What is the moral of conflicting definitions of the Heaviside function?

In summary: There is still a problem in defining the delta functional in terms of integrals involving a sequence of reasonably behaved (positive) increasingly "spiky" functions with integral 1. Because we do not have to assume the functions in this sequence are symetric. For instance we could use the sequence:\[f_n(c)=\left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}n^{-1}}e^{-x^2/2n^{-2}}& \text{for } x\le 0 \\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}(n/2)^{
  • #1
Integrating the delta function:
\frac{4}{\pi^2}\int_0^{\pi}\int_0^{\pi}\delta(x - x_0,y - y_0)\sin nx\sin my dxdy
Would the solution be $\frac{4}{\pi^2}\sin nx_0\sin my_0$?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
dwsmith said:
Integrating the delta function:
\frac{4}{\pi^2}\int_0^{\pi}\int_0^{\pi}\delta(x - x_0,y - y_0)\sin nx\sin my dxdy
Would the solution be $\frac{4}{\pi^2}\sin nx_0\sin my_0$?
Yes, provided that $x_0$ and $y_0$ both lie in the interval $[0,\pi]$, otherwise the answer will be $0$.
  • #3
Opalg said:
Yes, provided that $x_0$ and $y_0$ both lie in the interval $[0,\pi]$, otherwise the answer will be $0$.

Wouldn't they need to be in $(0,\pi)$? If $x_{0}=0$ and $y_{0}=0$, I should think you wouldn't get the full "function picking out" feature that the delta function gives you, right? That is, isn't it true that
Or am I being too loose with my notation?
  • #4
Ackbach said:
Wouldn't they need to be in $(0,\pi)$? If $x_{0}=0$ and $y_{0}=0$, I should think you wouldn't get the full "function picking out" feature that the delta function gives you, right? That is, isn't it true that
Or am I being too loose with my notation?
Good point, and I think that the answer may depend on how you want to define the delta "function". If you are thinking of it as a point measure, then it is all concentrated at a single point, and there wouldn't be any question of assigning half of it to each side of that point. But if you are defining it in distributional terms as the limit of increasingly spiky normal distributions, then presumably it would split in half as you suggest. (In the OP's question, the delta function is two-dimensional, so I guess you might need to take half the answer along the sides of the square $[0,1\times[0,1]$, and a quarter at the corners? But since the sin functions vanish along the edges, the answer is going to be zero there anyway!)

The Wikipedia discussion on the delta function is worth looking at.
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  • #5
Ackbach said:
Wouldn't they need to be in $(0,\pi)$? If $x_{0}=0$ and $y_{0}=0$, I should think you wouldn't get the full "function picking out" feature that the delta function gives you, right? That is, isn't it true that
Or am I being too loose with my notation?

If You define the $\delta(*)$ function so that is...

$\displaystyle \int_{- \infty}^{t} \delta (t)\ dt = H (t)$ (1)

... where $H(*)$ is the Heaviside Step Function...

Heaviside Step Function -- from Wolfram MathWorld

... Your relation...

$\displaystyle \int_{0}^{1} \delta (t)\ dt = \frac{1}{2}$ (2)

... is correct... Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
  • #6
chisigma said:
If You define the $\delta(*)$ function so that is...

$\displaystyle \int_{- \infty}^{t} \delta (t)\ dt = H (t)$ (1)

... where $H(*)$ is the Heaviside Step Function...

Heaviside Step Function -- from Wolfram MathWorld

... Your relation...

$\displaystyle \int_{0}^{1} \delta (t)\ dt = \frac{1}{2}$ (2)

... is correct... Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
True, but note that Wolfram defines the Heaviside function to take the value 1/2 at 0. The Wikipedia article gives the definition $$H(x) = \begin{cases}1&(x\geqslant0),\\ 0&(x<0).\end{cases}$$ That would lead to a delta function with all its weight concentrated on "one side of 0", so to speak.

I think the moral here is that it is necessary to pay attention to the definition used by the book or article that you are working from.
  • #7
Opalg said:
Good point, and I think that the answer may depend on how you want to define the delta "function". If you are thinking of it as a point measure, then it is all concentrated at a single point, and there wouldn't be any question of assigning half of it to each side of that point. But if you are defining it in distributional terms as the limit of increasingly spiky normal distributions, then presumably it would split in half as you suggest. (In the OP's question, the delta function is two-dimensional, so I guess you might need to take half the answer along the sides of the square $[0,1\times[0,1]$, and a quarter at the corners? But since the sin functions vanish along the edges, the answer is going to be zero there anyway!)

The Wikipedia discussion on the delta function is worth looking at.

There is still a problem in defining the delta functional in terms of integrals involving a sequence of reasonably behaved (positive) increasingly "spiky" functions with integral 1. Because we do not have to assume the functions in this sequence are symetric. For instance we could use the sequence:

\[f_n(c)=\left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}n^{-1}}e^{-x^2/2n^{-2}}& \text{for } x\le 0 \\
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}(n/2)^{-1}}e^{-x^2/2(n/2)^{-2}}& \text{for } x \gt 0\\ \end{array} \right. \]

That we have a problem with an integral of the form:

\[\int_0^\infty \delta(x) f(x) \;dx\]

can also be seen because the function \(H(x)f(x)\) for most \(f(x)\) of interest is not in our space of test functions for the definition of distributions on \(\mathbb{R}\).

