What is the official 2 sided object?

  • Thread starter Panda
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of shapes with equal sides and the possibility of a two-sided shape. It is concluded that, in 2-dimensional space, a circle could be considered a two-sided shape if arbitrarily defined, but in 3-dimensional space, the minimum number of sides for a shape is three. Euler's Formula is also mentioned as a way to determine the possible number of faces, edges, and vertices of a convex polyhedron in 3-dimensional space.
  • #1
A totally pointless question but it bugs me every time I try and put the round block through the square shaped holes.

A circle has one side, and equalateral triangle has three equal sides, square four, pentagon, hexagon, etc, etc,

Is there a two side shape in that group, or is the circle gate crashing the equal side party as it doesn't have a straight side?

May this should be in the philosophy section?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
a line would have two straight sides, I don't know of any other figures that have that property. But then again, a line is not two dimensional.
  • #3
There is always a graph consisting of n edges and n vertices. For n>=3, these can be arranged to look like polygons, and for n=1, like a circle. So however you want to arrange the graph with two edges and two vertices could qualify for what you want. One way would be like the side view of a lemon, another like the perimeter of half a circle. I don't see a natural choice, other than a circle where you arbitrarily define two halves of the curcumference to be different sides, even though there is no "corner" where they meet.
  • #4
actually, the circle does *not* have 1 side. this is just weird mnemonic that kindergarten teachers like to "teach" their students for some reason or another.

if anything it has infinitely many sides, being the limit space of a sequence of regular polygons of increasing number of sides.
  • #5
Doodle Bob said:
actually, the circle does *not* have 1 side. this is just weird mnemonic that kindergarten teachers like to "teach" their students for some reason or another.

if anything it has infinitely many sides, being the limit space of a sequence of regular polygons of increasing number of sides.

That does fit better as then you can have 2D shapes with equal sides numbered 3 to infinity. I assume 1 would be a dimensionless dot, and 2 would be a zero thickness line but they can't exist on a two dimensional plane.

Can you do the same thing with 3D objects, three sided pyramid (can't remember it's name) cube, do pentagons teselate, etc, etc, until you get to sphere made up of an infinitite number of infinite equal sided faces?
  • #6
Panda said:
That does fit better as then you can have 2D shapes with equal sides numbered 3 to infinity. I assume 1 would be a dimensionless dot, and 2 would be a zero thickness line but they can't exist on a two dimensional plane.

this is an excellent example as to why mathematics is written the way it usually is. we want to be specific and accurate at the same time. to accomplish this, you might want to rephrase this whole inquiry as such:

given a finitely many set of points on the plane, what is the convex hull of those points? Is it possible for the boundary of the convex hull of these points to consist of two distinct line segments? If the convex hull has a nonzero area, what is the minimal possible number of points in the original set of points?

(if you don't know what "convex hull" means, look it up on wikipedia)

Panda said:
Can you do the same thing with 3D objects, three sided pyramid (can't remember it's name) cube, do pentagons teselate, etc, etc, until you get to sphere made up of an infinitite number of infinite equal sided faces?

In 3-space, we run into similar interesting questions. The tetrahedron has 4 sides, actually, not three. In fact, that's a good question: how many sides are possible for the boundary of the convex hull of finitiely many points in 3-space? (incidentally, Euler's Formula comes gliding into the room at this point of the inquiry, looking not a little like Veronica Lake)
  • #7
Well I've spent an hour rearranging Euler's Formula and I can't get it looking like Veronica Lake... but as I'm meant to be looking after baby panda I suppose I'll have to go back to showing how to get the triangular block through the round hole... I'll spend more time looking at the Veronica Lake problem after Mrs Panda has gone to bed though...
  • #8
Panda said:
Well I've spent an hour rearranging Euler's Formula and I can't get it looking like Veronica Lake... but as I'm meant to be looking after baby panda I suppose I'll have to go back to showing how to get the triangular block through the round hole... I'll spend more time looking at the Veronica Lake problem after Mrs Panda has gone to bed though...

Oh, wait, I meant Kim Basinger...

Anyway, that cryptic remark refers to the fact that Euler's Formula actually helps limit the number of faces, edges and vertices possible on a convex polyhedron (of finite area) in 3-space. For example, what happens if you try to plug V=3 into Euler's Pulchritudinous Formula? Or E=7?

FAQ: What is the official 2 sided object?

What is the official 2 sided object?

The official 2 sided object is a geometric shape that has two distinct sides that are both flat and meet at an edge.

What are some examples of official 2 sided objects?

Some examples of official 2 sided objects include coins, playing cards, and book covers.

What is the difference between a 2 sided object and a 3 dimensional object?

A 2 sided object is a flat, two-dimensional shape, while a 3 dimensional object has depth and occupies space in three dimensions.

Can a 2 sided object have more than two sides?

No, a 2 sided object by definition has only two sides. If a shape has more than two sides, it would be considered a 3 dimensional object.

Why is it important to distinguish between 2 sided and 3 dimensional objects?

It is important to distinguish between 2 sided and 3 dimensional objects because they have different properties and uses. 2 sided objects are typically used for flat surfaces and 3 dimensional objects are used for structures and objects that have depth and volume.
