What is the Meaning of <n> in Bose-Einstein Statistics?

In summary, the expression you have written calculates the probability of finding a particular state of a system with a particular energy.
  • #1
Hello all,
we have the B-E function
<n>=1/(exp(x)-1), where x is hv/kT.
What is <n> actually? because i ready everywhere that it is average no. of phonons! but it also probability..?
Please explain clearly all terms involved in the above relation..
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  • #2
What you have written isn't anything "physical" as such.
It is just a factor (a distribution function) that appears when dealing with systems that obey BE statistics.

Do you know what a Boltzmann distribution is?
  • #3
so <n> is a probability of what?
  • #4
<n> would be the expectation value of n, which typically would be a number of something.
  • #5
So <n> is the expectation value of n. And n is the no. of phonons that occupy a certain state (here it is hv). Also hv is energy of that certain occupied phonon??
  • #6
Note what I wrote above: The expression you've written above is a distribution.
(another well-known example of a distribution would e.g be a Gaussian ("Bell-curve")).
Now, distributions can be USED to calculate the probabilities/expectation values but they ARE not probabilities themselves. It is important to understand the difference.
Consider this: If you put numbers into the expression above you will just get a result (lets say 0.23) which in itself does not mean anything (0.23 phonons in which volume?)
Note that what I am writing here about distributions has nothing as such to do with with physics; it is basic statistics.

If you look closely at the expression you've written above you should notice that it is not normalized in any way. The reason why this is important is because in order to answer a question like "how many phonons are there in a particular state" where you need an actual number on phonons you ALSO have to know how many phonons there are in ANY state in your sample (or whatever volume you are considering).
However, in most cases we are usually more interested in the probability to find a phonon in a given state but even in order to answer that question you first have to normalize your expression. To do this we use the fact that we know that the probability to find a phonon in SOME state with SOME energy is equal to 1 (because the phonon has to be somewhere in the system). Hence, in order to find the normalization constant you can integrate the expression over ALL possible energies and set the result to one. Once you have done that you can use another integral+said constant to get the probability to find a phonon in a particular energy interval.

If this is confusing (and I am sure it is) you would be better off starting with something simpler. Take a two-level system (i.e a system which can only be in one of two possible states) which obeys some statistics (if you want to start with something simple a Boltzmann distribution) and where the two levels are separated by some energy deltaE. Calculate the probability of finding the system in the upper state at a given temperature T.

Your question and most similar question are just slightly more complicated (because you need solve more tricky integrals) variations of this problem; so if you understand this the rest should be easy.

btw, in a system with a continuum of states the probability to find a phonon with an energy of exactly hv is always zero. For the same reason that the probability of finding a golf ball exactly 4.21 cm from the hole is zero:
When dealing with non-discrete systems (like energy, distance etc) we must always consider INTERVALLS (the probability of finding the ball in the intervall 4.21+-0.05 cm is non-zero).
This is why you need to use integrals in the case of the phonon distribution (whereas in the example with the two-level system -which is discrete- you can just use sums).
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  • #7
hi, thanks...now i could understand...[still a little confusion remains..but will solve it]
thanks for your time.
  • #8
one final question..
so <n> is just a probability that a single particle will have energy hv? [i guess correct!].
Now i notice in some books..that they substitute the n in E=hv(1/2+n) by <n>..
  • #9
<n> is the thermal expectation value of the operator n. So that substitution gives the thermally averaged value for the energy.
  • #10
Hi Kanato,
so after substituting <n> we get thermally averaged value for energy. then how to call the energy E = hv(n+1/2)?
thanks again

Related to What is the Meaning of <n> in Bose-Einstein Statistics?

What is confusion in Bose statistics?

Confusion in Bose statistics refers to the difficulty in understanding the concept of particles with integer spin, also known as bosons. This confusion arises because bosons do not follow the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two particles can occupy the same quantum state simultaneously.

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The main difference between Bose statistics and Fermi statistics is that bosons can occupy the same quantum state simultaneously, while fermions cannot. This difference leads to different behaviors in the statistics, such as the Bose-Einstein condensation in bosons and the Fermi-Dirac statistics in fermions.

What is the significance of confusion in Bose statistics?

Confusion in Bose statistics is significant because it challenges our understanding of the behavior of particles at the quantum level. It also has important implications in various fields such as quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and condensed matter physics.

Why is it important to understand confusion in Bose statistics?

Understanding confusion in Bose statistics is important because it allows us to accurately describe the behavior of particles with integer spin and make predictions about their properties. It also helps us to better understand the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and its applications.

How can confusion in Bose statistics be resolved?

Confusion in Bose statistics can be resolved by studying the mathematical formalism of bosons and their interactions. This includes understanding the Bose-Einstein statistics and the Bose-Einstein condensation phenomenon. Additionally, experimental studies and technological advancements also play a crucial role in resolving the confusion in Bose statistics.

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