What is the perception of reality in our minds?

  • Thread starter John_Titor
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In summary, the conversation seems to revolve around the concept of reality and how it is perceived by individuals. There is also mention of changes and a "new world" that will impact everyone. The messages received appear to be interpretations from a source, and there is a suggestion for the receiver to improve their language skills. Overall, the conversation seems to be about deep philosophical ideas and interpretations.
  • #36
Originally posted by Royce
1) One has only to imagine or look with our minds to see. There is
more to reality than what the senses can detect. Even your
science has proven that.

2) Anyone and everyone can see it, them, other realities, whatever.
Vertually everyone who has meditated, reached an altered state of
consciousness, reports very similar experiences. It is either
real or it is a common psychosis or it it something our brains
are hard wired to do. I don't know. I can only tell you what my
experiences are and that they are very similar to others.

3) It is no secret nor anything special. It is only being quiet
and listening and allowing the mind to do what it will.
All bunk, bubba!

Seriously, though, restating your unfounded ideas doesn't make them true.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Originally posted by Zero
All bunk, bubba!

Seriously, though, restating your unfounded ideas doesn't make them true.

Royce made no metaphysical claims in this post. He simply stated a set of ideas that are entirely consistent with scientific ideology. Where's the bunk, bubba?
  • #38
Originally posted by Zantra

OK well he can stay as long as he doesn't start prophesizing about the future:wink:

Well, TENYEARS is still prophesying here. I think the Mentors are doing a good enough job though, so I try not to complain about what I believe are misplacements too often.
  • #39
Originally posted by Royce
1) One has only to imagine or look with our minds to see. There is
more to reality than what the senses can detect. Even your
science has proven that.

Alright then, I ask you: Why does a normal child understand while a child with no senses does not?

2) Anyone and everyone can see it, them, other realities, whatever.
Vertually everyone who has meditated, reached an altered state of
consciousness, reports very similar experiences. It is either
real or it is a common psychosis or it it something our brains
are hard wired to do. I don't know. I can only tell you what my
experiences are and that they are very similar to others.

Sure, but (and I hate to agree with Zero on this point but...) this could just as easily be induced by drugs anyway, since it is (IMO) nothing more than an excitation of certain hormones which lead to a lack of ability toward rational thinking for a certain amount of time.

3) It is no secret nor anything special. It is only being quiet
and listening and allowing the mind to do what it will.

So we can listen to our minds? Then what are we?
  • #40
You two, Zero and Mentat, are the ones making claims and assertions that you know. You know all about something that you have never experienced nor researched. I am mearly reporting on my experiences, showing that they are similar and supportive of other reportred experiences and what it meant to me, my interpetation and impression of them and what it felt like in the best terms that I know, trying to put in words that others can understand, while trying to keep my personal beliefs and biases out of it. This is what a good scientist, reporter, philosopher does. I make no claims, assert no knowledge nor advocate any belief system. If you don't believe me fine. Go prove it for yourself. going to great lengths trying to come up with scientific explanations for what is going on is a waste of time and effort. You don't know. Neither do I. One totally unreasonable explanation is just as good as any other unreasonable explanation.
  • #41
Originally posted by Mentat
Alright then, I ask you: Why does a normal child understand while a child with no senses does not?

This is a question of cognitive science. Regular sensual stimulation is necessary for the normal and healthy cognitive development of a child. But this is irrelevant to Royce's statement. I believed all he meant to say was that there is more to reality than meets the sensual eye. One simple example of this would be radio waves. I'm sure there are infinitely many more examples, most of which we probably haven't stumbled across yet.

Sure, but (and I hate to agree with Zero on this point but...) this could just as easily be induced by drugs anyway, since it is (IMO) nothing more than an excitation of certain hormones which lead to a lack of ability toward rational thinking for a certain amount of time.

Royce explicitly granted that transcendent subjective phenomena could be 'just' a consequence of the workings of the physical brain, so what is your argument here? The point is that the ontology and origin of these experiences is not the important thing; the important thing is simply the experience itself.

So we can listen to our minds? Then what are we?

