What is the Non-Simplest Group of Order mp?

  • Thread starter playa007
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In summary, By using Cauchy's Theorem, we have proven the existence of a subgroup H with order p in group G. We can then use the representation of G on cosets of H by left translation to induce a homomorphism f:G->S_[G:H]=S_m. Since the kernel of f must be a subgroup of H, we can consider the index [H:kerf], which must be either 1 or p. If it is 1, then H is a normal subgroup of G, proving that G is not simple. If it is p, however, we can use this to deduce a contradiction, showing that G is not simple.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let G be a group with |G|= mp where p is prime and 1<m<p. Prove that G is not simple

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I have proven the existence of a subgroup H that has order p(via Cauchy's Theorem), but I don't know how to use the representation of G on cosets of H or another method to somehow deduce that H is a normal subgroup of G thus forcing G to be not simple.
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  • #2
Let G act on the cosets of H by left translation. This induces a homomorphism f:G->S_[G:H]=S_m (why?). Since kerf sits in H (why?), we can consider [H:kerf]. Since |H|=p, it follows that either [H:kerf]=1 or [H:kerf]=p (why?). If it's the former, we're done (why?). So suppose that [H:kerf]=p and deduce a contradiction.

FAQ: What is the Non-Simplest Group of Order mp?

What is a non simplicity of a group?

The non simplicity of a group refers to the fact that a group is not simple, which means it is not the most basic or fundamental form of the group. In other words, a non simple group has subgroups and is not considered to be the most basic form of a group.

How is the non simplicity of a group determined?

The non simplicity of a group is determined by analyzing its subgroups. If a group has proper nontrivial subgroups, then it is considered to be non simple. This means that the group can be broken down into smaller subgroups, which makes it a non simple group.

What is the significance of a non simple group?

A non simple group is significant because it allows for the study of groups at a more complex level. By understanding the structure and properties of non simple groups, we can better understand other groups and mathematical structures. Non simple groups also have applications in various fields such as physics, chemistry, and computer science.

Can a non simple group be made into a simple group?

No, a non simple group cannot be made into a simple group. This is because the non simplicity of a group is a fundamental characteristic of the group itself. It is not possible to change the structure or properties of a group to make it simple.

What are some examples of non simple groups?

Some examples of non simple groups include the symmetric group, the alternating group, and the dihedral group. These groups have proper nontrivial subgroups, making them non simple. Other examples include the general linear group, the orthogonal group, and the special unitary group.

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