What is the PF Spacecowboy Community?

In summary, the PF Spacecowboy Community is an online platform for individuals interested in space exploration and technology to share knowledge, ideas, and discussions. Membership is free and open to anyone, and the community covers a wide range of topics including current missions, future plans, technology advancements, and scientific discoveries. There are community guidelines in place to promote respectful and constructive discussions, and contributions from all individuals are welcome, regardless of their background or profession.
  • #1
Wellcome to PF spacecowboy.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
spacecowboy said:
nice to meet all of member of here!
I enjoyed your movie (Space Cowboys) and your song (Space Cowboy).
  • #3
Hey spacecowboy !
This the return...

Welcome !
  • #4
Hey. :smile:
  • #5
Hello Space,

I would like to welcome you to PF and say most things that other people will say before they actually post them:

The Bob:
You will find lots of fun here and meet strange... erm... nice people. :biggrin:
P.S. I normally say more but I have so much here from other people I don't see the point. :biggrin:

Last time a newbie posted here (named Sandra) everybody scared her off.

Now this time, guys and girls, don't scare away the new ones.

ESPECIALLY Chrono, Jimmy and Evo... that back hair thing was pretty weird...

Welcome to PF SpaceCowBoy! I think you will find this is a fun and helpful place.

You may stop by the hospitality room any time to pick up your new PF member "Official Welcome Kit". This handy kit contains helpful information such as warnings about, I mean information on some of our PF regulars, as well as a key to the exclusive PF "Members Only" restroom. On your way out you may help yourself to some fish, or try our new PF low carb cereal.

Don't believe what they say about jimmy p, it's only partially true! :biggrin:

Welcome Bobster!

Mental Note: Don't mention jimmy p, Evo, or The Bob

Oops, did I just write that? :biggrin:

So there, I have done some of the work for you people. :smile:

Anyway, welcome again. :biggrin:

The Bob (2004 ©)
Last edited:
  • #6
welcome, hope you enjoy your stay
  • #7
Try the fungus suprise. It's good if you are fond of raw mushrooms.
  • #8
jimmy p said:
Try the fungus suprise. It's good if you are fond of raw mushrooms.

I'm surprised that Gus was any fun with or without mushrooms!
  • #9
Go Bob!

I just need to stress a point, we are not weird.


Try the fish. Don't touch the mushrooms (they're 'happy' mushrooms, if you get my point :wink: )

AMW Bonfire
  • #10
Was 'Space Cowboys' a good movie?
  • #11
recon said:
Was 'Space Cowboys' a good movie?
Physics wise, eh not too bad. Entertainment wise, I liked it. It could have been better, but it was fun.
  • #12
Hi SC. Welcome!

Who was in that movie? I don't remember it.
  • #13
Math Is Hard said:
Hi SC. Welcome!

Who was in that movie? I don't remember it.
Clint Eastwood, Donald Sutherland, James Garner, Tommy Lee Jones, Cromwell (I think is his last name, can't think of his first name) were the major stars, but there was a lot of other talent as well. It's about a group of aging pilots once members of the Air Force Space training program sent into space in the sapce shuttle to fix a damaged satelite with an old tech guidance system. The movie had great potential because of the stars, but was not quite as good as it could have been. I still thought it was entertaining and I've watched it several times.
  • #14
Hey. I'm pretty new too, though I've lurked for a while.
  • #15
Gee, Artman - that does sound like a great storyline. I might have to rent that.

Welcome Chaotic42. We saw you slip in here - don't worry. Nothing gets by US!
  • #16
Math Is Hard said:
Gee, Artman - that does sound like a great storyline. I might have to rent that.

Welcome Chaotic42. We saw you slip in here - don't worry. Nothing gets by US!
And it's no use trying the doors. They're locked from the outside. Muuuaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaahaaaaa. :devil: I mean, welcome.
  • #17
Welcome Chaotic42! There are a lot of great people here!

Nothing to be afraid of :rolleyes: and there's still plenty of fish. :biggrin:
  • #18
Welcome to PF!

Artman said:
Clint Eastwood, Donald Sutherland, James Garner, Tommy Lee Jones, Cromwell (I think is his last name, can't think of his first name) were the major stars, but there was a lot of other talent as well.

Was it James Cromwell, the guy from 'Babe' and 'L.A. Confidential'?
  • #19
recon said:
Was it James Cromwell, the guy from 'Babe' and 'L.A. Confidential'?
Yes, that's the guy.
  • #20
Whew pulled out of the grave right here. Welcome Space Cowboy, although it seems you joined almost a year ago lol :smile:
  • #21
Mmmm... the fish cereal is very delicious!
  • #22
Wow, space, man. It has been so long that everyone has fogotten about the normal newbie invites (with fish and all the rest of it). So much so I dare not say that your fish has decayed due to people not understanding.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #23
Welcome spaceman and you to Chaotic42.
  • #24
Welcome :)
  • #25
*travels back in time*

hello, spacecowboy!

*travels further*
*tests grandfather paradox*
*comes back*
  • #26
The Bob said:
Wow, space, man. It has been so long that everyone has fogotten about the normal newbie invites (with fish and all the rest of it). So much so I dare not say that your fish has decayed due to people not understanding.

The Bob (2004 ©)
I don't think I ever understood. Although I gues I'm still a newb kinda.
  • #27
rocketboy said:
I don't think I ever understood. Although I gues I'm still a newb kinda.
The normal 'welcome-to-the-strange-world-of-PF' has changed. I still like to old school it but without amwBonfire or anyone support from others, I am all alone in this. Everyone is leaving and the old school lives in me.

Rock on Old SCHOOL!

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #28
nice to meet all of member of here!

FAQ: What is the PF Spacecowboy Community?

1. What is the PF Spacecowboy Community?

The PF Spacecowboy Community is an online community dedicated to space exploration and technology. It is a platform for scientists, engineers, and enthusiasts to share knowledge, ideas, and discussions about space-related topics.

2. How can I become a member of the PF Spacecowboy Community?

To become a member of the PF Spacecowboy Community, you can sign up for an account on our website. Membership is free and open to anyone with an interest in space exploration.

3. What kind of discussions and topics can I expect to find in the PF Spacecowboy Community?

The PF Spacecowboy Community covers a wide range of topics related to space exploration, including current missions, future plans, technology advancements, and scientific discoveries. Members can also engage in discussions about space policy, ethics, and the future of space exploration.

4. Are there any rules or guidelines for participating in the PF Spacecowboy Community?

Yes, we have a set of community guidelines that all members are expected to follow. These guidelines promote respectful and constructive discussions and prohibit any form of harassment or hate speech. We also encourage members to fact-check and provide reliable sources for any information they share.

5. Can I contribute to the PF Spacecowboy Community even if I am not a scientist?

Absolutely! The PF Spacecowboy Community welcomes contributions from all individuals who are passionate about space exploration. You do not need to be a scientist to participate in discussions or share your thoughts and ideas. We believe that diversity of perspectives and backgrounds can enrich our community and lead to new insights and discoveries.

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