What is the program used for external computer control?

In summary, Warren was having problems with a program on his school's computers, so he called one of the school tech guys. They talked for a while and the tech guy asked for some other information about Warren's computer, including his IP address. He then told Warren to let go of his mouse and Warren's computer started doing things on its own. Warren found the program and is going to have fun using it. There are two main programs available- WindowsXP has a built in client and Cytrix has a commercial version. The free program, VNC, is also available.
  • #1
Math Jeans
I was recently having problems with a program for my school, so I called one of the school tech guys to get some help about it. We had a long talk, and eventually, he asked me for some other informations about my computer including my IP address (I can't remember the other stuff). He then told me to let go of my mouse, and then my computer started doing things on its own.

I know there are programs that allow you to do this with other people's computers because at my old school, an admin would use it to monitor the school's computers, and one of my classmates had a Microsoft Word conversation with her.

I was wondering what this program is called, and how I can get a hold of it :biggrin:.

EDIT: I found the program. This is going to be fun.
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  • #2
There are two main ones.
WindowsXP has a built in client for remote desktop, this let's you takeover a remote computer and use the keyboard and mouse - but it blanks the screen.
There are commercial versions from Cytrix that let you keep the local screen on, of you are on a university net with an MS domain that is most likely.
The remote user has to have a login on your computer, or in this case a domain account.

There is also a free program called VNC which allows anyone to connect to your computer (with a passwd) and you can both share the screen, keyb and mouse. The advantage of this is that it runs on windows/Linux/Mac and the machines at each end can be different types.
  • #3
These kinds of programs require that some kind of service is running on the target computer -- you cannot just go control other peoples' computers at random, because, obviously, that would be a huge security problem.

- Warren
  • #4
Windows has a "remote assistance" applet which, I assume, is based off the remote desktop applet (remote desktop came first). Obviously, what Warren says about it is correct: the service needs to be enabled and you need admin level access to access it (ie, the admin username and password).
  • #6
Here at work we use Dameware, at other jobs I've been at where i had to remote to someone's machine, we used Windows SMS client.

FAQ: What is the program used for external computer control?

What is external computer control?

External computer control is the ability to manipulate or interact with a computer system or device from a remote or external source. This can include using a keyboard, mouse, or other external device to control the computer's functions.

What are some examples of external computer control?

Some examples of external computer control include using a wireless keyboard and mouse to navigate and control a computer from a distance, using a remote control to play media on a computer, or using specialized software to remotely access and control a computer from another location.

Why is external computer control important?

External computer control allows for greater flexibility and convenience in using a computer. It can also be helpful for individuals with disabilities who may have difficulty using traditional input devices. Additionally, external computer control can be useful for remote or collaborative work, as it allows multiple users to access and control a computer system simultaneously.

What are some potential security concerns with external computer control?

One potential security concern with external computer control is the risk of unauthorized access to a computer system. This can be mitigated by using strong passwords and encryption, as well as limiting remote access to trusted users. Additionally, external computer control can pose a risk of malware or malicious software being introduced to a computer system, so it is important to only use trusted devices and software.

How is external computer control used in scientific research?

In scientific research, external computer control is often used to remotely monitor and control experiments and data collection. This allows researchers to make adjustments and gather data without physically being present in the lab. External computer control can also be used to automate processes and increase efficiency in data analysis and management.

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