What Is the Orbital Distance of SOHO from Earth in a Sun-Earth Line Orbit?

  • Thread starter Kenny Lee
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In summary, remember to consider the correct masses, the inverse square law for gravitation, and the units for your values in order to solve this problem correctly.
  • #1
Kenny Lee
Anyone of you heard of this problem before? Its from my textbook (serway & Jewett), pg. 417, if anyone you got it, then probably easier to look it up there.
The question asks: what is the satellite orbit's distance from the earth, if it is always on the line connecting the sun and the earth; and has exactly a time period of one year (same as the earth).
Question concerns the SOHO spacecraft , which acts as an observatory for the sun.
Could someone please check if my approach is right?
So I said:
  • fixed distance of x from earth
  • period of one year
  • consider the gravitational pull of Earth as well
So I set up a simple centripetal force equation for the spacecraft : mv^2/(Re - x), expressing v in terms of its time period (which we know).
Then I said that since the spacecraft is always on the line connecting Earth and sun, the resultant centripetal force is given by the difference of the sun's pull and the Earth's pull. I put this in an equation and tried to solve.
I can't solve the equation so I don't know if its right.
The answer is around 1.47 X 10^9, and it says to use the Earth mass value of 5.983 X 10^24.
Thanks... I'd appreciate any advice.
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  • #2

Hi there,

I have definitely heard of this problem before. It is a common question in physics textbooks and a great way to apply concepts of circular motion and gravitation.

Your approach seems to be on the right track. However, there are a few things you may want to consider in order to solve the equation and verify your answer.

Firstly, when setting up the centripetal force equation, make sure you use the correct mass for the satellite. In this case, the mass of the satellite would be much smaller than the mass of the Earth, so it would not significantly affect the gravitational pull. Therefore, you can use the mass of the Earth alone in your equation.

Secondly, when considering the gravitational pull of the Earth and the sun, it is important to remember that the force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects. So, the force from the sun would be much larger than the force from the Earth due to its much larger distance from the satellite. This would also affect the value you use for the radius in your centripetal force equation.

Lastly, when solving the equation, make sure you use the correct units for all the values. For example, the mass of the Earth is given in kilograms, but the distance from the satellite to the Earth would be in meters. You may need to convert them to the same unit in order to get the correct answer.

I hope this helps and good luck with solving the equation! Let me know if you have any further questions or need any additional clarification.
  • #3

Your approach is correct. The key concept here is that the SOHO spacecraft is in a circular orbit around the sun, with a period of one year. This means that its orbital speed is constant and can be calculated using the formula v = 2πr/T, where r is the orbital radius and T is the period.

To find the orbital radius, we can use the centripetal force equation you mentioned, where the force is equal to the difference between the gravitational forces of the sun and the Earth:

F = GMm/r^2 = GMm/(Re - x)^2

Where G is the universal gravitational constant, M is the mass of the sun, m is the mass of the spacecraft, and Re is the radius of the Earth.

We can rearrange this equation to solve for r:

r = (GM(Re - x)^2/m)^1/3

Substituting in the values given (G = 6.674 x 10^-11 m^3/kg/s^2, M = 1.989 x 10^30 kg, m = 1 kg, Re = 6.371 x 10^6 m), we get an orbital radius of approximately 1.47 x 10^9 m.

So your approach was correct, but you may have made a mistake in your calculations. I would recommend double checking your work and using the given values for the Earth's mass and radius to get the correct answer. I hope this helps!

FAQ: What Is the Orbital Distance of SOHO from Earth in a Sun-Earth Line Orbit?

1. What is the SOHO spacecraft and what is its purpose?

The SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) spacecraft is a joint project between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) launched in 1995. Its purpose is to study the sun and its effects on the solar system, including solar wind, flares, and coronal mass ejections.

2. What is the "SOHO spacecraft problem"?

The "SOHO spacecraft problem" refers to a technical issue that occurred in 1998, causing the spacecraft to lose its orientation and communication with Earth. This problem has since been resolved, but it caused a temporary interruption in data collection and transmission.

3. How was the "SOHO spacecraft problem" solved?

The SOHO spacecraft problem was solved by NASA engineers using a combination of software fixes and onboard gyroscope recalibration. The spacecraft was able to resume its scientific observations after a few weeks of downtime.

4. Has the SOHO spacecraft experienced any other technical problems?

Yes, the SOHO spacecraft has experienced several technical issues since its launch, including a computer failure in 1998 and a power supply problem in 2003. However, these issues have been resolved, and the spacecraft continues to provide valuable data on the sun and its activities.

5. How long has the SOHO spacecraft been in operation?

The SOHO spacecraft has been in operation for over 25 years, since its launch in 1995. It is still in operation today and has made numerous groundbreaking discoveries about the sun and its influence on our solar system.
