What is the meaning of 'kappa' in Parcs cross-section input files?

In summary, the Parcs Cross-Section format is a standardized method for representing data and information related to the physical and ecological characteristics of national parks. It is used to collect, organize, and analyze data and is constantly being updated and improved upon by experts in the field. Its benefits include standardized data collection and analysis, identifying patterns and trends, and aiding in management and conservation efforts. The Parcs Cross-Section format is widely used by scientists, researchers, and park managers as the standard format for collecting and organizing data related to national parks.
  • #1
For a BWR-transient calculation I'm trying to convert cross-sections I got from PSG2/Serpent simulations in Parcs [CrossSection] Input files.

My Question:
Parcs makes use of
SNF Nu-fission cross section​
SKF Kappa-fission cross section​

I assume this means Nu (as in neutrons/fission-event times fission cross section) but I'm not familiar with kappa in this context. Anyone have an idea what it denotes?

Any and all documentation or insights about parcs cross-section input files would be more than welcome.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is a definition of kappa-fission in this thesis.

Just search on kappa (see page 27/127 of the pdf, or page 17, eq. 4.2d), where kappa is related to the local power density.
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  • #3

From my understanding, kappa in this context refers to the ratio of the kappa-fission cross section to the nu-fission cross section. It is used to calculate the fission yield for each isotope in the reactor. I'm not too familiar with Parcs cross-section input files, but I found a document online that might be helpful for you. It's called "PARCS Cross Section Input File Format and Examples" and it's available on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's website. I hope this helps!

FAQ: What is the meaning of 'kappa' in Parcs cross-section input files?

1. What is the Parcs Cross-Section format?

The Parcs Cross-Section format is a standardized method for representing data and information related to the physical and ecological characteristics of national parks. It includes data such as topography, vegetation, and wildlife distribution.

2. How is the Parcs Cross-Section format used?

The Parcs Cross-Section format is used to collect, organize, and analyze data related to national parks. It allows scientists to easily compare and contrast different parks, as well as track changes over time.

3. Who developed the Parcs Cross-Section format?

The Parcs Cross-Section format was developed by a team of scientists and researchers from the National Park Service and other organizations. It is constantly being updated and improved upon by experts in the field.

4. What are the benefits of using the Parcs Cross-Section format?

The Parcs Cross-Section format allows for standardized data collection and analysis, making it easier to compare and contrast parks. It also helps identify patterns and trends in park data, leading to better management and conservation efforts.

5. Is the Parcs Cross-Section format widely used?

Yes, the Parcs Cross-Section format is widely used by scientists, researchers, and park managers. It is the standard format for collecting and organizing data related to national parks, and is recognized and utilized by various organizations and agencies.
