What is the period of oscillation of the mass on the spring?

In summary, when a mass is attached to the end of a vertical spring, the spring oscillates with a period of 0.348 seconds.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a)When a mass is attached to the end of a vertical spring, the spring is stretched down 3 cm. If the mass is pulled down a bit farther and then released, what is the period of oscillation of the mass on the spring? b) if the mass moves through its equilibrium position at 50 cm/s, what is the amplitude of the oscillation?

Homework Equations

T= 2pi/v , w= srqt(g/L) , T=2pi/w

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried using w= srqt(g/L) because the problem only gives you with the radius of the ball, so i just that equation to find the angular velocity and than use w to find the period with T=2pi/w but i don;t get the right answer. which is 0.348 seconds.
for part b i just don;t even know how to start.
I need help?
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  • #2
ScienceGeek24 said:

Homework Statement

a)When a mass is attached to the end of a vertical spring, the spring is stretched down 3 cm. If the mass is pulled down a bit farther and then released, what is the period of oscillation of the mass on the spring? b) if the mass moves through its equilibrium position at 50 cm/s, what is the amplitude of the oscillation?

Homework Equations

T= 2pi/v , w= srqt(g/L) , T=2pi/w

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried using w= srqt(g/L) because the problem only gives you with the radius of the ball, so i just that equation to find the angular velocity and than use w to find the period with T=2pi/w but i don;t get the right answer. which is 0.348 seconds.
for part b i just don;t even know how to start.
I need help?

Non sequitur. What ball? Why angular velocity when you're dealing with a linear spring?
  • #3
What radius of what ball? This is just a mass on a spring.

You want to look at the kinetic and potential energy. Write down the equation for energy at the beginning, and write down the equation for energy at the equilibrium position.
  • #4
Got it! yeah i really didn't have to use any angular velocities. The hard part was assuming that the mass is 1 kg. because it only mentions mass and they don;t mention anything else so i tried 1 kg just for curiosity.

I used T=2pi*sqrt(m/k) i knew that k=F/deltay so (1kg)(9.8)/0.03m=326.7 N/m than plug everything in T=2pi*sqrt(m/k) and i got 0.347seconds which was the right answer. Thank gneill!
  • #5
than for the second part I used A=VmaxT/2pi and got the right amplitude too.
  • #6
ScienceGeek24 said:
Got it! yeah i really didn't have to use any angular velocities. The hard part was assuming that the mass is 1 kg. because it only mentions mass and they don;t mention anything else so i tried 1 kg just for curiosity.
Instead of 1kg you could have used mass of m and expressed k in terms of m.
  • #7
ScienceGeek24 said:
Got it! yeah i really didn't have to use any angular velocities. The hard part was assuming that the mass is 1 kg. because it only mentions mass and they don;t mention anything else so i tried 1 kg just for curiosity.

You should always solve problems symbolically. Only plug in numbers as the very last step (that is, if there are any numbers). That is the only way to understand the physics.
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FAQ: What is the period of oscillation of the mass on the spring?

What is the period of oscillation?

The period of oscillation is the time it takes for a mass on a spring to complete one full cycle of movement, from its starting position, through its maximum displacement in one direction, back to its starting position, and then through its maximum displacement in the opposite direction.

How is the period of oscillation calculated?

The period of oscillation can be calculated using the equation T = 2π√(m/k), where T is the period, m is the mass of the object, and k is the spring constant.

What factors affect the period of oscillation?

The period of oscillation is affected by the mass of the object, the stiffness of the spring, and the amplitude of the oscillation. A heavier mass, a stiffer spring, or a larger amplitude will result in a longer period of oscillation.

What is the relationship between the period of oscillation and frequency?

The period of oscillation and frequency are inversely related. This means that as the period increases, the frequency decreases, and vice versa. The frequency can be calculated by taking the inverse of the period, f = 1/T.

How can the period of oscillation be measured?

The period of oscillation can be measured by using a stopwatch to time how long it takes for the mass to complete one full cycle of movement. This can be repeated multiple times and the average can be calculated to get a more accurate measurement.