'We' in the conventional sense are egos, mental constructs of self-identity. 'We' learn a valuable lesson when we see that there is more to us than the ego and that consciousness can be experienced without the perpetually filtering lens that our normally functioning egos impose on it.
  • #42
Well said Hypnogogue. It is a pleasant but unusual experience to find some one actually supporting and defending what I and other have said about this subject. You are saying it better than I could. Thank you.
  • #43
It could be said that we are the result of our projected self image. In other words, whatever our minds percieve ourselvees to be, is what we outwardly project to others.
  • #44
Sure, but (and I hate to agree with Zero on this point but...) this could just as easily be induced by drugs anyway, since it is (IMO) nothing more than an excitation of certain hormones which lead to a lack of ability toward rational thinking for a certain amount of time.


What is "Reality" ? Do you think what you touch is real or solid ? Do

you think what you smell and breath right now is air ?

To understand why drugs and other stimulants effect your soul

require first to understand the concept of "The Holographic Universe

Concept" that is connected in everyway of how it perceives our


for example:

In the 1950s, while conducting research into the beliefs of LSD as a

psychotherapeutic tool, Grof had one female patient who suddenly

became convinced she had assumed the identity of a female of a

species of prehistoric reptile. During the course of her

hallucination, she not only gave a richly detailed description of

what it felt like to be encapsuled in such a form, but noted that the

portion of the male of the species's anatomy was a patch of colored

scales on the side of its head. What was startling to Grof was that

although the woman had no prior knowledge about such things, a

conversation with a zoologist later confirmed that in certain species

of reptiles colored areas on the head do indeed play an important

role as triggers of sexual arousal. The woman's experience was not

unique. During the course of his research, Grof encountered examples

of patients regressing and identifying with virtually every species

on the evolutionary tree (research findings which helped influence

the man-into-ape scene in the movie Altered States). Moreover, he

found that such experiences frequently contained obscure zoological

details which turned out to be accurate. Regressions into the animal

kingdom were not the only puzzling psychological phenomena Grof

encountered. He also had patients who appeared to tap into some sort

of collective or racial unconscious. Individuals with little or no

education suddenly gave detailed descriptions of Zoroastrian funerary

practices and scenes from Hindu mythology. In other categories of

experience, individuals gave persuasive accounts of out-of-body

journeys, of precognitive glimpses of the future, of regressions into

apparent past-life incarnations.
  • #45
"I also don't dispute there are other ways to know reality besides through reason, I am only saying philosophy is the art and science of reason."

what is the reasoning behind axioms? what are the reasons we should accept any axioms whatsoever?

"science of reason." that's an interesting way to put it. isn't science about observation, theorizing, and predicting?

philosophy, does it not, mean the love of knowledge (and not "the art and science of reason)? reason is only a tool for accessing knowledge, not the definition of philosophy. another tool for accessing knowledge is the higher self which can be superficially described as intuition.

btw, i question whether my intuition is a reliable tool for accessing knowledge just as much, if not more so, than i question whether reason is a reliable tool for accessing knowledge.

  • #46
"What you think of "REALITY" is far from what you perceive it to be."

"Particularly here, a great many feel the senses are the only reliable avenue of experience."

i have other experiences besides what my (five or six) senses tell me. i also have experiences of thoughts and emotions.

descartes said once that the senses deceive us. memory can change the color of a car. eye witness testimony is not considered 100% accurate/reliable. my question is this: when two people have different sensory experiences as evidenced by their differing descriptions of reality, then who is to say what reality is? was the car really red or was it really orange?

the idea that what we perceive is an illusion is not at all new. i don't know what would constitute evidence that we're not in a matrix right now unless we become free of it somehow.

one way to put it is that what we perceive is an illusion but the way i like to put it is that what we perceive is the tip of the iceburg. to refine a little, I'm not just saying there's another side of the mountain you're not currently perceiving, I'm also suspecting that there's more to the mountain than is in three dimensional space. the mountain is just the 3D shadow/projection of the complete object that lives either in some abstract world or in hyperdimensional space.

whether or not this is an illusion, the illusion clearly has rules. rules like if you shoot yourself in the foot, there is a strong chance of encountering the illusion of pain. the rules for the rest of the iceburg are unclear to me; it is unclear that there are any rules except ones we invent.

