What is the proof for this property of solutions?

  • Thread starter ShayanJ
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In summary: The point is that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether a function has a singularity or not.
  • #1
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The Schrodinger equation is of the form [itex] \frac{d^2 \psi}{dx^2}+[\varepsilon-v(x)] \psi=0[/itex].
In a lecture, the lecturer said that if we have in a point [itex] x_0 [/itex] , [itex] \psi(x_0)=\psi'(x_0)=0 [/itex], then [itex] \psi(x)=0 [/itex].(for a smooth [itex]v(x)[/itex]!)
Can anyone give a proof of this?
Is it only for a equation of the form given above?
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  • #2
I'm new to this but I'm assuming you're referring to the time-independent non-relativistic equation. Let [itex]\psi(x_0)[/itex] represent a potential value where kinetic is 0. Let [itex]\psi'(x_0)[/itex] represent kinetic value where potential is 0. Iff [itex]\psi(x_0)[/itex] and [itex]\psi'(x_0)[/itex] are two separable wave functions that subscribe to all applicable axioms of [itex]\psi(x)[/itex], [itex]\psi[/itex] will include all potential and kinetic components. A rough analogy could be drawn from binary code. Anyway I hope this helped steer you in the right direction if it did anything at all. Everything I wrote came from a purely logical standpoint.
  • #3
CubicFlunky77 said:
I'm new to this but I'm assuming you're referring to the time-independent non-relativistic equation. Let [itex]\psi(x_0)[/itex] represent a potential value where kinetic is 0. Let [itex]\psi'(x_0)[/itex] represent kinetic value where potential is 0. Iff [itex]\psi(x_0)[/itex] and [itex]\psi'(x_0)[/itex] are two separable wave functions that subscribe to all applicable axioms of [itex]\psi(x)[/itex], [itex]\psi[/itex] will include all potential and kinetic components. A rough analogy could be drawn from binary code. Anyway I hope this helped steer you in the right direction if it did anything at all. Everything I wrote came from a purely logical standpoint.

I don't understand what you mean by "potential value" and "kinetic value"!
And...[itex] \psi(x_0) [/itex] and [itex] \psi'(x_0) [/itex] are two complex numbers. Not wave functions!
What do you mean by binary code?
  • #4
This can be proved by an application of the basic "existence and uniqueness" theorem for differential equations: "If [itex]\phi(x,t)[/itex] is continuous in both x and t and differentiable with respect to x in some neighborhood of [itex](t_0, x_0)[/itex] then there exist a unique function x(t) satisfying [itex]dx/dt= \phi(x, t)[/itex] and [itex]x(t_0)= x_0[/itex]."

That can be extended to second (and higher) order equation by writing [itex]d^2\phi/dt^2= F(t,\phi, \phi')[/itex] as [itex]dx/dt= F(x, t)[/itex] by taking x to be the vector function [itex]x= (x_1, x_2)= (\phi, d\phi/dt)[/itex]. Then [itex]d^2\phi/dt^2= dx_2/dt[/itex] and of course, [itex]dx_1/dt= d\phi/dt= x_2[/itex] so that the differential equation becomes the vector equation [itex](dx_1/dt, dx_2/dt)= (x_2, F(t, x_1, x_2))[/itex].

The "initial value conditions", [itex]\phi(x_0)= 0[/itex] and [itex]\phi'(x_0)= 0[/itex] becomes the single vector condition [itex]x(0)= (x_1(0), x_2(0))= 0[/itex].

Obviously [itex]\phi(t)= 0[/itex] is a solution to the given differential equation and obviously [itex]\phi(0)= \phi'(0)= 0[/itex]. The "existence and uniqueness theorem" tells us that this is the only solution.