(there appears to be something wrong with our large braces today, ... and now it is rendering correctly for no apparent reason)

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  • #8
Opalg said:
True, but note that Wolfram defines the Heaviside function to take the value 1/2 at 0. The Wikipedia article gives the definition $$H(x) = \begin{cases}1&(x\geqslant0),\\ 0&(x<0).\end{cases}$$ That would lead to a delta function with all its weight concentrated on "one side of 0", so to speak.

I think the moral here is that it is necessary to pay attention to the definition used by the book or article that you are working from.

A concept I tried to explain in...


... is that there exist 'good' and 'bad' basic definitions, in the sense that a 'bad definition' leads, sooner or later, to contraddictions and logic failures and that doesn't happen with a 'good definition'. Now we have two different definitions of H(0), according to 'Monster Wolfram' is H(0)=1/2, according to 'Wiki" is H(0)=1... and we can't exclude that for someone else is H(0)=0... Very well!... which definition is 'good'?... an answer I think can come from the following example...Let consider the time function represented here...


... that in term of Heaviside Step Function is written as...

$\displaystyle f(t) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^{n}\ H(t-n)$ (1)

The Laplace Transform of (1) is computed in standard form as...$\displaystyle \mathcal{L} \{ f(t) \} = \frac{1}{s\ (1 + e^{- s})}$ (2)
Now we obtain f(t) performing the inverse Laplace Transform using the Bromwich Integral...$\displaystyle f(t) = \frac{1}{2\ \pi\ i}\ \int_{\gamma - i\ \infty}^{\gamma + i\ \infty} F(s)\ e^{s\ t}\ ds$ (3)

... where $\gamma$ is a constant that lies on the right respect to all the singularities of F(s). In this case the singularities of F(s) are $s=0$ and $s = (2 n + 1)\ \pi\ i$, i.e. all on the imaginary axis, so that any real $\gamma >0$ is 'good'.

The residue of F(s) in $s=0$ is...$\displaystyle r_{0} = \lim_{ s \rightarrow 0} s\ F(s)\ e^{s t} = \frac{1}{2}$ (4)... and the residue of F(s) in $s= (2 n + 1)\ \pi\ i$ is...$\displaystyle r_{n}= \lim_{ s \rightarrow (2 n + 1)\ \pi\ i} \{ s - (2 n + 1)\ \pi\ i \}\ F(s)\ e^{s t} = \frac{e^{(2 n + 1)\ \pi\ i\ t}}{(2 n + 1)\ \pi\ i} $ (5)

... so that the integral (3) supplies...

$\displaystyle f(t) = \frac{1}{2} + \sum_{n= -\infty}^{+ \infty} r_{n} = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{2}{\pi} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac {\sin (2n + 1)\ \pi\ t}{2n + 1}$ (6)

Of course the result is not a surprise, because the (6) is the Fourier Series of the (1). A 'little suprise' however is the fact that the (6) for t= n with n non negative integer converges to $\frac{1}{2}$ and that means that, comparing (1) and (6), we conclude that is $H(0)= \frac{1}{2}$... It seems that the 'good definition' is supplied by 'Monster Wolfram'...

Kind regards$\chi$ $\sigma$


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FAQ: What is the moral of conflicting definitions of the Heaviside function?

What is a delta function and what does it represent?

A delta function, denoted as δ(x), is a mathematical function that is often used in physics and engineering. It represents an infinitely narrow and infinitely tall "spike" at a specific point, with an area of 1 under the curve. It is also known as a Dirac delta function, named after physicist Paul Dirac.

How is the delta function integrated?

The delta function cannot be integrated in the traditional sense, as it is not a standard function. Instead, it is often integrated using the concept of the "sifting property." This property states that the integral of the delta function multiplied by any well-behaved function f(x) is equal to f(0). In other words, the delta function acts as a "filter" that picks out the value of f(x) at x=0.

What are the applications of the delta function?

The delta function has various applications in physics and engineering, such as in signal processing, quantum mechanics, and Fourier analysis. It is also used to model impulsive forces or point charges in classical mechanics and electromagnetism.

Can the delta function be generalized to higher dimensions?

Yes, the delta function can be generalized to higher dimensions. In 2D or 3D space, it takes the form of a surface or volume "spike" at a specific point, with an area or volume of 1. In higher dimensions, it is represented as a hypersurface or hypervolume with the same properties.

What is the relationship between the delta function and the Kronecker delta?

The delta function and the Kronecker delta are related, but they are not the same. The Kronecker delta, denoted as δij, is a discrete function that takes the value 1 when i=j, and 0 otherwise. It is used for discrete sums and in linear algebra. The delta function, on the other hand, is a continuous function that takes the value 1 at a specific point and 0 everywhere else. In some cases, the delta function can be thought of as an "infinite-dimensional" version of the Kronecker delta.
