What Is the Mass of a Particle in an Electric Field Problem?

In summary, the problem is that two points charges of 30 nC and -40nC are held fixed on an X axis, at the origin and at X=72 cm, respectively. A particle with a charge 42 microC is released from rest at X=28 cm. If the initial acceleration of the particle has a magnitude of 100 Km/s^2, what is the particle's mass?
  • #1
hey guys, i have been trying to work this problem out but for some reason, my answer is different from the books answer on the back.
the problem is as follow:
Two points charges of 30 nC and -40nC are held fixed on an X axis, at the origin and at X=72 cm, respectively. A particle with a charge 42 micro C is released from rest at X=28 cm. if the initial acceleration of the particle has a magnitude of 100 Km/s^2, what is the particle's mass?

the way i was solving it:
let q1=30nC and q2= -40nC q3=42 Mic C X=72 cm
F13 = (8.99*10^9*(30*10^-9)*(42*10^-6))/(28*10^-2)^2= 0.144
F23 = (8.99*10^9*(40*10^-9)*(42*10^-6))/(44*10^-2)^2= 0.078
F12 = (8.99*10^9*(30*10^-9)*(40*10^-9))/(72*10^-2)^2=2.08*10^-5

so Fnet= -F13+F23+F12 and then F=ma so m=F/a.

Am i solving it incorrectly. Please Help. Thanks
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  • #2
Fnet on what? What's the net force acting on the third charge (42 microC)?
  • #3
neutrino said:
Fnet on what? What's the net force acting on the third charge (42 microC)?
I did that too. it's F13 and F23. so Fnet without F12 but it's still wrong.
  • #4
Are you sure you've taken into consideration the nature of the charges?
  • #5
yes. please tell me if you have different idea.
  • #6
rob24 said:
I don't think so. You haven't included the minus sign (-) of the negative charge whlie calculating F23.
  • #7
you are correct but the answer is still incorrect. i had added the - sign later after calculation. so i had - and -
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  • #8
What's you answer? And, btw, did you also convert Kms-2 to ms-2?
  • #9
I kept getting 2.2*10^-6 but in the book he has it as 2.2*10^-5.
of course i had 100km/s^2 as 100000m/s^2
  • #10
Oops, sorry...too late into the night for calculations. I'm getting the same answer as you. May be it's a typo in the book.
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FAQ: What Is the Mass of a Particle in an Electric Field Problem?

What is the definition of mass of a particle?

The mass of a particle is a measure of the amount of matter that makes up the particle.

How is the mass of a particle determined?

The mass of a particle can be determined in a variety of ways, depending on the type of particle. For example, the mass of an atom can be determined using a mass spectrometer, while the mass of a subatomic particle can be calculated using mathematical equations and experimental data.

What is the difference between mass and weight?

Mass and weight are often used interchangeably, but they are actually two different concepts. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while weight is a measure of the force that gravity exerts on an object. Therefore, an object's mass will remain the same no matter where it is located, but its weight may change depending on the strength of gravity.

Can the mass of a particle change?

Yes, the mass of a particle can change in certain circumstances. For example, particles can gain or lose mass through nuclear reactions, where protons and neutrons are added or removed from the nucleus. Additionally, the mass of a particle can also change with its velocity, according to Einstein's theory of relativity.

Why is it important to understand the mass of a particle?

Understanding the mass of a particle is crucial in many areas of science, including chemistry, physics, and biology. It helps scientists understand the properties and behavior of particles, and it is also essential in fields such as medicine and engineering, where small particles play a crucial role in various processes and technologies.
