What is the Meaning of Operation gx in Group Theory?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter mathmari
  • Start date
In summary: I'm not sure what the name of the result is, could you please tell me? :)In summary, the conversation discusses the definitions of two maps on a group $G$, $\lambda_g$ and $\gamma_g$, and proves various properties and relationships between them. It is shown that $\lambda_g$ and $\gamma_g$ are permutations, and that $\lambda$ and $\gamma$ are group monomorphism and homomorphism, respectively. The conversation also touches upon the kernel of $\gamma$, which is defined as the set of elements in $G$ that map to the identity element in $\operatorname{Sym}(G)$ under $\gamma$.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! 😊

Let $G$ be a group and let $g\in G$. We define: \begin{align*}&\lambda_g:G\rightarrow G, \ x\mapsto gx \\ &\gamma_g:G\rightarrow G, \ x\mapsto gxg^{-1}\end{align*}

Show for all $g,h\in G$:
  1. $\lambda_{1_G}=\text{id}_G$ and $\lambda_{gh}=\lambda_g\circ \lambda_h$
  2. $\lambda_g$ is a permutation and it holds that $\lambda_g^{-1}=\lambda_{g^{-1}}$
  3. The map $\lambda:G\rightarrow \text{Sym}(G), \ g\mapsto \lambda_g$ is a group monomorphism
  4. $\gamma_{1_G}=\text{id}_G$ and $\gamma_{gh}=\gamma_g\circ \gamma_h$
  5. $\gamma_g\in \text{Sym}(G)$ and it holds that $\gamma_g^{-1}=\gamma_{g^{-1}}$
  6. For all $x\in G$ it holds that $\gamma_x(gh)=\gamma_x(g)\gamma_x(h)$
  7. The map $\gamma:G\rightarrow \text{Sym}(G), \ g\mapsto \gamma_g$ is a group homomorphism
  8. Determine $\ker (\gamma)$
First of all, to understand the operation... At the map $\lambda_g:G\rightarrow G, \ x\mapsto gx$ the $gx$ is a multiplication of functions or is it a composition or is it like $g(x)$ ?
Because at the first question we have $g=1_G$. Then we have for some $x\in G$ that $\lambda_{1_G}(x)=1_Gx$. What operation is this?

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  • #2
"g" is a given member of G. "x" is an arbitrary member of G. "gx" is whatever the operation is defined to be in the group G. If G were "the integers with multiplication modulo 3" then the members of G can be thought of as the equivalence classes [0]= {0, 3, 6, ...}, [1]= {1, 4, 7, …}, and [2]= {2, 5, 8, …}. With g= [2], gx would be given by g0= {0, 6, 12,...}= [0], g[1]= {2, 8, 14, ...}= [2], and g[2]= {4, 10, 16,..}= [1].
  • #3
Ok! But I still don't understand then $\lambda_{1_G}(x)=1_Gx$. We have that $1_G(y)=\begin{cases}1 & \text{ if } y\in G \\ 0 & \text{ if } y\notin G\end{cases}$. In this case we have just $1_Gx$. Which element do we check if it is in $G$, like at the definition the element $y$ ? Or do we say that in $G$ it holds that $1_G=1$ and so $1_Gx=x$ in $G$ ? :unsure:
  • #4
mathmari said:
Ok! But I still don't understand then $\lambda_{1_G}(x)=1_Gx$. We have that $1_G(y)=\begin{cases}1 & \text{ if } y\in G \\ 0 & \text{ if } y\notin G\end{cases}$. In this case we have just $1_Gx$. Which element do we check if it is in $G$, like at the definition the element $y$ ? Or do we say that in $G$ it holds that $1_G=1$ and so $1_Gx=x$ in $G$ ?
Hey mathmari!

$1_G$ is not the indicator function. Instead it is the identity element with respect to the operation that is defined in the group G. (Thinking)
That operation is not (necessarily) function composition or function multiplication - it is 'just' the abstract operation as it is defined.
  • #5
Ahhh! I was confused because I considered it to be the indicator function and so I got stuck! Thanks for clarifying!