  • #47
"I'm going to suggest some things:
a) an English composition class
b) less drugs
c) more drugs(doctor prescribed)"

that is the typical reaction i encounter.

why take an english composition class? all it does is teaches you set ways of writing that are "tried and true". such ways don't immediately lead to original thought and writing.

i would say the writings are on the abstract side and i don't think they're meant to be understood as easily as a detective novel. they may have to be read a dozen or more times for even the basic essence to be perceived.

less drugs. that's almost funny. i wonder if the people who had faith in the old way of thinking thought einstein was on drugs.

more prescribed drugs. interesting. i guess anyone who doesn't fit in should be made to fit in, assimilated into the collective of the normal, right? or else, leave us alone?

  • #48
"So you say, but why should I accept that statement, and even if I did, why should I accept it from you? I don't know if you are for real, or some crackpot on peyote or as Zero suspects, a bipolar patient who's forgotten to take his meds."

no one is saying, as far as i know, that you *should* accept the statements.

lincoln was an unmedicated bipolar person, according to doctors. he's on the five dollar bill, last time i checked. should we have instead thrown lincoln in an asylum so he could get better?

in other words, what I'm saying is that calling someone a crackpot (on peyote) or an unmedicated bipolar patient is a classic example of an ad hominem attack which is commonly considered an illogical basis for disagreeing.

  • #49
"My major problem with this sort of thing is that it is based on a series of unfounded assumptions with no support. Here are a few of them.

1) There is more to see beyond what senses and logic can observe.
2) Somehow, certain people can see them.
3) The techniques used, even though they resemble brainwashing and hypnosis, really aren't, as long as you see the 'right' things."

zero, tell me what systems of knowledge aren't based on a bunch of unfounded assumptions with no support? in mathematics, we have axioms. in science, we have the assumption that the scientific method is the way to go (a way that wouldn't be acceptible to a mathematician). in philosophy, we assume that we're all going to use some version of aristotle's rules of logic.

is 1) something you have evidence against?
2) no. everyone can see them; they just don't.
3) are you saying that when I'm writing to you, that resembles brainwashing? all john is doing is writing. how is that brainwashing? hypnosis. i just don't see the resemblance to hypnosis. you use quotes when you write the word right, but, in fact, i don't believe john ever used the word. I'm not a firm believer that there is an absolute right and wrong, anyway, and i don't know how to find out if there is...

  • #50
"All bunk, bubba!"

that doesn't convince me it's bunk. in fact, nothing you can say will convince me that i haven't had transcendant states of consciousness that have changed my life.

i could just as well say that i took 100 hits of LSD and had quite a trip. would your response be, "all bunk, bubba?" this is what i and others have experienced, bubba. i suspect that you think it's bunk because you've never experienced it. if i were you, i'd think it was bunk too. i know that all YOU have to go on is YOUR experience.

  • #51
"Sure, but (and I hate to agree with Zero on this point but...) this could just as easily be induced by drugs anyway, since it is (IMO) nothing more than an excitation of certain hormones which lead to a lack of ability toward rational thinking for a certain amount of time."

the brain is full of neurotransmitters that could lightly be called drugs all the time.

why is it that when a new drug is introduced, the experience is suddenly not real? (let's assume there are X neurotransmitters.) it's real if there are X neurotransmitters but if there are X neurotransmitters plus one drug, it is no longer real? what about people who's neurotransmitter balance/function is wildly different from yours? are there experiences not real/not a reflection of reality?

it is interesting to consider the roots of the words rational and irrational. they have to do with the way greeks viewed numbers. most real numbers are irrational. i don't know what this means except that it suggests to me that the meanings of the words are arbitrary.

may your journey be graceful,
  • #52

Please read this. I first need to hear your opinion about this one.

This was written before 9/11 (I will divide this letter into 2

posts/parts because it is acceding the limit of 10000 characters




Later this year - prophecy will holdtrue, you will see.

For it is written in the eyeinthepyramid...

