What is the physical/philosophical motivation for twistors?

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In summary: These points could be in any location, and the space of light rays became the space of all possible paths between them. This is the space of null twistors.
  • #1
Gold Member
When I look for it, the best I can come up with are things related to making calculations simpler. But I would like something deeper. The best thing I could find is this:

In the (translated) words of Jacques Hadamard: "the shortest path between two truths in the real domain passes through the complex domain."


So, it looks like that a shorter then shortest path can be found by making an analytic continuation to complex numbers. Given that Penrose like the Plato's allegory of the cave, I suppose that the shortest path is not in the cave, but in the space from where the projection comes from. Or the true shapes are not in the shadows but behind it.

I am not sure of these things. What do you people think?
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  • #2
Well I think part of it was that, in the quest for some sort of union of quantum mechanics and GR, Roger Penrose considered that the causal structure of spacetime had some special status. Since the causal structure was encoded in the light rays, it was natural to consider the space of light rays (which is "projective null twistor space"). In the flat space picture, the natural completion of this space had an interpretation in terms of a complexification of Minkowski space. The space of null twistors divided the full twistor space into two halves which played a part in the description of positive and negative frequency fields on spacetime.

The "Penrose Transform" allows a very nice mapping between zero rest mass fields on spacetime and equivalence classes of functions on twistor space (strictly elements of various sheaf cohomology groups).
  • #3
You are giving me an idea of what the mathematical definition looks like. But I know the definition. What I cannot understand was what motivated that definition. Why not something else? Also, saying space of light rays is a bit vague given that a light ray is just a null cone on minkowski space, and not including some weird kind of transformation.
  • #4
You are probably aware of this and it is not what you are looking for, but just in case here it is

  • #5
Yes, that's the first thing I met. But it involves reading papers which I do not have access.t seems that a lot is missing, if one just reads that text.
  • #6
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FAQ: What is the physical/philosophical motivation for twistors?

1. What is the basic concept behind twistors?

The basic concept behind twistors is that they provide a geometric and algebraic representation of spacetime. They are a mathematical tool that allows us to describe the physical properties of particles and their interactions in a more elegant and efficient way than traditional methods.

2. How do twistors relate to quantum mechanics?

Twistors were first introduced as a way to understand the underlying structure of quantum mechanics. They have proven to be a useful tool in studying and solving problems in quantum field theory, particularly in the study of scattering amplitudes.

3. What is the physical significance of twistors?

The physical significance of twistors lies in their ability to simplify and unify our understanding of the fundamental forces of nature. They provide a way to describe the interactions between particles in a way that is more intuitive and elegant than other methods. They also have applications in gravity and cosmology, as well as in the study of black holes and string theory.

4. How do twistors differ from traditional spacetime coordinates?

Twistors differ from traditional spacetime coordinates in that they are complex numbers, while traditional coordinates are real numbers. This allows for a more compact and elegant representation of spacetime, as well as a more intuitive understanding of the underlying geometry. Twistors also have a different transformation law under rotations and boosts, making them useful in studying relativistic effects.

5. What are some current research topics involving twistors?

Current research topics involving twistors include their applications in quantum field theory and string theory, as well as their potential role in solving problems in quantum gravity. There is also ongoing research on the relationship between twistors and twistor string theory, which aims to provide a more complete and unified understanding of the fundamental laws of physics.

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