What is the Net Force on B in an Equilateral Triangle of Point Charges?

In summary, the problem involves three identical point charges arranged in an equilateral triangle. Using Coulomb's Law, the net force on charge B is determined by calculating the individual forces between each pair of charges and then adding them together as vectors. By exploiting the symmetry of the charges, it is found that the net force on B is 1.732 * 10^7 N along the bisector of the triangle.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Three identical point charges A, B, and C are located in the shape of an equilateral triangle with sides of length 15 cm. What is the net force on B if each charge has a magnitude of -5.0 x 10-3 C?

Homework Equations

coulombs law equation

The Attempt at a Solution

(please see the attached scanned page and attached diagram)
I think that i am doing something wrong the angle...hope you guys can help.


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  • #2
axxon said:

Homework Statement

Three identical point charges A, B, and C are located in the shape of an equilateral triangle with sides of length 15 cm. What is the net force on B if each charge has a magnitude of -5.0 x 10-3 C?

Homework Equations

coulombs law equation

The Attempt at a Solution

(please see the attached scanned page and attached diagram)
I think that i am doing something wrong the angle...hope you guys can help.

Without seeing your diagram, I would hope that you are treating the E-field as vectors. The best way to calculate the Sum is to separate them into the x,y components and then add and then report the resultant.
  • #3
did you see my work shown? Is it not opening up?
I trying to solve the triangle to find the net force. I think that is where I may be getting the angle wrong. It is not suppose to be 60 degrees.
  • #4
axxon said:
did you see my work shown? Is it not opening up?
I trying to solve the triangle to find the net force. I think that is where I may be getting the angle wrong. It is not suppose to be 60 degrees.

Until images are approved, they are not generally available.

You of course do have 60° angles.

You may want to choose your axis as the bisector of the opposite side if you did not already. That way you are likely only interested in the components of the 2 other charges directed along this bisector. That should reduce your calculation to simply be 2*cos30*|F| calculated from one of them alone.
  • #5
okay, so i know that the angle for the original triangle is 60 degrees. And by using coulombs law to find Fbc and Fba we can create another triangle to find the net force. I wish there was a way i could draw it out in here, but i guess I will have to wait for the approval. Basically the net force on B i get is 1.0 x 10^7 N.
  • #6
axxon said:
okay, so i know that the angle for the original triangle is 60 degrees. And by using coulombs law to find Fbc and Fba we can create another triangle to find the net force. I wish there was a way i could draw it out in here, but i guess I will have to wait for the approval. Basically the net force on B i get is 1.0 x 10^7 N.

That looks only like |F| between either of the Fab or Fcb

When you add them as vectors I think you should get something more like

2*Cos30*|F| = 2*.866*1*107 = 1.732 * 107

directed away from the other 2 charges along the line that is the ⊥ bisector of the line AC.
  • #7
But don't you have to add the vectors head to tail? and then using that we can use cosine law to solve or vector components like you said earlier.
  • #8
axxon said:
But don't you have to add the vectors head to tail? and then using that we can use cosine law to solve or vector components like you said earlier.

That's one way to do it.

I didn't use the law of cosines to solve however.

I simply exploited the symmetry of the charges noting that since they are equal and equidistant, and on opposite sides of the bisector, that their contributions ⊥ TO the bisector cancel, and along the bisector they will add. Since Cos30 is the side in the direction of the bisector, then it is Cos30*|F| for each or 2*Cos30*|F|.
  • #9
when will the attachments be approved? I think it will help me if you maybe see what I did for my solution.

FAQ: What is the Net Force on B in an Equilateral Triangle of Point Charges?

What is Coulomb's Law?

Coulomb's Law is a fundamental law of electrostatics that quantifies the attractive or repulsive force between two stationary charges.

How does Coulomb's Law apply to 3 point charges?

Coulomb's Law can be used to calculate the force between three point charges by considering the force between each pair of charges and then using vector addition to find the net force.

What is the formula for Coulomb's Law?

The formula for Coulomb's Law is F = k(q1q2)/r2, where F is the force between the two charges, k is the Coulomb's constant, q1 and q2 are the magnitudes of the charges, and r is the distance between them.

How does distance affect the force between two charges according to Coulomb's Law?

According to Coulomb's Law, the force between two charges is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This means that as the distance between the charges increases, the force between them decreases.

What are the units of measurement for the different variables in Coulomb's Law?

The units for force (F) are Newtons (N), the units for charge (q) are Coulombs (C), and the units for distance (r) are meters (m). The unit for the Coulomb's constant (k) is Nm2/C2.