The Entity does not want to be caught out!
In fact right now, The Entity is doing everything in its power to get you to discredit this emailcommunication. The Entity is a ForeignInstallation that sits inside your consciousness and lies to you and dis-empowers you, robbing you of your essence, and aims to weaken you and bring you into pain and suffering.

For it is written in the eyeinthepyramid... All of the wars of this Earth - aimed at population control - are the result of The Entity, that which we call "The Flyer", the shapeless black amorphous mass that no one can see unless you practice mind-cleansingdiscipline. Silence. Focus. Concentration. Listening to your intuition and shutting out the noise around you. The frustration for (and indeed the eventual ousting of) The Entity is in the "Not Doing".

There is more power in silence than you know. There is liberation. In the "doing of nothing", The Entity begins to go away, it is no longer fun to be on your back, to hold you as its prisoner. You will then begin to shake off this parasitic monkey on your back. The Entity consumes off your negativeenergy - it's aim is to destroy you, bring painanddestruction to you, and ultimatelydestruction, robbing the Creator of your experiences, and then The Entity moves on to continue its trail of detritus and destruction...

The Universe has brought you here because the Lightforce wishes to accumulate the experiences of your journey here. You are one of a trilliontrillion beings throughout all the multi-verses, and but a nerve ending in all that is Creation. In the same way that the Human Body is a miracle to us, but nothing more than a sensorynervecentre, and a recording device to take back with it all it's experiences on this remote world.

For it is written in the eyeinthepyramid... For generations we imprisoned our livestock and farm animals for food and sustenance; would you have thought you were being farmed yourselves? According to a most Secret Report, it is the plan of the Flyer-controlled Governments of the world to continue to keep our foodstuffs unclean, containing more chemicals than are made publishable, the water filtration process still composed of "gray brain-matter destroying" lead and lethal fluoride which clouds your power of discrimination.

There has been a cure for the cold for over 80 years - one of the better known daily remedies of royalty passed on to them by the benevolent Grays and sorcerers being the consumption of silver; but authorities have pushed up the price of silver to the extent that it is impossible for you to maintain its dosage requirement. Certain medicine is not made known to you, and is kept out of the pharmacy - it is there, but it's price is high, and only we who have reached deeply within ourselves and discovered our true power, can afford to pay for it. Gold is like silver, and silver is like health. Manifest silver as you need silver, and the same can be said of health. Let not the ForeignInstallation confuse your power. It makes you afraid, so that what you think is your weakness you fear is actually its own fear of the strength that you really have. You are truly more powerful than you can possibly imagine. But you must learn to re-wire your mind. You must break the comforting patterns and habitualroutines, for in these The Entity makes you believe there is safety; so that your growth is stymied and the true extent of your mind is never known to you - forever trapping you into a platitude of mundane repetition. If only you realized how whatever you wish can be yours - dream it in silence and in meditation and it shall come to you.

For you will see in the eyeinthepyramid... The Entity lies to you - trust not your inner voice, trust your more tranquil inner intuition; the quietness that leads you to discover. Meet all whose eyes you make contact with, for with them lies a connection to you; in all that is said you begin to get closer to the truth. The consciousness of mankind is becoming ready to know.

Your oxygen supply is being thinned yearly, so that only the bare minimum will be made available to you. Even for your oxygen you will pay. Are you so sure you now what is behind the Ozonedepletion report? They keep you weak, and divided because a united mankind can destroy The Entity that is the Flyer - with your thoughts alone. As the walls of Jericho were brought down by thought and the sound of trumpets, so the Torah tells us. Through the instruments of government and churches, your scriptural texts have been edited. Your Baghavadgita, Bible and Koran are but shadows of what they once were.

For it is written in the eyeinthepyramid... Your scriptural edits rob you of the knowledgeofprayer. They keep you scared and running around trying to earn money. This takes your minds off discovering true inner power - and there is so much of it. The Entity sits on your consciousness and controls everything you do, see and "think" you believe.

The Entity allows you only the smallest amount of lifeforce, envelopes all of your energy, drags you down, absorbs your life-strength, so that only the most minimum lifeforce near your ankles is kept free - giving you just enough connection with mother Earth to survive. To kill you completely is fruitless for The Entity, it wants to see how much fun it can have with you first. So you will find The Entity in all your bars and wherever there is drink, and fast cars and beautiful women. There you find The Entity.

