What is the Limit of (A^n + B^n)^(1/n) as n Approaches Infinity?

  • Thread starter jostpuur
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In summary, the limit of (A^n + B^n)^1/n = B is only correct for 0 < A < B, but not for -B < A < 0 < B. This is because the sequence does not converge if n only assumes odd or even values. Uniform convergence in a certain environment is needed to prove this result.
  • #1
If [tex]0<A<B[/tex] then

B < (A^n + B^n)^{1/n} < 2^{1/n} B,\quad\quad n=1,2,3,\ldots

and by using knowledge [tex]2^{1/n}\to 1[/tex] as [tex]n\to\infty[/tex], we get

\lim_{n\to\infty} (A^n + B^n)^{1/n} = B.

Now, I'm interested to know what can we say if [tex]-B<A<0<B[/tex]. With odd n the inequality

B\leq (A^n + B^n)^{1/n}

is wrong, so there does not seem to be any reason to believe that the limit would still be B. But is the limit still B?

For example, set A=-1, B=2. The numbers

n, (-1)^n + 2^n, ((-1)^n + 2^n)^(1/n)

turn out as follows.

1, 1, 1
2, 5, 2.2361...
3, 7, 1.9129...
4, 17, 2.0305...
5, 31, 1.9873...
6, 65, 2.0052...
7, 127, 1.9978...

The 2^n appears to be dominating the limit quite well. Is the limit of this 2 really? What about more general conditions for A and B?
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  • #2
I presume you meant |B| > A > 0 > B. (A^n + B^n)^1/n does not converge. This is best seen if you consider odd and even integers separately. If n only assumes even value, the expression converges to -B. If n assumes odd values, it converges to B. In a convergent sequence, every subsequence converges to the same value.
  • #3
Sorry. I fixed the mistake with edit option.
  • #4
I just realized it looks quite clear when you put it like this

(A^n + B^n)^{1/n} = B\underbrace{\Big(\underbrace{\big(\frac{A}{B}\big)^n}_{\to 0} + 1\Big)^{1/n}}_{\to 1} \to B,

but I still encountered some problems with the proof...If we know that the sequence of functions

f_n:[1-\delta, 1+\delta]\to\mathbb{R},\quad f_n(x)=(1+x)^{1/n}

with fixed [tex]0<\delta <1[/tex], converges towards

f:[1-\delta, 1+\delta]\to\mathbb{R},\quad f(x)=1

uniformly, then the proof should be done, right? Looks clear by picture. I'm not sure how the uniform convergence is proven properly.
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  • #5
Judging from what you were asking earlier, what you are implying is that B is negative (and so is A). If that's the case, factoring out B as you did is incorrect; (B^n)^1/n is not the same as B for an even n.

Yes, for every fixed x, f_n(x) does converge to 1 uniformly as n goes to infinity. However, we are interested in g_n(x) = K*f_n(x) where K = B if n is even and K = -B if n is odd. For any x in the said interval, g_n(x) does not converge as n goes to infinity (there is no limit).

Your argument works only in the case B is positive, in which case factoring out B is correct.

If I'm misunderstanding you, please pardon me.
  • #6
Werg22 said:
Judging from what you were asking earlier, what you are implying is that B is negative (and so is A). If that's the case, factoring out B as you did is incorrect; (B^n)^1/n is not the same as B for an even n.

You must have been left confused by my original typo. Now the original post assumes -B < 0 < B, so B is positive.

Yes, for every fixed x, f_n(x) does converge to 1 uniformly as n goes to infinity.

With fixed x the word uniform doesn't have a meaning. What is relevant is that the convergence is uniform in some environment of x=1.
  • #7
If B is positive, what is the question exactly?

By uniform convergence, I understood that you meant that for any x' in [1 - delta, 1 + delta], f_n(x') would form a uniformly decreasing sequence.
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  • #8
The questions is that is the limit

\lim_{n\to\infty}(A^n+B^n)^{1/n} = B

correct for all [tex]0<|A|<B[/tex]. I already knew how to prove the case [tex]0<A<B[/tex], but the case [tex]-B<A<0<B[/tex] seemed to be more difficult. However, I believe I already understood how this is proven too, provided that we know the one uniform convergence result mentioned in the post #4.

I don't know what it means for a sequence of numbers to converge uniformly or not uniformly. The sequence of functions [tex]f_n:[a,b]\to\mathbb{R}[/tex] converges uniformly towards a function [tex]f:[a,b]\to\mathbb{R}[/tex], if for all [tex]\epsilon>0[/tex] there exists a number [tex]N\in\mathbb{N}[/tex] so that

n>N\quad\implies\quad \underset{x\in[a,b]}{\sup} |f_n(x)-f(x)| < \epsilon.
  • #9
jostpuur said:
With fixed x the word uniform doesn't have a meaning. What is relevant is that the convergence is uniform in some environment of x=1.

... environment of x=0. The domains should have been [tex][-\delta,\delta][/tex] too, instead of [tex][1-\delta, 1+\delta][/tex].

FAQ: What is the Limit of (A^n + B^n)^(1/n) as n Approaches Infinity?

What is the limit of (A^n+B^n)^(1/n) as n approaches infinity?

The limit of (A^n+B^n)^(1/n) as n approaches infinity is equal to the larger of A and B. This is known as the dominant term or leading coefficient.

How do you evaluate the limit of (A^n+B^n)^(1/n) as n approaches 0?

The limit of (A^n+B^n)^(1/n) as n approaches 0 can be evaluated using L'Hospital's rule or by factoring out the dominant term. In most cases, the limit will approach 1.

Can the limit of (A^n+B^n)^(1/n) be negative?

Yes, the limit of (A^n+B^n)^(1/n) can be negative if both A and B are negative. In this case, the limit will approach the negative of the dominant term.

How does the value of A and B affect the limit of (A^n+B^n)^(1/n)?

The value of A and B can significantly affect the limit of (A^n+B^n)^(1/n). If one term is much larger than the other, it will dominate the limit. If both terms are equal, the limit will approach 2^(1/n), which approaches 1 as n approaches infinity.

Is there a way to simplify (A^n+B^n)^(1/n)?

Yes, (A^n+B^n)^(1/n) can be simplified by factoring out the dominant term. Depending on the values of A and B, this may simplify to a constant or another expression. Additionally, if n is even, the absolute values of A and B can be taken before taking the nth root.

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