What is the Maximum Possible Length of a Radio Wave?

In summary, The conversation discusses the concept of the highest possible wavelength for an electromagnetic (EM) wave. The participants question whether this refers to the length of the visible universe or the entire universe. They also bring up the concept of a "standing wave" and the theoretical energy of the vacuum. The conversation then delves into the topic of quantum physics and the limitations of our current understanding, particularly in relation to gravity. Finally, the conversation explores the relevance of this concept and its physical possibilities in the universe.
  • #1
The Guru Kid
I was researching about the highest possible EM wavelength and came across "the length of the universe" concept.

Is it just the length of the visible universe? or the universe possible?

Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think it maybe stating the known universe a.k.a the observable universe. :/
  • #3
Photon Phantom...

Longest photon wavelength?

Hubble photon wavelength:
[tex]r_u = \lambda_{\gamma}[/tex]
[tex]\lambda_{\gamma} = \frac{c}{H_o}[/tex]

[tex]H_o[/tex] - Hubble Constant

What is the 'wavelength' of this photon?
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  • #4
Check out this thread.
  • #5
The highest possible wavelength is a standing wave (WRT to your frame of reference). It would be indistinguishable from the your local backgound, and therefor not measurable by you, regardless of how much energy the wave might contain.

Interestingly, quantum physics says that the energy of the vacuum is 120 OOM larger than we can measure. Sometimes, a UV cutoff is proposed to cut this discrepancy back by about 60 OOM (yeah!). I find it curious that these same folks do not propose an IR (actually much lower frequency!) cutoff where huge energies might be expressed at wavelengths too long for us to detect.
  • #6
Turbo, as you know, there is a theoretical IR cutoff, but not very firm. We run up against these kind of walls all the time - largely, IMO, because we have no viable quantum theory of gravity. Personally, I think both theories are incomplete. I hasten to add, however, I believe both theories are correct within their own domain [my inner crackpot is showing].
  • #7
so the lowest EM wavelength would be an open 1d string vibrating as a photon at Planck level ?
  • #8
No. Empirical tests deny the 1d result at around 4 sigma levels.
  • #9
I thought it would be lower than that !
  • #10

A photon is a 4 dimensional entity, (3 space + 1 time) therefore no photon can exist below D = 4.

Marcus said:
the radius of the observable universe is about 3 times the Hubble length. (the current distance to galaxies and stuff with we are now getting light from goes out to 40 some billion LY or roughly 3 times)

'observable' Hubble Photon wavelength:
[tex]r_u = \lambda_{\gamma}[/tex]
[tex]\lambda_{\gamma} = \frac{3 c}{H_o}[/tex]

What is the 'wavelength' of this photon?

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  • #11
Huh? That makes no sense at all... unless you are trying to prove 2 = 3.
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  • #13
I'm a bit confused about the relevance here. Why are you talking about this in terms of the longest photon wavelength?
  • #14
Agreed, ST. I fail to see the relevance, which is the basis of my objection.
  • #15
One could approach the OP's question as some kind of 'what if?' thought exploration; most posts in the thread are of this kind.

Or one could approach this in terms of physical possibilities, within what we know of physics, the universe, etc.

Or one could simply go outside and count the horse's teeth :smile:

On the second approach. Leave aside how the longest wavelength EM (radio?) might be created, could they 'exist', in any meaningful sense? For starters, the propogation of long wavelength (low frequency) radio is limited by the plasma frequency, which is proportional to the square root of the electron density. So, the universe seems to set a low frequency bound on radio waves which can propogate, to the lowest density plasma. And where are these plasmas? What are their densities?

Is there an 'out'? Are the large regions of space which are NOT plasmas (or, more precisely, do not contain free electrons)?

FAQ: What is the Maximum Possible Length of a Radio Wave?

1. What is the length of the universe?

The length of the universe is a difficult concept to define as it is constantly expanding. However, scientists estimate that the observable universe has a diameter of about 93 billion light-years.

2. How do scientists measure the length of the universe?

Scientists use various methods to measure the length of the universe, such as cosmic microwave background radiation, redshift of galaxies, and the expansion rate of the universe. These methods allow them to calculate the distance between objects in the universe and determine its overall size.

3. Is the universe infinite in length?

Currently, there is no evidence to suggest that the universe is infinite in length. The observable universe has a finite size, but it is possible that there are other parts of the universe that we cannot observe that may extend beyond our current understanding of the universe's size.

4. Has the length of the universe always been the same?

No, the length of the universe has not always been the same. The expansion of the universe has been accelerating since the Big Bang, causing it to continuously grow in size. This expansion is also expected to continue in the future.

5. How does the length of the universe compare to the size of our solar system?

The solar system is incredibly small compared to the length of the universe. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is approximately 93 million miles, while the observable universe has a diameter of 93 billion light-years. This means that the solar system is just a tiny speck in the vastness of the universe.

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