What is the motion of a singularity

In summary: There can beextent in one or more of the 4 dimensions. There can be a surface of singularity, or a 3D hypersurface of singularity, or a singularity can be along a line------it can have a worldline.
  • #1
Terry Giblin
If all 4 dimensions of a singularity are zero.

How do you describe the motion or evolution of a singularity, in space-time?

For example the motion of a singularity, ie black hole at the centre of every Galaxy and Quasar as it evolves through space-time, if all it's 4 Dimensions are zero?


Terry Giblin
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Black hole singularities may not radiate gravity, but they certainly absorb gravity fields. The mass of the black hole, which resides largely in its singularity, moves in accordance to Newtonian theory, taking all outside sources of gravity into consideration, at least to second order. There may be relativistic corrections and mass inflation; but most of that information is trapped in the black hole. All the interaction with the outside world, except for absorption, happens at the event horizon. So gravity fields actually move the event horizon in space, and the singularity goes along for the ride.
  • #3
yanniru said:
Black hole singularities may not radiate gravity, but they certainly absorb gravity fields. The mass of the black hole, which resides largely in its singularity, moves in accordance to Newtonian theory, taking all outside sources of gravity into consideration, at least to second order. There may be relativistic corrections and mass inflation; but most of that information is trapped in the black hole. All the interaction with the outside world, except for absorption, happens at the event horizon. So gravity fields actually move the event horizon in space, and the singularity goes along for the ride.
All of this only has to be considered if we still believe that a "singularity", as defined many years ago, is either a point, or Kerr ring with a depth of zero. I don't know if it is being discussed much here on PF, but there are now TONS (a lot) of papers/theories/revisions seeming to kick the "infinite density" singularity out on its butt. I don't remember when, but I think that Marcus provided a bunch of links on this within the last few weeks. I'm too lazy to look it up, and I have to finish another telescope for delivery next week. Busy, busy, busy...
  • #4
We all know that singularities are not really singular. It is just a convenient way to characterize a location in space. The outside world still "sees" the mass of the black hole at the event horizon.
  • #5
We all know that singularities are not really singular.
Not really. About every day someone answers BH questions by explaining the "infinite density" of the singularity but finite mass of the BH. I'm not one of those, though.
  • #6
Terry Giblin said:
If all 4 dimensions of a singularity are zero.

Terry they don't all have to be zero!

a singularity can have extent in one or more of the 4 dimensions.
there can be a surface of singularity, or a 3D hypersurface of singularity,
or a singularity can be along a line------it can have a worldline.

In the case of ordinary Schw. black hole, the singularity is one dimensional.
It has extent in only one dimension.

But Black Hole singularities are not the only kind of singularity, so there are plenty of other possibilities.

Where did you see it said that "all 4 dimensions of a singularity are zero"?

Maybe I am missing something, this is news to me.
  • #7
I assumed terry was talking about time dilation. That, of course, is a mixed frame reference and does not apply.

FAQ: What is the motion of a singularity

What is the motion of a singularity?

The motion of a singularity refers to the movement or behavior of a point in space where the laws of physics break down and the gravitational pull becomes infinite.

Is a singularity a physical object?

No, a singularity is not a physical object. It is a mathematical concept that describes a point in space where the known laws of physics do not apply.

Can a singularity be observed?

No, a singularity cannot be observed directly. Due to its infinite gravitational pull, it is hidden behind an event horizon, making it impossible to see or detect.

What causes a singularity?

A singularity is caused by the collapse of a massive object, such as a star, when it runs out of fuel to sustain nuclear reactions. The gravitational force becomes so strong that it collapses into a point of infinite density.

Is the motion of a singularity predictable?

No, the motion of a singularity is not predictable. Due to the breakdown of known laws of physics, we are unable to accurately predict its behavior or movement. It is considered one of the greatest mysteries in the study of physics.

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