What is the lower energy level for a blue emission in the hydrogen spectrum?

In summary, the conversation discusses the blue line in the hydrogen spectrum with a wavelength of 434 nm and the emission of photons of blue light when hydrogen's electron drops from the fifth energy level to a lower energy level. The problem is then solved using the equation 1/lambda = R[1/m e2 - 1/n e2] and it is concluded that the lower energy level is 5. However, it is pointed out that the visible blue emission falls under the Balmer series, which transitions to the second energy level.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The hydrogen spectrum contains a blue line with a wavelength of 434 nm. Photons of blue light are emitted when hydrogen's electron drops from the fifth energy level to a lower energy level. What is the lower energy level?

Homework Equations

1/lambda = R[1/m e2 - 1/n e2]

The Attempt at a Solution

1/4.34 x 10 e-7 m = 1.097 x 10 e7 m e-1 [1/m e2 - 1/5 e2]
1/4.34 x 10 e-7 m [1/m e2 - 1/25] = 1/1.097 x 10 e7 m
1/[1/m e2 - 1/25] = 4.34 x 10 e-7m/1.097 x 10 e7
1/m e2 - 1/25 = 1.097 x 10 e7/4.34 x 10 e-7 + 1/25
n e2 = 4.34 x 10 e-7/1.097 x 10 e7 + 25/1
=3.96 x 10 e-14 + 25
n = 5

Grrrrr! I keep getting n = 5 and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can anybody please help me?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
here, the "m" is the shell number you want, and the "n" is the shell it came from, in this case 5.

Edit: No, that's what you did. Um...

When you write out "1/m e2" do you mean "1/m^2"? No...

Your math is difficult to follow. I'm thinking you are making the algebra harder than it needs to be. Your formula is correct and you should get the right results; the problem here is algebra.

Try solving the problem without cramming in all the numbers first.

ARe you required to work out the math for this? Does the fact that this photon is visible provide enough info?
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  • #3
I did mean 1/m e1 = 1/m^2

I guess my algebra is off but I've tried it several times and each time I keep getting 5. Do you have any suggestions?
  • #4
In what you wrote, your second line is all wrong.

Again, work out the algebraic manipulation using the variables, not the numbers, it's less confusing.
  • #5
Aaaaah, I got it now. Thanks Chi!
  • #6
Just wanted to point out, that if a hydrogen emission is visible (with only one red exception) then it is an emission in the "Balmer series," all of which are from transitions to the second shell.

Emissions that are UV, are the "Lyman series" which transition to level 1, and IR emissions are "Paschen series" which transition to level 3. The highest energy paschen emission is barely visible red.

FAQ: What is the lower energy level for a blue emission in the hydrogen spectrum?

1. What is Early Quantum Mechanics?

Early Quantum Mechanics refers to the study of the behavior of matter and energy at a very small scale, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It was developed in the early 20th century by physicists such as Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and Niels Bohr to explain the behavior of these tiny particles.

2. How did Early Quantum Mechanics differ from Classical Mechanics?

Classical Mechanics, developed by Isaac Newton, described the behavior of larger objects such as planets and billiard balls. Early Quantum Mechanics introduced the idea that at the atomic level, particles do not behave in predictable ways and can exist in multiple states simultaneously, known as superposition.

3. What is the Uncertainty Principle?

The Uncertainty Principle, developed by Werner Heisenberg, states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with complete accuracy. The more accurately we measure one, the less accurately we can measure the other. This principle is a fundamental concept in Early Quantum Mechanics.

4. How did Early Quantum Mechanics revolutionize our understanding of the universe?

Early Quantum Mechanics introduced the concept of quantization, which states that energy and matter exist in discrete, quantized units rather than continuous waves. This revolutionized our understanding of the behavior of particles, leading to advancements in technology such as transistors and lasers.

5. What are some key experiments that supported Early Quantum Mechanics?

Some key experiments that supported Early Quantum Mechanics include the photoelectric effect, which showed that light behaves as both a wave and a particle, and the double-slit experiment, which demonstrated the wave-particle duality of matter. Additionally, the discovery of the electron's spin and the Heisenberg microscope experiment provided evidence for the principles of Early Quantum Mechanics.