These are the facts: The world is at war. Humanity is at war with a secret enemy - secret only because only a small part of the population knows about it - others discredit it and even others deem this to be trash, nay, the utterances of a crazy man. If you are ready to listen, then do so now. The Reptilians are at war. The US State Government holds mankind's contact and encounter with the Alien Entity at the highestdegree of secrecy. The Entity has a greater degree of power and control than you realize.
  • #53
continue ...

For it is written in the eyeinthepyramid... The thoughts you hold - your inner voice is not your own. The only mind you really have is your Intuition. Your intuition does not waiver - it is firm and grasps clearly. Your thoughts smash you up because they are not your thoughts. The indecision, the misdirected thinking is not you thinking. The Entity has taken over everyone by agreement. Ever since you were very young you unknowingly allowed The Entity to enter you and take over by the agreement you made with it. The Bible says that whenever two people meet and agree on something, then it is so... well, it is so. This is one of the truer statements made. We have all made agreements with this Entity. Through prayer. By listening and believing it to be yourinnervoice.

The Entity resides within mostofhumanity. Have you exorcised your demon? Alcohol, speed-cars and The Entity are not a good combination.

The Entity does not care for you. The Entity is in it for what it can get out of you. The Entity is the other voice in your head - which confuses you, which brings you hardshipandpain. The Entity lives off the negative energy you emit. The Entity enjoys bringing you pain - once it has destroyed you it leaves you... and goes onto anotherhumanhost. The Entity is like a Kid that steals the car. The kid can not wait to act recklessly and race round the block - even if it means that he smashes the new car - usually this sort of kid is Entity-possessed and has not been Entity-cleared.

Please be aware of your Entity and sitinsilence; and do nothing - it will drive The Entity away. Yes, Do nothing. Do things that bring you no reward. Speak to plants in the desert. Speak without sense.

Question this - if what I am writing is correct, and you have read this entire communication - and you feel it to be true, act upon it and keep the consciousness awake, that you have the powerinsideyou, in the silence, in the doing of nothing, to find freedomandliberty from the ForeignInstallation.

Everytime that you look at the US dollar bills, see the eye in the pyramid and follow the signs that direct you to the clues. It is in the eyeinthepyramid that you will come even closer to understanding the extent of the lie that is being told to you... The state would have you believe that the eyeinthepyramid is the all seeing eye of providence and divinity. It is not, and can not be as I shall show you. You will begin to understand why The Entity has had our currency marked, and why symbols are for The Entity what words are for you and I.

When you follow the clues all over your Babel-Internet, you will find what has taken me much gold to build, the answers that I have strewn everywhere. Cabal, digitalnation, blackhelicopters, kunm, area51, libertycalisto, ThePentagon, sleepdepravation, unlockingbackheadenergy, approachingmeteor, atlantis, fallofthebes, hallofrecords, pyramidbeacons, marspentagon.

I have written the waytotheTruth and the paths that you must follow to find yourownfreedom into this document, you will have begun to conquer this elusive parasite within you.

I can help you overcome The Entity which strives to keep you enslaved... and then there is nothing that you can not have. For The Entity does everything in its power to rob you of your truepowers of attraction for all that you desire, and health, and the synchronicity between your will and your ability to manifest them.

You are about to marvel at the Truth of it all...

Follow me, enter into the pyramid of consciousness and find theguidingeye. The intuitive eye The Entity has persuaded you to shut off.

I swear to you that if you lookdeeper into this letter, and followyourinstincts, you will discover something more astounding than you have a frame of reference for at this time - I promise you that your consciousness is abouttoawaken to what you never thought possible...

The Internet is giving mankind again the opportunity of uniting; so that I might elude The Entity (knowing well how it thinks) I have encoded in this communication all of the links to the sites that will find YOU. Find the Truth and you will begin to Discover the Extent of Your True Self, and find Freedom from the earthly incarceration you are in.

