What is the physical meaning of Bogoliubov transformation?

In summary, the conversation discussed the use of the Bogoliubov transformation in Hawking radiation and its physical meaning in quantum mechanics. The transformation is similar to the Fourier or Laplace transform, allowing for easier problem solving. It also has applications in fields such as superconductivity and can be understood through the concept of creation and annihilation operators. A good resource for understanding these operators is the book by Linda Reichl. The conversation also touched upon the fact that Reichl is a woman and her contributions to the field of quantum chaos.
  • #1
hi guys
i recently was reading about hawking radiation and how he overcome the lack of a theory for quantum gravity by using a mathematical trick ( to see the effect of gravity on quantum fields ) and this trick was the Bogoliubov transformation ... , i just want some one to briefly explain what is the physical meaning of it and how its being applied ( i am not very familiar with creation and annihilation operators in quantum mechanics ... i tried to search online but it was somehow complicated to understand ) , could some one explain it to me with a simpler analogy ?
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  • #2
The use of the Bogoliubov transform in Hawking radiation is not really related to overcoming the lack of a theory of quantum gravity. Hawking was using well accepted principles, but whose consequences were not well understood.

A simple analogy for why the Bogoliubov transformation is useful is given by the Fourier transform or the Laplace transform. When a linear differential equation is Fourier or Laplace transformed, we can change the problem to an equivalent problem in simple algebra, which can be easily solved.

  • #3
atyy said:
A simple analogy for why the Bogoliubov transformation is useful is given by the Fourier transform or the Laplace transform. When a linear differential equation is Fourier or Laplace transformed, we can change the problem to an equivalent problem in simple algebra, which can be easily solved.
But Bogoliubov transformations change the nature of the problem in the thermodynamic limit, and produce in many important cases (e.g., superconductivity; see, e.g., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooper_pair) phase transitions.

A good introduction to creation and annihilation operators for statistical mechanics is in the book by Linda Reichl.
  • #4
A. Neumaier said:
A good introduction to creation and annihilation operators for statistical mechanics is in the book by Linda Reichl.
The author as written in the book is L.E. Reichl. I didn't know that Reichl is a woman. :smile:

EDIT: I've just realized that I had the old 2nd edition, and that now there is a significantly different 4th edition.
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  • #5
patric44 said:
i am not very familiar with creation and annihilation operators in quantum mechanics
Without that, I'm afraid, you cannot understand particle creation described by Bogoliubov transformation.
  • #8
Maybe it is interesting to note that the extreme cases of a Bogoliubov transformation for a fermion correspond to the identity on one hand side and the interchange of a creation with an anihilation operator and vice versa. That is, we can see the absence of a particle as the presence of another particle, namely the "hole". In a metal at zero temperature, e.g. all the states below the Fermi energy are filled and the states above are empty. If we define redefine the concept of a particle for the states below the Fermi energy, i.e. we speak of the absence of holes instead of the presence of electrons, then there are neither particles (electrons) above the Fermi levels nor particles (holes) below the Fermi level. As there are no particles present after this redefinition in a metal, we can treat the ground state of the metal as a vacuum. The Bogoliubov transformation generalizes this redefinition to other mean occupation numbers apart from the extremes 0 and 1.
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FAQ: What is the physical meaning of Bogoliubov transformation?

1. What is a Bogoliubov transformation?

A Bogoliubov transformation is a mathematical tool used in quantum mechanics to simplify calculations involving interacting particles. It involves transforming the creation and annihilation operators of a system into a new set of operators, which are linear combinations of the original operators. This transformation can be used to diagonalize the Hamiltonian of a system, making it easier to solve for the energy states of the system.

2. What is the physical significance of a Bogoliubov transformation?

The physical significance of a Bogoliubov transformation lies in its ability to simplify calculations in quantum mechanics. By transforming the operators in a system, the Hamiltonian can be diagonalized, allowing for easier determination of the energy states of the system. This is particularly useful in systems with many interacting particles.

3. How does a Bogoliubov transformation relate to superfluidity?

In the context of superfluidity, a Bogoliubov transformation is used to describe the excitations of the system. These excitations, known as Bogoliubov quasiparticles, are collective excitations of the superfluid that behave like particles with mass and energy. The transformation allows for a better understanding of the properties of superfluids and their behavior at low temperatures.

4. Can a Bogoliubov transformation be applied to classical systems?

Yes, a Bogoliubov transformation can be applied to classical systems as well. In classical mechanics, it is used to transform the equations of motion for a system, making it easier to solve for the dynamics of the system. This transformation is particularly useful in systems with non-linear interactions, where it can help to simplify the equations of motion.

5. Are there any limitations to using Bogoliubov transformations?

While Bogoliubov transformations are a useful tool in many areas of physics, there are some limitations to their use. They are most effective in systems with weak interactions, and may not accurately describe systems with strong interactions. Additionally, the transformation assumes that the particles in the system are non-relativistic, so it may not be applicable to systems with particles moving at high speeds.
