What is the Mole? Answers Here

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In summary, the mole is a unit of weight that represents the number of molecules in one gram. The mole has the Avogadro number of molecules, or 6.022 x 1023. The mole is also used to measure the amount of gases or solids.
  • #1
I've read a lot about the mole , avogadro's no. , molecular mass and such , but I can't seem to understand anything , and no , the wiki article wasn't helpful at all ! Put simply :
1- I read that the mole is the molecular mass expressed in grams , for example an Oxygen atom has 16 as a mass no and 8 as an atomic no. , does that mean that 1 mole of an oxygen atom is equivalent to 16 gms ? And since the oxygen molecule has 2 atoms then does that mean that one mole of it contains "2*16" moles ?
2- What is the difference between the mass of one mole and the molecular mass ?
3- what does avogadro's number have to do with all of this ? (please answer me soon , thank you in advance)
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  • #2
A mole of atoms contains the Avogadro number, NA, of atoms (6.022 x 1023 atoms). A mole of molecules contains the Avogadro number of molecules (6.022 x 1023 molecules). That's what a mole is.

Why this weird number? It is because NA is the number of unified atomic mass units (number of u) in one gram. That's why it is that a mole of carbon atoms has a mass of 12 gram: a carbon atom has a mass of 12 u, so NA carbon atoms must have a mass of 12 gram, because 12 gram is NA x 12 u. And so on.
  • #3
Philip Wood said:
A mole of atoms contains the Avogadro number, NA, of atoms (6.022 x 1023 atoms). A mole of molecules contains the Avogadro number of molecules (6.022 x 1023 molecules). That's what a mole is.

Why this weird number? It is because NA is the number of unified atomic mass units (number of u) in one gram. That's why it is that a mole of carbon atoms has a mass of 12 gram: a carbon atom has a mass of 12 u, so NA carbon atoms must have a mass of 12 gram, because 12 gram is NA x 12 u. And so on.

Thank you , this helped me define the mole
  • #5
Bandersnatch said:
This might be of some use to you:

A mole of moles

Thank you ! that was hilarious and helpful at the same time !
  • #6
One mole of a gas occupies 22.4 liters of space (at STP) and represents Avogadro's no. of MOLECULES - Therefore 22.4 liters of O2 would have ONE Avogadro's no. of molecules, or TWO Avogadro's no. of atoms.
So if, for instance, you had 1.2 moles of O2 then you'd have 1.2 Avogadro's of molecules, or 2.4 Avogadro's of atoms. And since the atomic mass of O2 is 32 you'd also have 32 X 1.2 = 38.4 grams of mass.
(The atomic mass of O=16, but remember you're dealing with the molecule O2, with an atomic mass of 32)

If it were 2.6 moles of Tritium gas (H3) for instance, then you'd have 2.6 Avogadro's of H3 molecules, or 3 X 2.6= 7.8 Avogadro's of H3 atoms. And since the atomic mass of H3 is 3, you'd also have 3 X 2.6 = 7.8 grams of mass.

Avogadro's number is useful for, and normally applied to pure and blended GASSES in Chem. 101 lessons. But it has real-world use in vapors and solids as well.
  • #7
OldBill said:
If it were 2.6 moles of Tritium gas (H3) for instance, then you'd have 2.6 Avogadro's of H3 molecules, or 3 X 2.6= 7.8 Avogadro's of H3 atoms. And since the atomic mass of H3 is 3, you'd also have 3 X 2.6 = 7.8 grams of mass.

You have no idea what tritium is, don't you?

Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen, with the nucleus made of one proton and two neutrons. It is not H3 (nor H3), if anything we would write it as 3H. And tritium molecule is 3H2 and has molar mass of 6 (as atomic mass of tritium is 3).
  • #8
From when i learned chemistry, I remember that "a mole is Avogadro's number of anything" e.g. a mole of bananas would be 6.022x10[itex]^{23}[/itex] bananas. You wouldn't normally use the mole in this way (unless you had that many bananas maybe) but it helped me to get the idea.

The other thing I remember was the number of moles N = weight (in grams) / formula weight (in atomic mass units). which i remembered as N = weight / formula weight.

"formula weight" is an older term similar to "molecular mass" or "molar mass" but i think its easier to get my head around what it is since it doesn't have the word "mole" in it, so you don't have two or more terms containing the new word "mole" (or molar or molecular etc) that mean completely different things.

the formula weight (= molecular mass = molar mass, etc) is the number of "atomic mass units" that something weighs. these are written on the periodic table, eg H is about 1, He is about 4, C is 12 and O is 16, etc. So the molecule H2O weighs 18 atomic mass units (2x1 for H +16 for the O).

So a mole of water would weigh 18 grams , by rearranging the N = W/FW formula.