There is a lucid-reason why the major portion of humanity is in the doldrums, and struggle financially, and are unable to lock out the negative destructive "thinking". Only those at the apex of the pyramid are in control because of what they know - because of their enlightenment. Have you never stopped to "ask yourself" what is this invisible glassbarrier that is keeping you down? For just this once in your life follow your instincts, not your thoughts, and unveil for yourself the mystery that has kept you a prisoner for so long. If you work deligently enough you will find me, and then you will be ready to know the truth.

The power-potential contained within your innerspace is limitless. The Entity will have you believe you can not turn water into wine, and you can not bend the will of metal. Your lightforce you will find when you learn to shut out The Entity.

I am not openly broadcasting who I am or my whereabouts. Follow the beacons imbedded in this my communication with you, and "I" will find "you"...

The answer is right before your eye, repeating itself in your subconscious.

Tomorrow you awaken understanding the fullclarity of it all.

Do you NOW know the mystery of the eyeinthepyramid ?

I will be there when you arrive on the other side.

Darius Quan
Portal Holder
Originally from United States of America, 19 September 03
Now living in exile


it was sent weeks before 9/11

it references the last book by Carlos Castaneda; The Active Side of

Infinity - by using the term TheEntity

there is a sort of hidden code in the message as mentioned at the

end, it leads to more puzzling things

"Darius" is a symbolic name - Darius was emperor of persia, current

Iraq, the whore of babylon, in some circles "Darius" symbolizes the

United States. "Quan" is a very popular vietnamese name. These two

interpretations are supported by the fact that there are TWO messages

sent out on the internet, one subtly different from the other. One is

signed by Darius Quan living in exile in the US, the other living in

exile in Vietnam. portal holder now i have broke the code in the

message as mentioned at the end, it leads to more questions

Both are supposedly written in the future: 19 september 2003, almost

exactly 25 months later then they were received
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  • #54
i'll pretend that this won't all get deleted by writing here.

let me just be myself for a sec.

i see the eyeinthepyramid, it speaks to me silently.

i've heard of reptilians and i know exactly what theentity is. what it doesn't know is that i was in in a more symbiotic relationship with it than it may know, learning from it. but its usefulness is at an end; the silence that precedes intuition i will use as a tool to purge myself of it. it has had devastating effects on my mind and body such as amnesia, speech impairment, unexpained blackouts (including artifacts that i was quite awake and lucid during the time i don't remember), mood problems, temporary mental retardation, and muscle weakness would pretty much cover it. this comes at a time when I've exiled myself from the contact of all but one person.

when all this was going on, it is my intuition that i was primarily existing somewhere else that i have no memory of. interesting that my friend in the same boat as me underwent an 18 hour comatose experience nearly at the same time as my physical/mental problems were getting intense.

now things for us have returned to a state other than normal and other than debilitating.

remember that the source loves you in its own way, a way not shown in a manner consistent with what humans usually *desire*.

it seems to me that the eyeinthepyramid is the best medication. that and the silence that preceeds intuition.

perhaps the last three posts, including this one, should be moved to mystics and pseudoscience, but that doesn't exist anymore. seems to be under skepticism and debunking, https://www.physicsforums.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=5 .

may your journey be graceful,
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  • #55
  • #56

I was wondering if this "entity" is what we call "little self" ?
  • #57
Originally posted by phoenixthoth
"All bunk, bubba!"

that doesn't convince me it's bunk. in fact, nothing you can say will convince me that i haven't had transcendant states of consciousness that have changed my life.

i could just as well say that i took 100 hits of LSD and had quite a trip. would your response be, "all bunk, bubba?" this is what i and others have experienced, bubba. i suspect that you think it's bunk because you've never experienced it. if i were you, i'd think it was bunk too. i know that all YOU have to go on is YOUR experience.

None of your experiences can be attributed to anything except your own subconscious, your own completely phisical brain.
  • #58
Originally posted by Zero
None of your experiences can be attributed to anything except your own subconscious, your own completely phisical brain.