(This theorem does NOT apply to "boundary value conditions" since we cannot create the single vector condition. The differential equation [itex]d^2\phi/dt^2= -\phi[/itex] has NO solution that satisfies [itex]\phi(0)= 0[/itex], [itex]\phi(\pi/2)= 0[/itex] but has an infinite number of solutions that satisfy [itex]\phi(0)= 0[/itex], [itex]\phi(\pi)= 0[/itex].)
  • #5
HallsofIvy said:
This can be proved by an application of the basic "existence and uniqueness" theorem for differential equations: "If [itex]\phi(x,t)[/itex] is continuous in both x and t and differentiable with respect to x in some neighborhood of [itex](t_0, x_0)[/itex] then there exist a unique function x(t) satisfying [itex]dx/dt= \phi(x, t)[/itex] and [itex]x(t_0)= x_0[/itex]."

That can be extended to second (and higher) order equation by writing [itex]d^2\phi/dt^2= F(t,\phi, \phi')[/itex] as [itex]dx/dt= F(x, t)[/itex] by taking x to be the vector function [itex]x= (x_1, x_2)= (\phi, d\phi/dt)[/itex]. Then [itex]d^2\phi/dt^2= dx_2/dt[/itex] and of course, [itex]dx_1/dt= d\phi/dt= x_2[/itex] so that the differential equation becomes the vector equation [itex](dx_1/dt, dx_2/dt)= (x_2, F(t, x_1, x_2))[/itex].

The "initial value conditions", [itex]\phi(x_0)= 0[/itex] and [itex]\phi'(x_0)= 0[/itex] becomes the single vector condition [itex]x(0)= (x_1(0), x_2(0))= 0[/itex].

Obviously [itex]\phi(t)= 0[/itex] is a solution to the given differential equation and obviously [itex]\phi(0)= \phi'(0)= 0[/itex]. The "existence and uniqueness theorem" tells us that this is the only solution.

(This theorem does NOT apply to "boundary value conditions" since we cannot create the single vector condition. The differential equation [itex]d^2\phi/dt^2= -\phi[/itex] has NO solution that satisfies [itex]\phi(0)= 0[/itex], [itex]\phi(\pi/2)= 0[/itex] but has an infinite number of solutions that satisfy [itex]\phi(0)= 0[/itex], [itex]\phi(\pi)= 0[/itex].)

I don't understand.
The vector ODE you mentioned can also be written as [itex] \frac{d^2 x_1}{dt^2}=F(t,x_1,\frac{dx_1}{dt}) [/itex]. This is again a second order ODE and instead of helping us, just gets us back to the main question. I don't see a proof!
Another problem is, the function [itex] y=x^3 [/itex] is the answer to the 2nd order ODE [itex] \frac{d^2 y}{dx^2}-6 \frac{y}{x^2}=0 [/itex] and also satisfies [itex] y(0)=y'(0)=0 [/itex]. Yeah, you may say F has a singularity but you may instead consider the trivial ODE [itex]y''=6x [/itex]!

FAQ: What is the proof for this property of solutions?

1. What is a solution?

A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances, where the solute (substance being dissolved) is evenly distributed throughout the solvent (substance doing the dissolving).

2. What is the difference between a solute and a solvent?

A solute is the substance being dissolved in a solution, while the solvent is the substance that does the dissolving. In other words, the solute is typically present in a smaller amount than the solvent.

3. How does temperature affect the solubility of a solute in a solvent?

In general, increasing the temperature of a solvent will increase the solubility of a solute. This is because higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of molecules, making them move more quickly and allowing for more interactions between the solute and solvent molecules. However, this may not always be the case and can depend on the specific solute and solvent being used.

4. What is the difference between a saturated and unsaturated solution?

A saturated solution is one in which the maximum amount of solute has been dissolved in a specific amount of solvent at a given temperature. An unsaturated solution is one in which more solute can still be dissolved in the solvent at the given temperature.

5. Can a solution be separated back into its original solute and solvent?

Yes, a solution can be separated through a process called distillation, where the solution is heated and the solvent evaporates, leaving behind the solute. This process can also be used to purify substances.
