What is the maximum angle for a ladder to lean against a wall without slipping?

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In summary, the problem involves a ladder with a length of 1m and a mass of 4 kg leaning against a wall at an angle alpha. The coefficients of static friction between the floor and the wall are .3 and the goal is to calculate the maximum alpha for no slippage. To solve this, the forces in the X and Y directions must be summed and the moment of all forces about a point must be equated to zero. This will involve the angle alpha and the perpendicular distance.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A ladder or bar of length 1m with mass of 4 kg (39.2N), is leaning against a wall with angle alpha (this is the angle between the bar and the wall) and has coefficients of static friction of .3 between the floor and the wall. solve for maximum alpha for no slippage.

Homework Equations

sum forces X,Y force friction = mu(Fn)

The Attempt at a Solution

I summed forces in the X and in the Y and came up with a few relationships, but non of them actually relate to the angle, Which of course is where i am getting stuck.

I set the point where wall meets bar as point B and floor meets bar as point A. Then said there is a Fb +y Nb +x Fa -x Na +y and W-y(at the centroid)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If you have actually done the summing of horz and vert forces correctly, then take moment about all the forces about a point, say A, and equate to zero. That'll immdtly involve the angle alpha.
  • #3
Solved. i did exactly that. i was just confused a little i guess when summing the moments. And figured out that the perpendicular distance related to the angle alpha.

FAQ: What is the maximum angle for a ladder to lean against a wall without slipping?

What is a ladder friction problem?

A ladder friction problem is a physics problem that involves determining the forces and torque acting on a ladder when it is leaning against a wall or other surface.

What are the key factors that affect ladder friction?

The key factors that affect ladder friction are the coefficient of friction between the ladder and the surface it is leaning against, the weight of the ladder, and the angle at which the ladder is leaning.

How do you calculate the friction force in a ladder friction problem?

The friction force in a ladder friction problem can be calculated by multiplying the coefficient of friction by the normal force, which is the weight of the ladder multiplied by the cosine of the angle at which it is leaning.

What is the maximum angle at which a ladder can lean without slipping?

The maximum angle at which a ladder can lean without slipping is when the friction force is equal to the force of gravity acting on the ladder. This can be calculated by setting the friction force equal to the weight of the ladder multiplied by the sine of the angle.

Can ladder friction be reduced?

Yes, ladder friction can be reduced by decreasing the coefficient of friction between the ladder and the surface it is leaning against, or by increasing the normal force acting on the ladder by adding weight or adjusting the angle at which it is leaning.

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