What is the Meaning of Entropy Change for a Reservoir?

In summary, entropy is a measure of disorder in a system and is associated with heat, which is energy in transit. When heat flows into or out of a system, the entropy change can be calculated as Q/T, where Q is the amount of heat and T is the temperature. This represents a transfer of order from one system to another, with the system receiving heat becoming more disordered. The entropy change for a reservoir is called such because it measures the decrease in the number of microscopic states available to the reservoir when heat leaves it.
  • #1
hi to everybody out there,
entropy as i know of now is associated with heat which is basically energy in transit(for a rev. process it is indicative of unavailable part of energy) having said that what is meant by entropy change for a system as heat flows into or out of it(for instance consider a thermal reservoir if Q heat leaves the reservoir at constant temp T the change in entropy for the reservoir is Q/T what is the meaning of this in terms of heat that has left the reservoir and why is it called the entropy change for "reservoir".
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  • #2
Entropy itself is usually interpreted as a measure of disorder in the system. Taking into account the fact that giving heat to the system means increasing its particles' kinetic energies which makes them jiggle more, you can think of an entropy transfer as an increase of order in one system at the cost of a decrease in order in another system.
  • #3
Also note that if heat leaves a reservoir, the entropy of the reservoir decreases. Q < 0, and Q/T < 0. Entropy measures the number of microscopic states available for a system in a logarithmic scale (sort of) (consistent with its macroscopic description: Temperature, pressure, etc). When heat leaves a reservoir, the number of microscopic states available to the reservoir decreases.
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FAQ: What is the Meaning of Entropy Change for a Reservoir?

What is entropy?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. It is a thermodynamic quantity that is related to the number of possible arrangements of a system's particles or energy.

How is entropy related to heat transfer?

Entropy is directly related to heat transfer. When heat is transferred from a hot object to a cold object, the overall entropy of the system increases. This is because heat transfer increases the disorder of the system.

Does heat always flow from hot to cold?

Yes, according to the second law of thermodynamics, heat will always flow from a hotter object to a colder object. This is because heat transfer increases the overall entropy of the system, and nature tends towards increasing entropy.

How can entropy be decreased?

Entropy can be decreased by adding energy or work to a system. This can be achieved through processes such as compression, freezing, or phase changes. However, the overall entropy of the universe will still increase due to the dissipative nature of energy transfer.

What is the difference between entropy and enthalpy?

Entropy and enthalpy are both thermodynamic quantities, but they measure different aspects of a system. Entropy measures the disorder or randomness of a system, while enthalpy measures the total energy of a system. Enthalpy takes into account both the internal energy of a system and the work done on or by the system.
