What is the Minimum Electric Potential Needed to Stop an Alpha Particle?

I haven't checked every single calculation, but it looks like you've got the right idea and have executed it correctly. In summary, a plutonium-239 nucleus undergoing alpha decay produces a uranium-235 nucleus with a mass of 3.90 * 10-25 kg and a speed of 2.62 * 105 m/s. To bring the alpha particle to rest, a minimum electric potential difference of 2.45 * 106 V is required.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A plutonium-239 nucleus, initially at rest, undergoes alpha decay to produce a uranium-235 nucleus. The uranium-235 nucleus has a mass of 3.90 * 10-25 kg, and moves away from the location of the decay with a speed of 2.62 * 105 m/s.

Determine the minimum electric potential difference that is required to bring the alpha particle to rest.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

mu-235 = 3.90 * 10-25 kg
vu-235 = 2.62 * 105 m/s
map = 6.65 * 10-27 kg
qap = +2e = +2(1.60 * 10-19 C) = +3.20 * 10-19 C

|pu-235| = |pap|
mu-235vu-235 = mapvap
vap = mu-235vu-235/map
vap = (3.90 * 10-25 kg)(2.62 * 105 m/s)/(6.65 * 10-27 kg)
vap = 1.536541353 * 107 m/s
Ek = 1/2mapvap2
Ek = 1/2(6.65 * 10-27 kg)(1.536541353 * 107 m/s)2
Ek = 7.85018977 * 10-13 J
Ek = qapVstop
Vstop = Ek/qap
Vstop = (7.85018977 * 10-13 J)/(3.20 * 10-19 C)
Vstop = 2.45 * 106 V

The minimum electric potential difference that is required to bring the alpha particle to rest is 2.45 * 106 V.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I posted my work/answer. I just want to confirm that it is in fact right.
  • #3
You're not being ignored, sometimes it just takes a while ;-) Anyway, the procedure you used looks reasonable, and I don't see any obvious errors in what you've done.

FAQ: What is the Minimum Electric Potential Needed to Stop an Alpha Particle?

1. What is Minium Electric Potential?

Minium Electric Potential, also known as Minimum Electrostatic Potential, is the minimum amount of energy required to move a unit of electric charge from one point to another in an electric field.

2. How is Minium Electric Potential calculated?

Minium Electric Potential is calculated by dividing the work done in moving a unit of charge from one point to another by the magnitude of the charge. It is represented by the symbol V and its unit is volts (V).

3. What is the significance of Minium Electric Potential?

Minium Electric Potential helps us understand the behavior of electric fields and the movement of electric charges. It also helps in determining the direction of electric fields and the potential energy of a charged particle in an electric field.

4. What factors affect Minium Electric Potential?

The factors that affect Minium Electric Potential include the distance between the two points, the strength of the electric field, and the magnitude and sign of the charge. The type of material between the two points can also affect the Minium Electric Potential.

5. How is Minium Electric Potential used in real-life applications?

Minium Electric Potential is used in various real-life applications such as in batteries, generators, and electrical circuits. It is also used in the design and functioning of electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, and TVs.
