What is the Island of Stability in Nuclear Physics?

In summary: So when you measure the decay rates of Technetium, it actually behaves quite a bit like a normal stable element, and you wouldn't expect to see a lot of spontaneous radioactive decays.In summary, the "island of stability" refers to a band of stability around the element uranium that helps to prevent it from decaying very quickly. This "island" is theorized to be around Z=118 to 126, and so far, none of the transuranic elements have been synthesized.
  • #1
I've heard this expression in nuclear physics: the "island of stability." I know it has to do with the stability of a heavy transuranium atom (at least i think so), but what precisely does that expression mean? And what does it have to do with quantum mechanics? Why is this "island" there? Because I know that several artificial elements decay very quickly. Thanks!
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  • #2
See this article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Island_of_stability

Briefly, with a few exceptions, most of the transuranic elements (Z > 92) are relatively short-lived. The 'island of stability' hypothesizes that when Z is around 118 to 126, the elements will become relatively stable, with half-lives on the order of minutes rather than minute fractions of a second. So far, none of these elements have been synthesized.
  • #3
Uranium is on an island of stability.

Look at the longest-lived isotopes of lighter elements:
Pb-208 - stable
Bi-209 - 2*10^19 y
Po-209 - 102 y
Heavier isotopes are extremely unstable:
Po-210 - 138 d
Po-211 - 520 ms
Po-212 - 300 ns
Now going to heavier elements, they are increasingly shorter-lived:
At-210 - 8 h
At-213 - 125 ns

Rn-211 - 15 h
Rn-214 - 270 ns

Fr-212 - 20 min
Fr-215 - 90 ns

Ra-213 - 2,7 min
Ra-216 - 180 ns

Ac-214 - 8,2 s
Ac-217 - 70 ns

Th-215 - 1,2 s
Th-218 - 110 ns

Pa-216 - 100 ms
Pa-219 - 50 ns

U-219 - 55 ms
U-220 - 60 ns

See how unstable the elements get?

With a catch.

It is actually a band of instability.

Po-212 does have half-life of 300 ns.
But Po-218 has 3,1 minutes.

With heavier elements:
At-220 - 3,7 min
Rn-222 - 3,8 days - and that is longer than the 15 h of Rn-211
Fr-223 - 22 min
Ra-226 - 1600 y
Ac-227 - 22 y
Th-232 - 14*10^9 y
Pa-231 - 33 000 y
U-238 - 4,5*10^9 y
Np-237 - 2,1*10^6 y

As you see, the island of stability is separated by a deep and wide instability strip.

That island goes on quite far to higher elements. But what happens beyond? Is there another island or islands beyond instability strip/s?
  • #4
Ah ok. That's amazing! So I guess the research going on now is to see how far this island goes, where it stops, whether there are more islands, etc.?
  • #5
As the other posters have explained, different neutral atoms have different lifetimes. For example, there are Helium-4 atoms (two neutrons and two protons) throughout the universe that have been around since shortly after the Big Bang--they're extremely stable. But if we built the another isotope of Helium, Helium-5 (three neutrons and two protons), it would shoot out its extra neutron within 10-20 seconds--unlike Helium-4, it is unstable.

If we were to write down all the possible isotopes of elements in terms of their proton number Z and neutron number N, then each pair of numbers (Z,N) gives us a different isotope of some element. We could associate each pair (Z,N) with a spot in a two-dimensional grid, with Z on one axis and N on the other axis. Then, for each pair (Z,N), we could either measure the stability of the atom or try to theoretically predict it--then we could color that atom's square a dark red for very stable atoms and a blue for unstable atoms, which yields the following plot:

The bottom left stable atoms are what appear in our periodic table. The gap before the "peninsula" is the "band of instability" snorkak points out. The upper-right region of stability corresponds to elements that we have not been able to create yet but are predicted to have a relatively long lifetime, and it is called the "island of stability" because it does not "connect" to the "continent" via other stable atoms.

One example that I like to remember as a sort of opposite phenomenon is that the relatively light element Technetium (Tc, Z=43) actually lies in a "pond of instability" right among a bunch of other stable elements. It is the lightest radioactive "element" on the periodic table!
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Related to What is the Island of Stability in Nuclear Physics?

1. What is the Island of Nuclear Stability?

The Island of Nuclear Stability refers to a theoretical region on the chart of nuclides where nuclei with high atomic numbers and high numbers of neutrons are predicted to have greater stability and longer lifetimes compared to other nuclei.

2. Why is the Island of Nuclear Stability important?

The Island of Nuclear Stability is important because it can provide insight into the stability and decay of heavy elements, as well as help predict the existence of new, undiscovered elements. It also has implications for nuclear energy and weapons development.

3. How was the concept of the Island of Nuclear Stability developed?

The concept of the Island of Nuclear Stability was first proposed by nuclear physicist Glenn T. Seaborg in the 1960s. He observed patterns in the decay of heavy elements and theorized that there may be a region of greater stability for these nuclei.

4. Is the Island of Nuclear Stability a physical place?

No, the Island of Nuclear Stability is a theoretical concept and does not physically exist. It is a hypothetical region on the chart of nuclides that is used to explain the behavior of heavy and unstable nuclei.

5. How does the Island of Nuclear Stability affect the periodic table?

The Island of Nuclear Stability does not directly affect the periodic table, as it is a separate concept. However, it helps explain why some elements have longer lifetimes and are more stable than others, which can be reflected in the organization of the periodic table.

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