What is the power of unit step signal with magnitude A

In summary, the power of the signal A u(t) can be found by taking the integration of [A u(t)]^2 from 0 to +T/2, divided by T. This results in A^2/2 as the book answer. This is because u(t) is a unit function and only has a value of 1 for positive time values, thus changing the integration limits.
  • #1
jaus tail

Homework Statement

Find power of signal A u(t)
A is constant like 5, 6 some value.[/B]

Homework Equations

Power is integration over -T/2 to +T/2 of [x(t)]2 dt
The whole divide by T

The Attempt at a Solution

Power is integration over -T/2 to +T/2 of [A u(t)]2dt[/B]
The whole divide by T

So 1/T integral A2 dt...integral limits are -T/2 to +T/2
This comes as 1/T A2 integral dt

integral dt is t. limits are -T/2 to +T/2
so integral dt = [T/2 - ( -T/2) ] which becomes T
so Poewr is 1/T * A2 * T
which gives A2

But book answer is A2 /2
Where did the divide by 2 come from?
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  • #2
u(t)=1 when t>0 only.
integral is area under the graph - sketch the graph and see...
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Likes jaus tail
  • #3
What are ##T## and ##u(t)## in your problem?
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Likes jaus tail
  • #4
u(t) is unit function
u(t) =1 for t > 0 or t =0
u(t) = 0 otherwise.

T is just a random time value. So -T to +T is symmetric about y axis.

Ok now i get it. Since u(t) = 0 for negative time. the integral limit changes from (-T/2 to +T/2) to ( 0 to +T/2).
Got it. Thanks.
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Likes Simon Bridge

FAQ: What is the power of unit step signal with magnitude A

1. What is the definition of a unit step signal?

The unit step signal is a mathematical function that represents a signal that starts at zero and then jumps to a constant value of 1 at time t=0. It is often used to model the behavior of a switch or a circuit that suddenly turns on or off at a specific time.

2. What is the magnitude of a unit step signal?

The magnitude of a unit step signal is always 1, as it has a constant value of 1 after time t=0. This means that the amplitude or strength of the signal remains the same throughout its duration.

3. How is the power of a unit step signal with magnitude A calculated?

The power of a unit step signal with magnitude A is calculated by squaring the magnitude A and multiplying it by the duration of the signal. This can be represented by the formula P = A^2 * t, where P is the power, A is the magnitude, and t is the duration of the signal.

4. Does the power of a unit step signal change with time?

No, the power of a unit step signal with magnitude A remains constant over time. This is because the magnitude and duration of the signal do not change, therefore the power remains the same as well.

5. How is a unit step signal with magnitude A different from a unit impulse signal?

A unit step signal represents a constant signal that starts at zero and jumps to a constant value of 1, while a unit impulse signal represents a single, instantaneous spike in amplitude. In terms of power, a unit step signal has a finite power while a unit impulse signal has an infinite power due to its infinitely short duration.
