What is the Möbius Strip String Theory?

In summary, the theory is that strings are made of two opposite charges that exist within two extra dimensions. These charges travel within a membrane and when the brane is folded and twisted into our 3D world it forms into a string, the string takes the shape of a möbius strip. With the charges traveling in the same direction on the membrane, you can see how, being folded, they would form an endless loop of energy. Instead of all matter and energy being composed of "vibrating strings", it is composed of alternating charges of electromagnetic energy. The membrane at a closer look reveals 3 more dimentions, width, length, height. Also, a 6th dimension(time) is determined by the
  • #1
I had originaly posted a thread on this theory in another forum, but I realize that it is better suited for this forum.

In the attached file is a diagram of the string. In this string theory, strings are made of two opposite charges that exist within two extra dimentions. the dimentions have charges traveling within them on a membrane, and when the brane is folded and twisted into our 3d world it forms into a string, the string takes the shape of a möbius strip. With the charges traveling in the same direction on the membrane, you can see how, being folded, they would form an endless loop of energy. Instead of all matter and energy being composed of "vibrating strings", it is composed of alternating charges of electromagnetic energy.
The membrane at a closer look reveals 3 more dimentions, width, length, height. Also, a 6th dimention(time) is determined by the speed at which the charges alternate, these charges alternate around the string at c. Time slows down when these charges(strings) move relative to another object on the same 6 dimensional membrane(SR).

This theory is not free of flaws, so I welcome your enthusiastic critisism, or questions.

P.S. take a look at the diagram, it should open in paint.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
heres the attachment


  • mobius.bmp
    33.6 KB · Views: 661
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  • #3
During my recent brain-storming of the past few days I have come up with an accumulating theory of how strings work. At first I had considered the strings to be one dimensional stings of energy, that formed into our three dimensional world. Upon further consideration I decided that these strings would be better explained as two dimensional membranes folded into a three dimensional world. The first of these two concepts would reveal the world as we know it as having 6 dimensions, the second of these would go on to say that in fact we live in 8 dimensions.

I have now found both of these incorrect, and now have decided that the theory is best described in a very different way. My theory is that, string are made of a 3 dimensional membrane with 2 separate dimensions(positive and negative) for each of the first three imensions. That’s 3+(3x2)+1=10 total dimensions, with the last dimension being the change in charge of the positive and negative dimensions, or better known as time.

First of all let's imagine a 1 dimensional membrane. Imagine that on this infinitely thin string there are two more dimensions, positive and negative dimensions. Now imagine that this membrane is folded into a circle and exist within three spatial dimensions. You could now conclude that, that universe would have 6 dimensions, the first three are the most familiar ones, length width, and height, the last three are positive length, negative length, and time. The reason that we only have a positive and negative length is because so far we have only established the membrane as one dimensional. A little odd at first to imagine, but the next two concepts are much more practical for our own three dimensional universe.

Continue to consider this one dimensional membrane, but now add to it another dimension, width. The membrane now has two coordinates, length and width. When you fold this into a string within three spatial dimensions you get something that looks like a mobius strip. This gives you three spatial dimensions and two more for every dimension on the membrane. This can be shown as 3+(2x2)+1=8 total dimensions. And yet this theory still has a major paradox, how can the energy that is the string only exist within 2 dimensions? To solve this problem we must form a new idea one that involves 10 dimensions.

So keep in mind the two dimensional membrane, but now add another dimension to it, height. So that we now have a picture of a three dimensional grid-like membrane with two dimensions for each dimension within the membrane, and then fold that membrane into a string, a string that exist within 10 dimensions. Three spatial dimensions, three membrane dimensions with two dimensions for each, and one for time. This is shown as 3+(3x2)+1=10.

The 10 dimensions are:
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Related to What is the Möbius Strip String Theory?

1. What is a Möbius strip string theory?

A Möbius strip string theory is a theoretical construct that combines elements of both Möbius strips and string theory. It proposes that the universe is made up of one-dimensional strings that twist and loop in a Möbius strip pattern, rather than existing in the traditional three-dimensional space.

2. How does a Möbius strip string theory differ from traditional string theory?

In traditional string theory, strings are thought to exist in a multi-dimensional space, while in Möbius strip string theory, strings are confined to a two-dimensional surface that twists and loops back onto itself. This leads to different predictions and explanations for the behavior of particles and the nature of the universe.

3. What evidence supports the existence of a Möbius strip string theory?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for the existence of a Möbius strip string theory. However, some physicists believe that certain phenomena, such as the non-conservation of CP symmetry, could be explained by the twist and loop structure of Möbius strips.

4. Can a Möbius strip string theory be tested or proven?

At this time, there is no way to directly test the existence of a Möbius strip string theory. However, some scientists are working on mathematical models and experiments that may provide evidence for its validity in the future.

5. How does a Möbius strip string theory relate to the concept of parallel universes?

Some versions of Möbius strip string theory propose the existence of parallel universes, where the strings are arranged in different configurations on the Möbius strip surface. This could potentially explain the existence of multiple universes with different physical laws and properties.

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