What is the net force on Box H when pushing on Box G with a horizontal force?

In summary: Then you can add the equations of motion together for each body. The difficulty is that the bodies are connected. This means that they both have the same acceleration. That means that you have one equation of motion and two unknowns. You can't solve that. That's why we treat the whole system. When we treat the whole system, we only have one unknown. Then we can solve for it.In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between two cardboard boxes on a frictionless table, where Box H has twice the mass of Box G. The question is posed about the net force experienced by Box H when a horizontal force F is applied to Box G. The solution involves considering the entire system and
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two cardboard boxes full of books are in contact with each other on a friction less table.Box H has twice the mass of Box G. If you push on box G with a horizontal force F, then box H will experience a net force of?

2. The attempt at a solution

Let book G's mass be = m
Then book H's mass is = 2m

Let the force applied on book g (push) be F.

F = ma -| From second law of motion

Now since the block will start moving with a velocity of at (Where T is time).
Now using the first equation of motion: v = u + at, (where u = 0)
at = c(t)

Where C is a variable for acceleration of the body.

This implies as

a = c.
Thus the body G has a mass of m and acceleration of c = a.

Hence the force applied on Book H

ma = 2ma2

Where a2 is the acceleration attained by book H

The answer given is 2/3 F please explain all steps clearly,
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  • #2
Sqrt said:
Then, F = ma -| From second law of motion
No, this is wrong. The force you are pushing with is not the only force on box G. The force appearing in Newton's second law is the total force on the system.

Think about how the force F must relate to the acceleration of the entire system.

Sqrt said:
please explain all steps clearly,
Nobody here will give you a full solution. We will help you with hints and pointing out the places where you go wrong, but you need to do the work yourself. Also see the homework guidelines.
  • #3
So then,
$$ \rm {F = F_s} $$

$$ F_s = (m + 2m)a = 3ma \\ F_h = 2ma \implies F_h = 2 \frac{F}{3}$$

Is that the way then?

Nobody here will give you a full solution. We will help you with hints and pointing out the places where you go wrong, but you need to do the work yourself. Also see the homework guidelines.

I respect that.

However would you clear one doubt for me? Why do we consider the whole system and not consider $$ \rm{Body G}$$ individually? My idea was that $$ F $$ would affect $$\rm{Body G}$$ which would then push $$\rm{Body H}$$
  • #4
Sqrt said:
So then,
$$ \rm {F = F_s} $$

$$ F_s = (m + 2m)a = 3ma \\ F_h = 2ma \implies F_h = 2 \frac{F}{3}$$

Is that the way then?
Looks good to me.
However would you clear one doubt for me? Why do we consider the whole system and not consider $$ \rm{Body G}$$ individually?
You can approach it this way and it makes a good exercise. If you're going to treat each body separately, make sure you first draw a good free body diagram for each body separately.

FAQ: What is the net force on Box H when pushing on Box G with a horizontal force?

1. What are the three laws of motion?

The three laws of motion, also known as Newton's laws of motion, are fundamental principles that describe how objects behave when they are in motion. The first law states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. The second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. The third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

2. How do the laws of motion apply to real-life situations?

The laws of motion are applicable to a wide range of real-life situations. For example, the first law can be observed when a car comes to a stop at a red light or when a book remains on a table until someone picks it up. The second law can be seen when a heavier object requires more force to move it than a lighter object. The third law can be observed when a rocket launches and propels itself forward by expelling gas in the opposite direction.

3. What is an example of a problem involving the laws of motion?

A common problem involving the laws of motion is calculating the force required to move an object at a certain acceleration. For example, if a car with a mass of 1000 kg needs to accelerate from 0 m/s to 20 m/s in 10 seconds, the force required can be calculated using Newton's second law (F=ma). In this case, the force required would be 2000 N.

4. How do the laws of motion tie into concepts like inertia and momentum?

The first law of motion, which states that objects at rest will remain at rest and objects in motion will remain in motion, ties into the concept of inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. The second law of motion, which relates force, mass, and acceleration, ties into the concept of momentum. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and velocity, and it describes the tendency of an object to continue moving in the same direction at the same speed.

5. Can the laws of motion be broken or violated?

No, the laws of motion are fundamental principles of physics and have been observed and tested to be true in countless experiments. However, there are certain situations, such as at the quantum level, where the laws of motion may not apply in the same way as they do at the macroscopic level. Additionally, factors such as friction, air resistance, and other external forces can affect the motion of objects and make it seem as though the laws of motion are being broken, but they are still being followed.

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