What Is the Maximum Acceleration a Cross-Country Skier Can Achieve Uphill?

In summary, a cross-country skier going up a slope at a 5º angle to the horizontal can obtain a maximum acceleration of 1.4m/s^2. This was calculated using the equation Fnet=ma and taking into account the static and kinetic friction coefficients of μs = 0.12 and μk = 0.07 respectively. The weight component (gravity force) was also factored into the calculation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

cross-country skier is going up a slope at angle 5º to the horizontal. She is skating so only her skis provide the propulsion (i.e. she does not push with her ski poles). The static and kinetic friction coefficients for this situation are μs = 0.12, μk = 0.07 respectively.

what is the maximum accelleration she can obtain?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

so far i have got to (0.17-0.02)*9.8 *cos85=a

which equates to 1.4m/s^2 is this correct?

I got it by dividing the 9.8*cos85 and the mass (which canceled out).

Juswanted to know if its right as i don't have the answer and been working on it for a while.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What about her weight component (the gravity force)?

FAQ: What Is the Maximum Acceleration a Cross-Country Skier Can Achieve Uphill?

1. What is maximum acceleration up hill?

Maximum acceleration up hill refers to the maximum rate at which an object can increase its velocity while moving uphill.

2. How is maximum acceleration up hill calculated?

Maximum acceleration up hill is calculated by dividing the maximum force that can be applied to an object moving uphill by its mass.

3. What factors affect maximum acceleration up hill?

The factors that affect maximum acceleration up hill include the incline of the hill, the mass of the object, and the force applied to the object.

4. How does maximum acceleration up hill differ from maximum acceleration on a flat surface?

Maximum acceleration up hill is typically lower than maximum acceleration on a flat surface due to the additional force required to overcome the incline.

5. Why is maximum acceleration up hill important?

Maximum acceleration up hill is important because it determines the maximum speed that an object can reach while moving uphill, which is crucial for various applications such as transportation and sports.

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