What is the proof of this theorem in linear algebra ?

In summary, the theorem says that if V is a vector space over the field K and {v1, v2, ..., vm} is a basis of V, then {w1, w2, ..., wn} are linearly dependent.
  • #1
Maths Lover
hello, the theorem says :
let V be a vector space over the field K , let { v1 , v2 , ... , vm } be a basis of V over K
let {w1 , w2 , ... , wn} be elements of V and assume that n is bigger than m , then
{ w1 , w2 , ... , wn } are linearly dependent

the proof is written here but I didn't understand it well , I hope that you give me a simple proof :)
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  • #2
First, do you understand that saying "{v1, v2, ..., vm} is a basis of V" means that every vector in V can be written as a unique linear combination of those vectors? And, I assume you know that saying that "{w1, w2, ..., wn} are linearly dependent" means that there exist members of K, a1, a2, ... , an, not all 0, such that a1w1+ a2w2+ ... + anwn= 0.

To prove that, suppose a1w1+ a2w2+ ... + anwn= 0. Replace each wi with its expression as a linear combination of the basis vectors: wi= bi1v1+ bi2v2+ ...+ bimvm. The a1w1+ a2w2+ ...+ anwn= a1(b11v1+ b12v2+ ... b1nvn)+ a2(b21v1+ b22v2+ ...+ b2nvn)+ ...+ am(bn1v1+ bn2v2+ ...+ bmnvn)= (a1b11+ a2b12+ ...+ anbn1)v1+ (a1b12+ a2b22+ ... ambm2)v2+ ...+ (a1b1n+ a2b2n+ ... ambmn)vm= 0.

Because the {v1, v2, ..., vn} are a basis, they are independent and so we must have a1b11+ a2b12+ ...+ anbn1= 0, a1b12+ a2b22+ ... ambm2= 0, ..., a1b1n+ a2b2n+ ...+ ambmn= 0. That is m linear equations in the n "unknowns" a1, a2, ..., am. Because n> m, we can always solve for m of the unknowns in terms of the other n- m. Taking any of the am+1, am+2, ..., an to be non- zero show that the m vectors are dependent.
  • #3
there are many proofs.

one concrete one is to put the vectors into a matrix and row reduce it until you see there are dependency solutions.

another is to use riemann's "exchange" lemma, often falsely attributed to steinitz.

i have given another in my math 4050 notes ion my webpage.

most proofs proceed by induction. you might try making your own.

FAQ: What is the proof of this theorem in linear algebra ?

1. What is a theorem in linear algebra?

A theorem in linear algebra is a statement that has been proven to be true using mathematical reasoning and techniques specific to the field of linear algebra. It is used to explain and provide evidence for mathematical concepts and relationships.

2. How is a theorem proven in linear algebra?

A theorem in linear algebra is typically proven using rigorous mathematical techniques such as induction, contradiction, or direct proof. It involves logically building upon known definitions, properties, and theorems to arrive at a conclusion.

3. What is the importance of proving theorems in linear algebra?

Proving theorems in linear algebra is important because it helps to establish the validity and accuracy of mathematical concepts and relationships. It also allows for the development and advancement of new mathematical theories and applications.

4. Can a theorem in linear algebra be proven differently?

Yes, a theorem in linear algebra can be proven using different methods or approaches. However, the end result should always be the same - a logical and mathematically sound proof of the theorem's validity.

5. How are theorems in linear algebra applied in real-world situations?

Theorems in linear algebra are applied in various fields such as engineering, physics, computer science, and economics to solve real-world problems involving linear equations, matrices, and vector spaces. They provide a framework for understanding and analyzing complex systems and data sets.