The fractional weights on the periodic table represent actual numbers of real samples of the substance, which are fractions because in real life H also contains very small quantities of heavy hydrogen which weighs 2, which brings up the average weight of a "H" atom to 1.008. there are other reasons for the fractional atomic weights but when you are beginning you can think of them as having whole number weights and it will make more sense (then, the weight number is basically the sum of the number of protons plus neutrons that the atom has).

by rearranging the above simple formula you can work out most basic questions about moles
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  • #9
OldBill said:
One mole of a gas occupies 22.4 liters of space (at STP) and represents Avogadro's no. of MOLECULES - Therefore 22.4 liters of O2 would have ONE Avogadro's no. of molecules, or TWO Avogadro's no. of atoms.
So if, for instance, you had 1.2 moles of O2 then you'd have 1.2 Avogadro's of molecules, or 2.4 Avogadro's of atoms. And since the atomic mass of O2 is 32 you'd also have 32 X 1.2 = 38.4 grams of mass.
(The atomic mass of O=16, but remember you're dealing with the molecule O2, with an atomic mass of 32)

If it were 2.6 moles of Tritium gas (H3) for instance, then you'd have 2.6 Avogadro's of H3 molecules, or 3 X 2.6= 7.8 Avogadro's of H3 atoms. And since the atomic mass of H3 is 3, you'd also have 3 X 2.6 = 7.8 grams of mass.

Avogadro's number is useful for, and normally applied to pure and blended GASSES in Chem. 101 lessons. But it has real-world use in vapors and solids as well.

Thank you so much ! That clarified the whole idea to me of NA for molecules and atoms , it was extremely helpful !
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  • #10
Borek said:
You have no idea what tritium is, don't you?

Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen, with the nucleus made of one proton and two neutrons. It is not H3 (nor H3), if anything we would write it as 3H. And tritium molecule is 3H2 and has molar mass of 6 (as atomic mass of tritium is 3).

thank you for clarifying the molecular formula of tritium (is it called a molecular formula , I can't seem to remeber anything in chemistry!)
  • #11
Celestion said:
From when i learned chemistry, I remember that "a mole is Avogadro's number of anything" e.g. a mole of bananas would be 6.022x10[itex]^{23}[/itex] bananas. You wouldn't normally use the mole in this way (unless you had that many bananas maybe) but it helped me to get the idea.

The other thing I remember was the number of moles N = weight (in grams) / formula weight (in atomic mass units). which i remembered as N = weight / formula weight.

"formula weight" is an older term similar to "molecular mass" or "molar mass" but i think its easier to get my head around what it is since it doesn't have the word "mole" in it, so you don't have two or more terms containing the new word "mole" (or molar or molecular etc) that mean completely different things.

the formula weight (= molecular mass = molar mass, etc) is the number of "atomic mass units" that something weighs. these are written on the periodic table, eg H is about 1, He is about 4, C is 12 and O is 16, etc. So the molecule H2O weighs 18 atomic mass units (2x1 for H +16 for the O).

So a mole of water would weigh 18 grams , by rearranging the N = W/FW formula.

The fractional weights on the periodic table represent actual numbers of real samples of the substance, which are fractions because in real life H also contains very small quantities of heavy hydrogen which weighs 2, which brings up the average weight of a "H" atom to 1.008. there are other reasons for the fractional atomic weights but when you are beginning you can think of them as having whole number weights and it will make more sense (then, the weight number is basically the sum of the number of protons plus neutrons that the atom has).

by rearranging the above simple formula you can work out most basic questions about moles
Thanks a million , really , you don't know how much this has helped me , especially the formula without the word mole :D and the banana mole , thanks again
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Related to What is the Mole? Answers Here

What is the Mole?

The mole is a unit of measurement used in chemistry to represent the amount of a substance. It is defined as the amount of a substance that contains the same number of particles (atoms, molecules, or ions) as there are in 12 grams of carbon-12.

Why is the mole used in chemistry?

The mole is used in chemistry because it allows for a convenient way to measure and compare the amount of different substances. It is also based on the fundamental nature of matter, making it a universal unit of measurement.

How is the mole different from other units of measurement?

The mole is different from other units of measurement because it is based on the number of particles rather than mass or volume. This allows for more accurate and precise measurements, especially when dealing with very small or large quantities of substances.

How is the mole related to Avogadro's number?

The mole is directly related to Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 x 10^23. This number represents the number of particles in one mole of a substance. Therefore, one mole of any substance will always contain 6.022 x 10^23 particles, regardless of the type of substance.

Why is the mole important in chemical calculations?

The mole is important in chemical calculations because it allows for the conversion of mass to moles and vice versa. This is essential in determining the amount of reactants needed in a chemical reaction and predicting the amount of products that will be produced. It also helps in balancing chemical equations and determining the molecular formula of a compound.

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