What is the limit of the difference of square roots of consecutive numbers?

In summary: N \implies \left| \sqrt{n + 4} - \sqrt{n} - 0 \right| < \epsilon \end{align*}$, which proves that $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \lim_{n \to \infty} \left( \sqrt{n + 4} - \sqrt{n} \right) = 0 \end{align*}$.In summary, the conversation discusses limits and how to prove them using a specific method. The first question is used as an example to explain the steps in detail. The second and third questions are also briefly discussed,
  • #1
I am struggling to understand a simple question on limits. I have watched a video trying to explain the theory and even have the answer right in front of me but I still don't understand. Could somebody please explain the steps in detail for me just for the first question as I'm hoping I'll understand the other after that.

Thank you

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  • #2
amr21 said:
I am struggling to understand a simple question on limits. I have watched a video trying to explain the theory and even have the answer right in front of me but I still don't understand. Could somebody please explain the steps in detail for me just for the first question as I'm hoping I'll understand the other after that.

Thank you

To prove a limit to infinity, you want to have a certain tolerance for your function value $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \epsilon > 0 \end{align*}$ and show that no matter how far along you go on your x, i.e. some large value N, going any further will still ensure that your function value will always be within the tolerance away from the limiting value L. In other words, to prove $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \lim_{x \to \infty} f(x) = L \end{align*}$ you have to show that $\displaystyle \begin{align*} x > N \implies \left| f(x) - L \right| < \epsilon \end{align*} $.

So for the first one, to prove $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{2\,n + 5}{7\,n + 8} = \frac{2}{7} \end{align*}$ you need to show that for any $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \epsilon > 0, \, n > N \implies \left| \frac{2\,n + 5}{7\,n + 8} - \frac{2}{7} \right| < \epsilon \end{align*}$.

Working with the second part we have

$\displaystyle \begin{align*} \left| \frac{2\,n + 5}{7\,n + 8} - \frac{2}{7} \right| &< \epsilon \\ \left| \frac{7 \,\left( 2\,n + 5 \right) }{7\,\left( 7\,n + 8 \right)} - \frac{2\,\left( 7\,n + 8 \right)}{7\,\left( 7\,n + 8 \right) } \right| &< \epsilon \\ \left| \frac{7\,\left( 2\,n + 5 \right) - 2\,\left( 7\, n + 8 \right) }{7\,\left( 7\, n + 8 \right) } \right| &< \epsilon \\ \left| \frac{14\,n + 35 - 14\,n - 16}{7\,\left( 7\, n + 8 \right) } \right| &< \epsilon \\ \left| \frac{19}{7\,\left( 7\, n + 8 \right) } \right| &< \epsilon \\ \frac{19}{7\,\left| 7\,n + 8 \right| } &< \epsilon \\ \frac{1}{\left| 7\,n + 8 \right| } &< \frac{7\,\epsilon }{19} \\ \left| 7\,n + 8 \right| &> \frac{19}{7\,\epsilon} \\ 7\,n + 8 &> \frac{19}{7\,\epsilon} \textrm{ as } n > 0 \\ 7\,n &> \frac{19}{7\,\epsilon} - 8 \\ n &> \frac{19}{\epsilon} - \frac{8}{7} \end{align*}$

So it would make sense to let $\displaystyle \begin{align*} N = \frac{19}{\epsilon} - \frac{8}{7} \end{align*}$, because then by setting $\displaystyle \begin{align*} n > N \end{align*}$ and reversing every step, we definitely do show that $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \left| \frac{2\,n + 5}{7\,n + 8} - \frac{2}{7} \right| < \epsilon \end{align*}$, and thus $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{2\,n + 5}{7\,n + 8} = \frac{2}{7} \end{align*}$
  • #3
amr21 said:
I am struggling to understand a simple question on limits. I have watched a video trying to explain the theory and even have the answer right in front of me but I still don't understand. Could somebody please explain the steps in detail for me just for the first question as I'm hoping I'll understand the other after that.

Thank you

For (ii) I would make use of the Sandwich Theorem. We should note that for large n, $\displaystyle \begin{align*} 3\,n^2 - n - 1 > 0 \end{align*}$ and since $\displaystyle \begin{align*} 0 \leq \cos^2{(n)} \leq 1 \end{align*}$ for all real n, that means $\displaystyle \begin{align*} 0 \leq \frac{\cos^2{(n)}}{3\,n^2 - n - 1 } \leq \frac{1}{3\,n^2 - n - 1} \end{align*}$ for large n.

That means if we can show $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{3\,n^2 - n - 1} = 0 \end{align*}$, that means as $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \frac{\cos^2{(n)}}{3\,n^2 - n - 1} \end{align*}$ is sandwiched between 0's, it too must have a limit of 0.

So to prove $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{3\,n^2 - n - 1} = 0 \end{align*}$ we need to show for all $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \epsilon > 0, \, n > N \implies \left| \frac{1}{3\,n^2 - n - 1} - 0 \right| < \epsilon \end{align*}$. Do you think you could have a go of this?

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amr21 said:
I am struggling to understand a simple question on limits. I have watched a video trying to explain the theory and even have the answer right in front of me but I still don't understand. Could somebody please explain the steps in detail for me just for the first question as I'm hoping I'll understand the other after that.

Thank you

For (iii) I would first write:

$\displaystyle \begin{align*} \sqrt{n + 4} - \sqrt{n} &\equiv \frac{\left( \sqrt{n + 4} - \sqrt{n} \right) \left( \sqrt{n + 4} + \sqrt{n} \right) }{\sqrt{n + 4} + \sqrt{n}} \\ &\equiv \frac{n + 4 - n}{\sqrt{n + 4} + \sqrt{n}} \\ &\equiv \frac{4}{\sqrt{n + 4} + \sqrt{n}} \end{align*}$

Do you think you can have a go of showing for all $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \epsilon > 0 , \, n > N \implies \left| \frac{4}{\sqrt{n+4} + \sqrt{n}} - 0 \right| < \epsilon \end{align*}$?

FAQ: What is the limit of the difference of square roots of consecutive numbers?

What is the convergence limit?

The convergence limit refers to the maximum value or threshold at which a particular phenomenon or process reaches a stable and consistent state.

How is the convergence limit determined?

The convergence limit is typically determined through mathematical or computational models, where the inputs and outputs of the process are analyzed to identify when the values start to stabilize and reach a consistent state.

Why is understanding the convergence limit important in scientific research?

Understanding the convergence limit is important because it allows scientists to accurately predict and analyze the behavior of a system or process. It also helps in identifying any potential limitations or constraints that may affect the outcome of the research.

Can the convergence limit change?

Yes, the convergence limit can change depending on various factors such as changes in the initial conditions, external influences, or modifications to the system or process being studied.

Are there any limitations to the concept of convergence limit?

Yes, there are limitations to the concept of convergence limit as it is often based on assumptions and simplifications of complex systems or processes. It also does not take into account unforeseen circumstances or external factors that may affect the final outcome.
