix is -3 mod 26, which is 23. Since 23 is relatively prime to 26, the inverse exists. Using the formula, the inverse of M is [[5, 1, 24], [4, 16, 21], [1, 5, 15]] mod 26.

What happens if the determinant is not relatively prime to 26 when finding the inverse of a 3x3 matrix mod 26?

If the determinant is not relatively prime to 26, the inverse of the matrix does not exist. This means that the matrix is not invertible and cannot be used for solving equations or performing other operations in linear algebra. In cryptography, this would also mean that the matrix cannot be used to encrypt and decrypt messages.

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