You're missing an important qualifier: "According to the currently accepted scientific paradigm..." I'm not saying that these experiences necessarily are anything more than the subconscious, mind you. But since we don't have an exhaustive knowledge of how the Universe works, you can't categorically deny that such an experience might be attributed to something more than the subconscious.

edit: Whoops, context. Furthermore, you're dodging the issue. The point that was being made was that the spiritual experience is real, regardless of its nature or where it might 'come from.' As such, the spiritual experience is definitely not "bunk."
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  • #59
Originally posted by hypnagogue
You're missing an important qualifier: "According to the currently accepted scientific paradigm..." I'm not saying that these experiences necessarily are anything more than the subconscious, mind you. But since we don't have an exhaustive knowledge of how the Universe works, you can't categorically deny that such an experience might be attributed to something more than the subconscious.

edit: Whoops, context. Furthermore, you're dodging the issue. The point that was being made was that the spiritual experience is real, regardless of its nature or where it might 'come from.' As such, the spiritual experience is definitely not "bunk."
You have a hard time reading my posts too, don't you. I have repeatedly stated that I question the 'source' of the experience, not the experience itself.
  • #60
Look, I don't want to get into a tiff over who's reading and who's not reading. The 'source' of the experience is questionable, but currently the argument has switched from the source to the experience. In your previous post I guess you missed this, since Royce had been describing the experience itself without considering the source, and you still called this "bunk."
  • #61
Originally posted by Royce
You two, Zero and Mentat, are the ones making claims and assertions that you know. You know all about something that you have never experienced nor researched. I am mearly reporting on my experiences, showing that they are similar and supportive of other reportred experiences and what it meant to me, my interpetation and impression of them and what it felt like in the best terms that I know, trying to put in words that others can understand, while trying to keep my personal beliefs and biases out of it. This is what a good scientist, reporter, philosopher does. I make no claims, assert no knowledge nor advocate any belief system. If you don't believe me fine. Go prove it for yourself. going to great lengths trying to come up with scientific explanations for what is going on is a waste of time and effort. You don't know. Neither do I. One totally unreasonable explanation is just as good as any other unreasonable explanation.
Aee, this is just wrong. Because we don't buy into your ideas doesn'tr mean we haven't researched or experienced it for ourselves. I've had experiences in this sort of thing, and done plenty of research, and I conclude that it is all due to the physical workings of my body.
  • #62

I was wondering if this "entity" is what we call "little self" ?"

(phoenix will do)

yes, i would say so. I'm not sure if there is one "entity" or many. i would guess many.

  • #63
"None of your experiences can be attributed to anything except your own subconscious, your own completely phisical brain."

well, maybe i can do more than you can. i can attribute my experiences to my remote control.

the question is whether what i attribute my experiences to is correct.

what's your evidence that the correct attributation is my subconscious?

  • #64
"You have a hard time reading my posts too, don't you. I have repeatedly stated that I question the 'source' of the experience, not the experience itself."

you're doing far more than question it. you're saying the source is my subconscious.

what i don't publicly say is that i question the source as well. i also wonder if, in the end, it matters.

may your journey be graceful,
  • #65
Phoenixthoth and everyone else who believes that there is more then

just the physical life please stop arguing with people who do not

believe. I do not see any point to argu with someone that does not

want to believe. Maybe it is not his/her time to see the truth, maybe

it is not his/her fate to see ever the truth until the end of times.

I was atheist for so long, but the moment now came to me because I

was meant to believe, I was meant to see. It does not matter If

anyone believe in God forece or not what really matters is to be

human beings. Let's stop arguing , let's stop hating each other for our

differences . For God sake when will come this day when everyone will

be treating each other as if they were brothers and sisters , when

people will stop puting down each other because they do not like

their look or they race.
  • #66
Originally posted by John_Titor
For God sake when will come this day when everyone will

be treating each other as if they were brothers and sisters , when

people will stop puting down each other because they do not like

their look or they race.
Sadly, never. We'll all kill each other before that happens.
  • #67
Sadly, never. We'll all kill each other before that happens.

Dear Tsunami,

Some people will stay here in this 3 dimenssional Earth to die

because "droids" can not live without "beings". The once who meant to

stay will stay , the once who meant to go will do so.

ThiS iS So.
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