What is the pattern behind the repeating decimal in this interesting fraction?

In summary, the fraction $\frac{1}{998,001}$ can be written as a repeating decimal with a pattern of all 3-digit numbers except 998, and the 2997-digit cycle repeats forever. This is just one example in a series of similar fractions, such as $\frac{1}{81}$ and $\frac{1}{9801}$, which can be explained using the binomial series. The repeating pattern is caused by the carries in the sum of consecutive integers, resulting in a "skip" two places back from $10^n$.
  • #1

[tex]\displaystyle\frac{1}{998,001} \;=\;0.\overline{000\,001\,002\,003\,004\,005\, \cdots\,996\,997\,999}\, \cdots[/tex]

The decimal representation contains all the 3-digit numbers except 998
. . and the 2997-digit cycle repeats forever.

This is just one of a family of such fractions.
Can you determine the underlying characteristic?
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  • #2
The pattern must be that this is the third member of a series starting

$\dfrac1{81} = \dfrac1{9^2} = 0.\overline{012345679}$,

$\dfrac1{9801} = \dfrac1{99^2} = 0.\overline{00\,01\,02\,03\,04\,05\cdots 96\,97\,99}$,

$\dfrac1{998\,001} = \dfrac1{999^2} = 0.\overline{000\,001\,002\,003\,004\,005\cdots 996\,997\,999}$.

You can sort of see why this works if you consider the binomial series

$(1-x)^{-2} = 1+2x+3x^2+4x^3+5x^4+\ldots$,

with $x = 1/10^k$. For example, if $k=1$ you get

$$\begin{aligned}\tfrac1{81} = 9^{-2} = (10-1)^{-2} &= \tfrac1{100}\bigl(1-\tfrac1{10}\bigr)^{-2} \\ &= \tfrac1{100}\bigl(1 + \tfrac2{10} + \tfrac3{100} +\tfrac4{1000} + \ldots\bigr).\end{aligned}$$

That gives you $\frac1{81} = 0.01234...$. The trouble starts when you have to try to justify why the 8 gets left out, and why the decimal starts to recur after the 9.
  • #3
Opalg said:
The trouble starts when you have to try to justify why the 8 gets left out, and why the decimal starts to recur after the 9.
may be that's because after 9/10^8 we have 10/10^9=1/10^8...that implies
which transforms or (eliminates to reproduce) 8/10^7 into 9/10^7 and recurring i am working on that...:confused:
  • #4
There is additional discussion http://www.mathhelpboards.com/f9/1-998001-a-3403/.
  • #5
Opalg said:
The pattern must be that this is the third member of a series starting

$\dfrac1{81} = \dfrac1{9^2} = 0.\overline{012345679}$,

$\dfrac1{9801} = \dfrac1{99^2} = 0.\overline{00\,01\,02\,03\,04\,05\cdots 96\,97\,99}$,

$\dfrac1{998\,001} = \dfrac1{999^2} = 0.\overline{000\,001\,002\,003\,004\,005\cdots 996\,997\,999}$.

You can sort of see why this works if you consider the binomial series

$(1-x)^{-2} = 1+2x+3x^2+4x^3+5x^4+\ldots$,

with $x = 1/10^k$. For example, if $k=1$ you get

$$\begin{aligned}\tfrac1{81} = 9^{-2} = (10-1)^{-2} &= \tfrac1{100}\bigl(1-\tfrac1{10}\bigr)^{-2} \\ &= \tfrac1{100}\bigl(1 + \tfrac2{10} + \tfrac3{100} +\tfrac4{1000} + \ldots\bigr).\end{aligned}$$

That gives you $\frac1{81} = 0.01234...$. The trouble starts when you have to try to justify why the 8 gets left out, and why the decimal starts to recur after the 9.

The answer, as it ends up, is simple. As you have hinted, we can write this as
To start, let's focus on the case of $\frac{1}{81}$, that is, the $n=1$ case. In this case, we have
1/81 =
.01 +
.002 +
.0003 + ...
which starts out fine. However, eventually we reach
...08 +
...009 +
...0010 +
...00011 + ...

now, the 1 from the 10 overlaps with the 9. As a result, there's a 1 that carries over to the eight, putting a 9 where there was an 8, and a 0 where there was a 9. In fact, because of the 1's in the 10's place of the numbers that follow, the sequence of numbers climbs onwards, until the next skip when that 1 changes to a 2. That is, the result of this sum after all the carries are accounted for is


which gives us that characteristic "skip" two places back from $10^n$. Thus, the repeating decimal is $ 0.\overline{012345679}$, as we know. With a similar analysis, we find that there is always a skip of the $(10^n-1)^{th}$ $n$-digit number in the sequence. This skip is the inevitable result of the fact that our fraction hides the sum of an endlessly rising sequence of consecutive integers, not just the endless loop of $n$-digit integers that happen to come up in the digital representation.

For comparison, the number $ 0.\overline{0123456789}$ has the much less elegant (reduced) representation of $\frac{13717421}{1111111111}$.
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FAQ: What is the pattern behind the repeating decimal in this interesting fraction?

What is an interesting fraction?

An interesting fraction is a fraction that has unique or unusual properties, making it stand out from other fractions. These properties can include being irrational, having recurring decimals, or being equivalent to other fractions in unexpected ways.

What are some examples of interesting fractions?

Some examples of interesting fractions include pi (3.14159...), which is an irrational number and cannot be expressed as a finite decimal; the golden ratio (1.618...), which has many unique mathematical properties and can be found in nature; and the Egyptian fraction 2/3, which is equivalent to the decimal 0.666... but has a different way of representing it.

Why are interesting fractions important in mathematics?

Interesting fractions play a crucial role in mathematics as they provide insights into the nature of numbers and their relationships. They also help us understand mathematical concepts and principles better, and can lead to new discoveries and advancements in the field.

How can interesting fractions be used in real-life applications?

Interesting fractions have various applications in real life, such as in engineering, architecture, and finance. For example, the golden ratio is often used in design and aesthetics, and irrational numbers like pi are essential in calculations for building structures and financial models.

Can interesting fractions be simplified or written in other forms?

Yes, interesting fractions can be simplified or written in various forms, depending on the context. For example, irrational numbers can be approximated by rational numbers, and fractions can be written in different equivalent forms, such as decimals, percentages, or mixed numbers. However, these manipulations do not change the underlying interesting properties of the fraction.