Therefore for question 1 we have the following:
Let $x\in G$. Then we have that $\lambda_{1_G}(x)=1_Gx=x=\text{id}_G(x)$ and since $x$ is arbitrary we get that $\lambda_{1_G}=\text{id}_G$.
We also have that $\lambda_{gh}(x)=ghx$. Considering the right side of the desired equation we have that $(\lambda_g\circ\lambda_h)(x)=\lambda_g\left (\lambda_h(x)\right )=\lambda_g\left (hx\right )=ghx$. So both sides are equal and so the equality $\lambda_{gh}=\lambda_g\circ\lambda_h$ follows.

Is everything correct? :unsure: For question 2:
To show that $\lambda_g$ is a permutation we have to show that the map is bijective, right? :unsure: For question 3:
We have that $\lambda (gh)=\lambda_{gh}\ \overset{\text{ Question 1}}{=} \ \lambda_g\circ\lambda_h=\lambda(g)\circ \lambda(h)$ which means that $\lambda$ is a group homomorphism.
Now it is left to show that the map is injective. We have that $\lambda (g)=\lambda (h) \Rightarrow \lambda_g=\lambda_h$. Then for $x\in G$ we have that $\lambda_g(x)=\lambda_h(x) \Rightarrow gx=hx\Rightarrow gxx^{-1}=hxx^{-1} \Rightarrow g=h$ which means that $\lambda$ is injective and so it is a group monomorphism.
Is everything correct? :unsure: For question 4:
Let $x\in G$. Then we have that $\gamma_{1_G}(x)=1_Gx1_G^{-1}=x=\text{id}_G(x)$ and since $x$ is arbitrary we get that $\gamma_{1_G}=\text{id}_G$.

We also have that $\gamma_{gh}(x)=(gh)x(gh)^{-1}=ghxh^{-1}g^{-1}$. Considering the right side of the desired equation we have that $(\gamma_g\circ\gamma_h)(x)=\gamma_g\left (\gamma_h(x)\right )=\gamma_g\left (hxh^{-1}\right )=ghxh^{-1}g^{-1}$. So both sides are equal and so the equality $\gamma_{gh}=\gamma_g\circ\gamma_h$ follows.

Is everything correct? :unsure:For question 5:
To show that $\gamma_g$ is a permutation we have to show that the map is bijective, right? :unsure: For question 6:
We have that $\gamma_x(gh)=xghx^{-1}=xgx^{-1}xhx^{-1}=\left (xgx^{-1}\right )\left (xhx^{-1}\right )=\gamma_x(g)\gamma_x(h)$.

Is that correct? :unsure: For question 7:
We have that $\gamma (gh)=\gamma_{gh}\ \overset{\text{ Question 4}}{=} \ \gamma_g\circ\gamma_h=\gamma (g)\circ \gamma (h)$ which means that $\gamma$ is a group homomorphism.

Is that correct? :unsure: For question 8:
We have that $$\ker \gamma =\{g\in G\mid \gamma (g)=0\}=\{g\in G\mid \gamma_g=0\}$$ How can we continue? :unsure:
  • #6
mathmari said:
Is everything correct?

All good. (Happy)

mathmari said:
For question 8:
We have that $$\ker \gamma =\{g\in G\mid \gamma (g)=0\}=\{g\in G\mid \gamma_g=0\}$$ How can we continue?

0 is not an element of $\operatorname{Sym}(G)$ is it? (Worried)
And can't we write it out a bit more?
There is actually a name for the result. 🤔
  • #7
Klaas van Aarsen said:
0 is not an element of $\operatorname{Sym}(G)$ is it? (Worried)
And can't we write it out a bit more?
There is actually a name for the result. 🤔

Ahh I should have written $\text{id}_G$ instead of $0$, right? :unsure:
  • #8
mathmari said:
Ahh I should have written $\text{id}_G$ instead of $0$, right?

