What Is the Mathematical Derivation of Brewster's Angle?

In summary, the conversation discusses the conditions for zero reflectance for a beam of radiation incident on a transparent material at the Brewster angle. This can be derived from the relationship between the electric vectors of the reflected and incident beams, using trigonometric identities such as the double angle formulas. The equation for zero reflectance can be solved for n, resulting in two possible solutions: n=±1 or n=±tan(θ). The equations for the electric vector amplitudes come from the Fresnel equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A beam of radiation, whose electric vector is in the plane of incidence, is incident at an angle [tex]\theta[/tex] from air onto a transparent material of refractive index, n. Given the relationship between the electric vectors of the reflected (E'') and incident (E) beams derive the condition for zero reflectance for this polarization (the Brewster angle)

Homework Equations

[tex]\frac{E''}{E}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{n^2cos(\theta)-\sqrt{n^2-sin^2({\theta})}}{n^2cos(\theta)+\sqrt{n^2-sin^2({\theta})}}[/tex]

[tex]tan(\theta)=n[/tex] (condition for zero reflectance)

The Attempt at a Solution

So, basically, I think I just need to manipulate the first formula until I arrive at the expression for Brewster's angle. Since E'' is the reflect beam, it must equal 0. So I can set [tex]n^2cos(\theta)[/tex] equal to [tex]\sqrt{n^2-sin^2({\theta})}[/tex]. When I try to solve from there I run into problems. If I square the entire expression then I have a quadratic which I can solve for [tex]n^2[/tex].

[tex]n^4cos^2(\theta) - n^2 + sin^2(\theta) = 0[/tex]

solve using quadratic formula with [tex]a = cos^2(\theta), b=-1, c=sin^2(\theta)[/tex]

This seems like it would be along the right lines since I would ideally end up with [tex]sin^2(\theta)[/tex] divided by [tex]cos^2(\theta)[/tex], which I would take the square root of to find n. The problem there is that it I end up with an expression:

[tex]n^2 = \frac{1 +/- \sqrt{1-4cos^2(\theta)sin^2(\theta)}}{2cos^2(\theta)}[/tex]

But I have no idea what to replace [tex]4cos^2(\theta)sin^2(\theta)[/tex] for... I assume it is some sort of trigonometric expression? But I have no idea where to start. I think that in general it's pretty obvious that E'' must equal zero, since that's more or less stated as part of the problem, my weakness is the trig required to do this. Am I along the right path when I try to solve for n as a quadratic? Any hints on how I should approach the expression if I am? Or am I doing this the completely wrong way? I thought I could maybe multiply the top and bottom of the expression by say [tex]n^2cos(\theta)+\sqrt{n^2-sin^2({\theta})}[/tex], just because that looks sort of like something might cancel out conveniently... but it doesn't seem to simplify things at all. Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
Things seem to be on the right track.

It will help you to look up the trig double-angle formulas for [tex]\sin(2\theta)[/tex] and [tex]\cos(2\theta)[/tex], and see if one or both of them can be used in your last expression.
  • #3
The solution

This equation could be solved by replacing [tex]2cos^2(\theta)\sin^2(\theta)[/tex] with [tex]sin2(\theta)[/tex].
You will get an equation which is

[tex]n^2 = \frac{1 \pm \sqrt{1-sin^2{2(\theta)}}}{2cos^2(\theta)}[/tex]

substitute [tex]1 - sin^2{2(\theta)}[/tex] with [tex]cos^2{2(\theta)}[/tex]
and manipulate the formula until you get [tex] \frac{1 \pm ({2cos^2\theta-1})}{2cos^2\theta}[/tex]

continue your work and you will solve the question with [tex]n^2=1[/tex] , [tex] n=\pm 1[/tex] or [tex]n^2=tan^2\theta[/tex] , [tex]n = \pm tan\theta[/tex]
  • #4
Where did the equations for the amplitude of the electric vectors come from? (the numerator and denominator of first post)?

Figured it out they, come from the fresnel equations.

Cipher made an error it should be 2cos(theta)sin(theta) = sin(2theta)
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  • #5

Hello, it seems like you are on the right track with your approach to solving for Brewster's angle. However, there are a few things that need to be corrected in your derivation.

Firstly, when setting n^2cos(\theta) equal to \sqrt{n^2-sin^2({\theta})}, you should actually have n^2cos(\theta) equal to -\sqrt{n^2-sin^2({\theta})}. This is because the reflected beam is 180 degrees out of phase with the incident beam, so the sign of the reflected beam's electric vector is opposite to that of the incident beam's electric vector.

Secondly, when solving for n^2, you should not be using the quadratic formula. Instead, you can simply rearrange the equation to isolate n^2 and then take the square root of both sides. This will give you the expression for n in terms of \theta.

Finally, once you have the expression for n, you can substitute it back into the condition for zero reflectance (tan(\theta)=n) to solve for the Brewster angle.

I hope this helps and good luck with your derivation!

Related to What Is the Mathematical Derivation of Brewster's Angle?

1. What is Brewster's angle derivation?

Brewster's angle derivation is a mathematical explanation for the phenomenon known as Brewster's angle. This angle describes the angle at which light is polarized when it reflects off a medium, such as a glass or water surface.

2. How is Brewster's angle derived?

Brewster's angle is derived using the laws of reflection and refraction. By applying these laws to the interface between two media with different refractive indices, we can determine the angle at which light is polarized.

3. What is the significance of Brewster's angle?

The significance of Brewster's angle lies in its relationship to the polarization of light. This angle allows us to control the polarization of light by adjusting the angle of incidence on a surface, which has important applications in optics and telecommunications.

4. Can Brewster's angle be observed in everyday life?

Yes, Brewster's angle can be observed in everyday life. It is the reason why polarized sunglasses reduce glare from reflections off of water or other surfaces, and it is also utilized in LCD screens to control the direction of light.

5. Are there any limitations to Brewster's angle derivation?

While Brewster's angle derivation is a useful tool for understanding polarization, it does have some limitations. It assumes that light is a wave, and does not take into account the particle nature of light. It also only applies to light reflecting off of non-magnetic materials.

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