What is the maximum energy density of EM radiation and its effects?

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential limitations on EM radiation energy density and the physical effects of high radiation pressure. It is mentioned that apart from the formation of black holes, there is no known limit on photon density, but at high energy densities, electrons and positrons may be produced. The physical effects of high radiation pressure are also discussed, including the vaporization of any container and the potential for momentum transfer. The group also mentions the record intensity of 2*1022W/cm2 and its corresponding pressure of 6.7*1017 Pa, which is greater than the pressure in the core of the sun. However, this pressure only lasts for a short period of time.
  • #1
Hi yall, I have a few questions in regards to EM radiation and photon density, or energy density; not sure what exactly the correct term would be here.

(1) Anyway, first off, excluding the possibility that a black hole would form, is there anything that would limit EM radiation energy density to a certain amount? Because as far as I know, the Pauli Exclusion Principle doesn't apply to photons. I would think a black hole would eventually form(?) but besides that, is there anything that puts an upper limit on how many photons you can cram into a "box" so to speak? Or should I say is there a limit to energy density assuming the energy is only EM radiation?

Take for instance a laser with a 1 meter aperture/diameter beam, would there ever come a point where you could not possibly increase the energy of the beam due to physical effects? Ignoring engineering difficulties and black holes of course..

(2) Also, what are the physical effects of very high radiation pressure? Like for example you have a box at which inside is full of EM radiation at Planck energy density, would it "feel" like air pressure, trying to burst apart? Or would the photons be fully "content" to stay at this density? Obviously "feel" and "content" do not apply to non-living things but that's the best wording I could think of.

Thanks so much.
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  • #2
Apart from the possible formation of black holes, there is no known limit on the photon density - if the energy density gets too high, you start producing electrons and positrons (or even heavier particles), but that should be fine.

Also, what are the physical effects of very high radiation pressure?
It would vaporize any container, with a shockwave expanding at nearly the speed of light.
  • #3

Okay it would vaporize the container, let put me put the question this way. If you were somehow put on the surface of a planet with no atmosphere, or heck just in the vacuum of space period, and you were very near to a nuclear fusion explosion, or really any source of a huge amount of EM radiation being released all at once. Remember, this is in a vacuum, aside from the fact that you would vaporize very quickly, would you feel any type of force pushing on you? Obviously photons have a very small amount of momentum, but magnified to a huge extreme, would it feel similar to a air pressure wave? Ignoring being vaporized for a second, would there be any momentum transfer to speak of?

Thanks and sorry for the dumb questions.

And I've heard of the laser propulsion drive concepts but IIRC they use the vaporization of the surface of the pusher plate/propellant to get the thrust. I am strictly asking about a photons ability to transfer momentum at very high energies/density. Just wondering, even though its meaningless when confronted with the fact that vaporization will occur long before any momentum transfer.
  • #4
The light would have a significant pressure, sure. The evaporating material expands outwards (and not inwards) as a result.
Pressure is just intensity divided by c. I found 2*1022W/cm2 as record intensity http://www.laserfocusworld.com/articles/print/volume-44/issue-4/world-news/ultrafast-lasers-michigan-group-achieves-laser-intensity-record.html , this corresponds to a pressure of 6.7*1017 Pa - more than in the core of our sun. This pressure lasts for an extremely short time, however.
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FAQ: What is the maximum energy density of EM radiation and its effects?

1. What is theoretical photon density?

Theoretical photon density is a concept in physics that refers to the maximum number of photons per unit volume that can exist in a given space. It is often used to describe the density of photons in a vacuum.

2. How is theoretical photon density calculated?

Theoretical photon density can be calculated using the formula: n = (2π/L)^3, where n is the photon density, π is the mathematical constant pi, and L is the length of the container in which the photons are contained.

3. What is the significance of theoretical photon density?

Theoretical photon density is significant because it helps us understand the properties of light and its behavior in different environments. It is also important in the study of quantum mechanics and the behavior of particles at the subatomic level.

4. How does theoretical photon density relate to the speed of light?

Theoretical photon density is directly related to the speed of light, as the speed of light is determined by the number of photons per unit volume in a given space. The higher the photon density, the faster the speed of light will be.

5. Can theoretical photon density be measured?

Theoretical photon density is a theoretical concept and cannot be directly measured. However, it can be estimated using advanced mathematical models and calculations based on experimental data.