And what does it mean that $\gamma_g=\operatorname{id}_G$? (Wondering)
  • #9
Klaas van Aarsen said:
And what does it mean that $\gamma_g=\operatorname{id}_G$? (Wondering)

According to question 4, do we get that $g=1_G$ and so $$\ker \gamma =\{g\in G\mid \gamma (g)=\text{id}_G\}=\{g\in G\mid \gamma_g=\text{id}_G\}=\{1_G\}$$ Or do we just know that $1_G$ is contained but we don't know if there are also other elements? :unsure:
  • #10
mathmari said:
According to question 4, do we get that $g=1_G$ and so $$\ker \gamma =\{g\in G\mid \gamma (g)=\text{id}_G\}=\{g\in G\mid \gamma_g=\text{id}_G\}=\{1_G\}$$ Or do we just know that $1_G$ is contained but we don't know if there are also other elements?

I don't get that from question 4. 😒

Don't we get that for any $x\in G$ we must have that $\gamma_g(x)=\operatorname{id}_G(x) \iff gxg^{-1}=x$? 🤔
  • #11
Klaas van Aarsen said:
Don't we get that for any $x\in G$ we must have that $\gamma_g(x)=\operatorname{id}_G(x) \iff gxg^{-1}=x$? 🤔

Ahh yes! So we have that $$\ker \gamma =\{g\in G\mid \gamma (g)=\text{id}_G\}=\{g\in G\mid \gamma_g=\text{id}_G\}=\{g\in G \mid gxg^{-1}=x\}=\{g\in G \mid gx=xg\}$$ Right? Can we simplify that further? :unsure:
  • #12
mathmari said:
Ahh yes! So we have that $$\ker \gamma =\{g\in G\mid \gamma (g)=\text{id}_G\}=\{g\in G\mid \gamma_g=\text{id}_G\}=\{g\in G \mid gxg^{-1}=x\}=\{g\in G \mid gx=xg\}$$ Right? Can we simplify that further?
Isn't $x$ hanging loose without quantification. (Worried)
  • #13
So you mean that we have to add that $x\in G$ ? So the following?
\begin{align*}\ker \gamma &=\{g\in G\mid \gamma (g)=\text{id}_G\}=\{g\in G\mid \gamma_g=\text{id}_G\}=\{g\in G\mid \gamma_g(x)=x \ , \ \forall x\in G\}\\ & =\{g\in G \mid gxg^{-1}=x \ , \ \forall x\in G\}=\{g\in G \mid gx=xg \ , \ \forall x\in G\}\end{align*} :unsure:
  • #14
mathmari said:
So you mean that we have to add that $x\in G$ ? So the following?
\begin{align*}\ker \gamma &=\{g\in G\mid \gamma (g)=\text{id}_G\}=\{g\in G\mid \gamma_g=\text{id}_G\}=\{g\in G\mid \gamma_g(x)=x \ , \ \forall x\in G\}\\ & =\{g\in G \mid gxg^{-1}=x \ , \ \forall x\in G\}=\{g\in G \mid gx=xg \ , \ \forall x\in G\}\end{align*}
And it has a name.
From wiki:
the center of a group G is the set of elements that commute with every element of G. It is denoted Z(G), from German 'Zentrum' meaning center. In set-builder notation,
$$Z(G) = \{z \in G \mid \forall g \in G, zg = gz \}$$
  • #15
Ahh yes!

As for 2:
I have shown that $\lambda_g$ is a permutation. It is left to show that $\lambda_g^{-1}=\lambda_{g^{-1}}$. Do we show that as follows?
$$\left (\lambda_g(x)\right )^{-1}=\left (gx\right )^{-1}=x^{-1}g^{-1}\ \overset{G\text{ group }}{=} \ g^{-1}x^{-1}$$ But how can we continue? Or do we show that in an other way? :unsure:
  • #16
mathmari said:
Ahh yes!

As for 2:
I have shown that $\lambda_g$ is a permutation. It is left to show that $\lambda_g^{-1}=\lambda_{g^{-1}}$. Do we show that as follows?
$$\left (\lambda_g(x)\right )^{-1}=\left (gx\right )^{-1}=x^{-1}g^{-1}\ \overset{G\text{ group }}{=} \ g^{-1}x^{-1}$$ But how can we continue? Or do we show that in an other way?
I think we are mixing the inverse of a function with the multiplicative inverse of the group. o_O

Let $y=\lambda_g(x)$.

