What is the Proof that Every Ideal of Zn is Principal?

  • Thread starter WannaBe22
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses how to prove that every ideal of Zn is principal. The approach involves using the division algorithm and showing that all integers of the form md are in the ideal, leading to a contradiction. This method can be applied to other Euclidean domains as well.
  • #1

Homework Statement

1.Prove that every ideal of Zn is principal

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

In 1-I've proved that if K is an ideal of Zn that contains an element k then it contains all the elements of the form mk (m in Zn)...But how can I prove that there are no elements that are not of the form mk?

Thanks in advance...
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  • #2
Let d be the least positive integer in your ideal K. You know all integers of the form md where m is an integer is in your ideal. To prove these are the only ones assume there is some integer d' in K that is not of the form md. Then we use the division algorithm to write it on the form:
d' = qd + r
for some integer q and 0<r<d. Now can you show that r is in K? If you can you will have a contradiction since r is positive and less than d.
(this general approach works for Euclidean domains in general, and shows that Euclidean domains are principal ideal domains)
  • #3
Well... if d' is in our ideal K then d'-qd is also in our ideal (since an ideal is also a sub-ring)... But d'-qd=qd+r-qd=r... Hence r must also be in our ideal and then we get a contradiction :)

THanks a lot!

FAQ: What is the Proof that Every Ideal of Zn is Principal?

What is a principal ideal?

A principal ideal is an ideal in a ring that is generated by a single element. In other words, it consists of all elements that can be obtained by multiplying the single element by any other element in the ring.

What is a maximal ideal?

A maximal ideal is an ideal in a ring that is not a subset of any other ideal, except for the ring itself. This means that there are no other ideals that properly contain the maximal ideal, making it the largest possible ideal in the ring.

How do principal and maximal ideals relate to each other?

Every maximal ideal is a principal ideal, but not every principal ideal is a maximal ideal. In other words, every maximal ideal can be generated by a single element, but there are some principal ideals that can be further broken down into smaller principal ideals.

What is the significance of principal and maximal ideals in ring theory?

Principal and maximal ideals play a crucial role in understanding the structure and properties of rings. They allow us to classify rings into different types, and they also help us to prove theorems and make calculations easier.

Can principal and maximal ideals exist in any type of ring?

Principal and maximal ideals can exist in most types of rings, including commutative rings, non-commutative rings, integral domains, and more. However, there are some rings where these types of ideals do not exist, such as fields and division rings.
