What is the maximum value of ac in the given equations?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter anemone
  • Start date
In summary, the maximum value of ac in an equation represents the highest possible value of the product of the coefficients a and c. It can be calculated by taking the absolute value of the product of the coefficients or by graphing the equation. A higher maximum value of ac indicates a stronger relationship between the variables and a steeper curve on the graph. It cannot be negative and affects the location and shape of the curve and the position of the x-intercepts.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Consider the following equations:




where $a,\,b,\,c,\,d \in R$

Find the maximum value of $ac$.

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  • #2
Congratulations to the following members for their correct solutions:

1. laura123
2. lfdahl
3. kaliprasad

Solution from laura123:
Let us consider the points $A(a,b)$ and $B(c,d)$.
Since $a^2+b^2=16$ and $c^2+d^2=25$ it follows that $A$ belongs to a circle with centre $(0,0)$ and radius 4 and $B$ belongs to a circle with centre $O(0,0)$ and radius 5 , as shown in the following figure:

$ad-bc=\overline{OA}\cdot\overline{OB}\cdot\sin\theta=4\cdot 5\cdot\sin\theta=20\sin\theta$.
Since $ad-bc=20$ we have $20\sin\theta=20$ i.e. $\theta=\dfrac{\pi}{2}$.
Let $\alpha$ be the angle that $OA$ makes with the x-axis ($0\leq \alpha<2\pi$) as shown in the following figure:

$ac=\overline{OA}\cos\alpha\cdot\overline{OB}\cos\left(\alpha+\dfrac{\pi}{2}\right)=4\cos\alpha\cdot 5\cos\left(\alpha+\dfrac{\pi}{2}\right)=$
$=20\cos\alpha\cos\left(\alpha+\dfrac{\pi}{2}\right)=-20\cos\alpha\sin\alpha=-10\sin 2\alpha$

Therefore, the maximum value of $ac$ is $10$.

Solution from lfdahl:
Define the two dimensional real valued vectors: $\boldsymbol{v_1}= \begin{pmatrix} a\\b\end{pmatrix}$ and $\boldsymbol{v_2}= \begin{pmatrix}c\\d\end{pmatrix}$.

Then the given equations can be expressed as:

$\left \| \boldsymbol{v_1} \right \|^2 =v_1^2= 16$ and $\left \| \boldsymbol{v_2} \right \|^2 =v_2^2= 25$ and $det(\boldsymbol{v_1},\boldsymbol{v_2})=20$.

The last equation expresses the area of the parallelogram spanned by $\boldsymbol{v_1} $ and $\boldsymbol{v_2} $.

With $v_1=4$ and $v_2=5$ this is only possible, if \[\boldsymbol{v_1} \perp \boldsymbol{v_2}\]
- for all possible choices of orthogonal vectors $\boldsymbol{v_1} $ and $\boldsymbol{v_2} $ in the Cartesian plane.

If we let
\[\boldsymbol{v_1}=v_1\begin{pmatrix} cos\alpha \\ sin\alpha \end{pmatrix}, \: \: \: \boldsymbol{v_2}=v_2\begin{pmatrix} -sin\alpha \\ cos\alpha \end{pmatrix},\: \: \: \: 0\leq \alpha < 2\pi\]
\[max\left \{ ac \right \}=max\left \{ -v_1v_2cos\alpha sin\alpha \right \}=-\frac{v_1v_2}{2}min\left \{ sin2\alpha \right \}=\frac{v_1v_2}{2}=10.\]

Solution from kaliprasad:
Without loss of generality we can choose

So we get $ad-bc= 20\sin\, t \cos\, p - 20\sin\, p \cos\, t = 20\sin (t-p) = 20$
or $\sin(t-p) = 1$
so $t= p+ \dfrac{\pi}{2}$
$ac = 20 \ sin \, t \ sin \ p$
= $20 \ sin\, p +\dfrac{\pi}{2} \ sin\, p$
= $-20 \cos \, p \sin\, p$
= $-10 \sin 2p$

Clearly the largest value is 10 and smallest -10.

FAQ: What is the maximum value of ac in the given equations?

1. What is the significance of the maximum value of ac in the given equations?

The maximum value of ac in an equation represents the highest possible value of the product of the coefficients a and c. This value is important because it can help determine the nature of the equation, such as whether it has real or imaginary solutions.

2. How is the maximum value of ac calculated in an equation?

The maximum value of ac in an equation can be calculated by taking the absolute value of the product of the coefficients a and c. This value can also be found by graphing the equation and identifying the highest point on the curve.

3. What does a higher maximum value of ac indicate in an equation?

A higher maximum value of ac indicates that the equation has a steeper slope and a narrower range of x-values where it crosses the x-axis. This means that the equation has a stronger relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

4. Can the maximum value of ac be negative in an equation?

No, the maximum value of ac cannot be negative in an equation. This is because it is calculated by taking the absolute value of the product of the coefficients a and c, which will always result in a positive value.

5. How does the maximum value of ac affect the graph of an equation?

The maximum value of ac affects the graph of an equation by determining the shape and position of the curve. A higher maximum value of ac will result in a steeper curve, while a lower maximum value of ac will result in a flatter curve. It also affects the location of the x-intercepts, as a higher maximum value of ac will shift the intercepts closer to the y-axis.