Then $\lambda_g^{-1}(y) = x$.
And $\left (\lambda_g(y)\right )^{-1}=(gy)^{-1}$.
And $\lambda_{g^{-1}}(y)=g^{-1}y$.
These are different concepts aren't they? (Worried)

We have to verify that $\lambda_g^{-1}(y)=\lambda_{g^{-1}}(y)$, don't we? 🤔

mathmari said:
$$x^{-1}g^{-1}\ \overset{G\text{ group }}{=} \ g^{-1}x^{-1}$$
I don't think that is generally true. (Worried)
Doesn't the group have to be abelian to be able to swap arguments?
  • #17
Ok! So let $y=\lambda_g(x)\Rightarrow y=gx$.
Then $\lambda_g^{-1}(y) = x$.
We also have that $\lambda_{g^{-1}}(y)=g^{-1}y=g^{-1}gx=x$.

Since these are equal it follows that $\lambda_g^{-1}(y)=\lambda_{g^{-1}}(y)$ and since $y$ is arbitrary we have that .$\lambda_g^{-1}=\lambda_{g^{-1}}$.

Is that correct? :unsure:
  • #18
mathmari said:
Since these are equal it follows that $\lambda_g^{-1}(y)=\lambda_{g^{-1}}(y)$ and since $y$ is arbitrary we have that .$\lambda_g^{-1}=\lambda_{g^{-1}}$.

Is that correct?
Yep. (Nod)
  • #19
As for 5:

To show that $
\gamma_g\in \text{Sym}(G)
$ we have to show that $\gamma_g$ is bijective, or not?Injectivity:

Let $x_1,x_2 \in G$ and let $g \in G$ fixed. Let $\gamma_g(x_1) = \gamma_g(x_2)$ then we have that $gx_1g^{-1}=gx_2g^{-1}$. Since $g \in G$, where $G$ is a group, it follows that $g^{-1} \in G$. So we get $g^{-1}gx_1g^{-1}g=g^{-1}gx_2g^{-1}g\Rightarrow x_1=x_2$.

So $\gamma_g$ is injective.Surjectivity:

Let $y \in G$. Let $x=g^{-1}yg \in G$ then $gxg^{-1}=y \Rightarrow \gamma_g(x) = y$.

So $\gamma_g$ is surjective.Does this mean that $\gamma_g\in \text{Sym}(G)$ ? Is this the set of permutations?For the inverse:

Let $y=\gamma_g(x)\Rightarrow y=gxg^{-1}$. Then $\gamma_g^{-1}(y) = x$. We also have that $\gamma_{g^{-1}}(y)=g^{-1}yg=g^{-1}gxg^{-1}g=x$.

So it follows that $\gamma_g^{-1}(y)=\gamma_{g^{-1}}(y)$ and since $y$ is arbitrary it follows that $\gamma_g^{-1}=\gamma_{g^{-1}}$.Is everything correct?
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  • #20
mathmari said:
Is everything correct?
Yep. All correct. (Nod)

Related to What is the Meaning of Operation gx in Group Theory?

1. What is operation gx in group theory?

Operation gx in group theory is a binary operation that combines two elements in a group to produce a third element. It is written as gx, where g is an element in the group and x is an operation. This operation is used to define the structure and properties of a group.

2. How is operation gx different from other binary operations in group theory?

Operation gx is different from other binary operations in group theory because it is specific to groups. It follows the closure, associativity, identity, and inverse properties, which are unique to groups. Other binary operations may not necessarily have these properties.

3. What is the significance of operation gx in group theory?

Operation gx is significant in group theory because it helps define the structure and properties of a group. It allows for the combination of elements within a group, which is essential in understanding the behavior and relationships of elements in a group.

4. How is operation gx used in real-world applications?

Operation gx is used in many real-world applications, such as cryptography, coding theory, and physics. In cryptography, it is used to encrypt and decrypt messages, while in coding theory, it is used to encode and decode data. In physics, it is used to describe the symmetry and conservation laws of physical systems.

5. Can operation gx be applied to non-mathematical concepts?

Yes, operation gx can be applied to non-mathematical concepts, such as social groups or organizations. In this context, the elements of the group can represent individuals or entities, and the operation gx can represent their interactions or relationships. This allows for the analysis and understanding of complex social dynamics and structures.

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