What is the Meaning of Vectorlike Fermion in Particle Physics?

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In summary, the vector-like fermion is a type of fermion that is supposed to be unaffected by the Higgs field. It is described in the paper as a type of coupling that results from the current that is associated with the gauge field.
  • #1
In many papers about hep theory, I can find the concept, vectorlike fermion.

But, I cannot get the exact meaning of vectorlike fermion.

I would like you guys to explain vectorlike fermion.

Thank you.
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  • #2
It would help if you give some references where they talk about this. Without context it is hard to answer your question.

If I do the googling for you, I come across this paper,


where they seem to explain the term in the introduction very clearly. If you still don't grasp the idea, you should be a bit more specific :)
  • #3
The definition is clear enough. In the Standard Model, the left-handed fermions form isospin doublets, while the right-handed ones form isospin singlets. So the usual mass term, being a product of the two, requires the help of the Higgs field to be gauge invariant. But for these vectorlike fermions, the left- and right-handed components are supposed to transform the same way, making the mass term invariant independently of the Higgs.

The question I have is, why do they refer to them as vector-like.
  • #4
The notion of vector-like originates in the property of the current that couples to the gauge field in question. With a Dirac fermion [itex]\Psi[/itex], the current [itex]\bar{\Psi}\gamma^\mu\Psi[/itex] is a vector, while [itex]\bar{\Psi}\gamma^\mu\gamma^5\Psi[/itex] is an axial vector. The left-chiral current of the weak interaction is [itex]\bar{\Psi}\gamma^\mu(1-\gamma^5)\Psi[/itex], hence the name of the "V-A theory."
  • #5
Ok, for a normal fermion, the interaction with the W is V-A. They make no mention of that. But the interaction with the Z, which they do discuss, is a different mixture,
cVγμ - cAγμγ5
where cV = T3 - 2 sin2θW Q and cA = T3.
For the vector-like fermion are they assuming it's an isosinglet?? (So that T3 = 0.) The intro only said the left- and right-handed components were supposed to transform the same way.
  • #6
If by "they," you mean del Aguila et al, the vector-like couplings are listed in Table 1. A vector-like coupling to the Z does not include the [itex]\gamma^5[/itex] term. There's no connection between [itex]c_A[/itex] and [itex]T^3[/itex], as the former is identically zero for the new particles. They also allow for the possibility of weak isospin doublet, in which case the W couples to a charged vector current like [itex]\bar{N}\gamma^\mu E[/itex].

FAQ: What is the Meaning of Vectorlike Fermion in Particle Physics?

1. What is a vectorlike fermion?

A vectorlike fermion is a type of elementary particle in quantum physics that behaves like a fermion, meaning it follows the rules of Fermi-Dirac statistics. However, unlike other fermions, a vectorlike fermion has the same quantum numbers as its antiparticle, making it electrically neutral. This is in contrast to other fermions, which have opposite electric charges as their antiparticles.

2. What are the properties of a vectorlike fermion?

A vectorlike fermion has a half-integer spin, meaning it is a fermion, and it follows the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two identical fermions can occupy the same quantum state. It also has a conserved quantum number, known as lepton or baryon number, which determines its interactions with other particles. Additionally, a vectorlike fermion is electrically neutral, making it stable and difficult to detect.

3. How is a vectorlike fermion different from other fermions?

The main difference between a vectorlike fermion and other fermions is that it has the same quantum numbers as its antiparticle. This means that a vectorlike fermion does not have an opposite electric charge to its antiparticle, unlike other fermions. Additionally, vectorlike fermions are electrically neutral, while other fermions have an electric charge. This makes vectorlike fermions unique and challenging to study in particle physics experiments.

4. What is the role of vectorlike fermions in the Standard Model of particle physics?

In the Standard Model, vectorlike fermions are included as a way to explain the symmetry between particles and antiparticles. They also play a role in the unification of fundamental forces, such as the electromagnetic and weak forces. However, the existence of vectorlike fermions is still a topic of ongoing research and is not yet fully understood within the framework of the Standard Model.

5. How are vectorlike fermions detected in experiments?

Due to their electric neutrality, vectorlike fermions are difficult to detect in experiments. One method is through their interactions with other particles, such as the production of high-energy photons or leptons. Another approach is to search for missing energy signatures, where the vectorlike fermion may escape the detector without being observed. However, detecting vectorlike fermions remains a significant challenge for experimental physicists.

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