What is the proper way to integrate a vector?

In summary, the conversation discusses a statement about the derivation of equations of the two-body problem and the difficulty in finding the inverse by calculating the integral of the right member of the equation. Various approaches, such as integration by parts, are suggested and further questions are raised about the meaning and solution of certain integrals.
  • #1
Good morning,

I was reading a derivation of equations of the two-body problem and I found the following statement:
[tex]\mu \frac{d}{dt}\left (\frac{\vec{r}}{r}\right ) = \frac{\mu}{r} \vec{v} - \frac{\mu \dot{r} }{r^2} \vec{r}[/tex]
Where μ is a constant. (If you're interested on where this came from, see page 19 http://books.google.com.br/books?id...resnum=3&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false").
Calculating this derivative is easy, using the quotient rule. Anyway, I am trying to verify the inverse, that is, calculating the integral of the right member of the equation.
But my integration knowledge is very limited. I've tried using integration by parts, but I got stuck.
Could anyone give an idea on how I should proceed, or what technique I should use?

Thank you in advance.
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  • #2
Integration by parts should work.
  • #3
Note: I forgot to inform that [tex]\vec{v} = \frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}[/tex]. I'm informing this in a reply because I can't edit the main message.
  • #4
When you tried integration by parts where did you get stuck?
  • #5
Firstly, I did the following:
[tex]\int \left (\frac{\mu}{r} \vec{v} - \frac{\mu \dot{r} }{r^2} \vec{r}\right ) dt=\mu\int \left (\frac{\vec{v}}{r} - \frac{\dot{r} \vec{r}}{r^2}\right ) dt=\mu \left (\int\frac{\vec{v}}{r}dt - \int\frac{\dot{r} \vec{r}}{r^2}dt\right )[/tex]
(Note that the vectors r and v and their magnitudes are functions of time.)
Now, I try to solve the following integral by integration by parts:
First trial:
Setting two functions x and y:
[tex]x = \vec{v} \Rightarrow dx = \dot{\vec{v}}dt;\ dy = \frac{1}{r}dt[/tex]
The problem starts right here. How do I solve dy = 1/r dt for y?
Second trial:
[tex]\int \frac{\vec{v}}{r}dt = \int \frac{1}{r}\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt} dt = \int\frac{1}{r}d\vec{r}[/tex]
Using integration by parts:
[tex]x = \frac{1}{r} \Rightarrow \frac{dx}{d\vec{r}} = \frac{d}{d\vec{r}}\left (\frac{1}{r}\right );\ dy = d\vec{r} \Rightarrow y = \vec{r}[/tex]
The problem is that I don't know how to calculate [tex]\frac{d}{d\vec{r}}\left (\frac{1}{r}\right )[/tex].
As you can see, my knowledge of calculus is very limited. What am I doing wrong here?
Thank you in advance.
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  • #6
Note: I am weak in Latex, so I'll use capital letters for vectors - also ' for d/dt.
I would suggest the following: u=1/r and dW=Vdt, then du=-r'/r2 and W=R.
∫(V/r)dt = R/r + ∫(Rr'/r2)dt
  • #7
pc2-brazil said:
Good morning,

I was reading a derivation of equations of the two-body problem and I found the following statement:
[tex]\mu \frac{d}{dt}\left (\frac{\vec{r}}{r}\right ) = \frac{\mu}{r} \vec{v} - \frac{\mu \dot{r} }{r^2} \vec{r}[/tex]
Where μ is a constant. (If you're interested on where this came from, see page 19 http://books.google.com.br/books?id...resnum=3&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false").
Calculating this derivative is easy, using the quotient rule. Anyway, I am trying to verify the inverse, that is, calculating the integral of the right member of the equation.
But my integration knowledge is very limited. I've tried using integration by parts, but I got stuck.
Could anyone give an idea on how I should proceed, or what technique I should use?

Thank you in advance.

You have to be very careful here because of the potential confusion by symbology and the fact that [tex] \vec{r}[/tex] and [tex] r [/tex] are very different things. In fact [tex] r = \sqrt {\vec{r} \centerdot \vec{r}}[/tex].

So probably the easiest way to do the integral is to simply use what you know about the derivative and go in reverse. We'll for get about the constant [tex] ]mu [/tex] here since it adds nothing.

[tex] \int \frac{\frac {d \vec{r}}{dt}}{r} - \frac {r \frac{dr}{dt}}{r^2} dt [/tex] = [tex] \int \frac {r \frac{d \vec{r}}{dt} - \vec{r}\frac{dr}{dt}}{r^2}[/tex] = [tex] \int \frac{d}{dt}[\frac{\vec{r}}{r}] dt [/tex]= [tex] \frac{\vec{r}}{r}[/tex]
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  • #8
Thank you for the responses.
DrRocket: Yes, r and [tex]\vec{r}[/tex] are very different things. r is the magnitude of [tex]\vec{r}[/tex]. For example, [tex]\vec{r}[/tex] could vary only in direction; in this case, r wouldn't vary at all, so [tex]\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}[/tex] would be [tex]\neq \vec{0}[/tex] and [tex]\frac{dr}{dt}[/tex] would be 0.
If I use mathman's approach I will also get to the solution:
[tex]\mu \left (\int\frac{\vec{v}}{r}dt - \int\frac{\dot{r} \vec{r}}{r^2}dt\right ) = \mu\left (\frac{\vec{r}}{r} + \int\frac{\dot{r} \vec{r}}{r^2}dt - \int\frac{\dot{r} \vec{r}}{r^2}dt \right ) = \mu\frac{\vec{r}}{r}[/tex]
But I have another question. What if I had the situations below?
[tex]\int r d\vec{r}[/tex]
[tex]\int \vec{r} dr[/tex]
Does it make sense? How could I solve them?
For the first one, maybe I could use the relation [tex]r = \sqrt {\vec{r} \centerdot \vec{r}}[/tex]?
  • #9
pc2-brazil said:
Thank you for the responses.
DrRocket: Yes, r and [tex]\vec{r}[/tex] are very different things. r is the magnitude of [tex]\vec{r}[/tex]. For example, [tex]\vec{r}[/tex] could vary only in direction; in this case, r wouldn't vary at all, so [tex]\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}[/tex] would be [tex]\neq \vec{0}[/tex] and [tex]\frac{dr}{dt}[/tex] would be 0.
If I use mathman's approach I will also get to the solution:
[tex]\mu \left (\int\frac{\vec{v}}{r}dt - \int\frac{\dot{r} \vec{r}}{r^2}dt\right ) = \mu\left (\frac{\vec{r}}{r} + \int\frac{\dot{r} \vec{r}}{r^2}dt - \int\frac{\dot{r} \vec{r}}{r^2}dt \right ) = \mu\frac{\vec{r}}{r}[/tex]
But I have another question. What if I had the situations below?
[tex]\int r d\vec{r}[/tex]
[tex]\int \vec{r} dr[/tex]
Does it make sense? How could I solve them?
For the first one, maybe I could use the relation [tex]r = \sqrt {\vec{r} \centerdot \vec{r}}[/tex]?

You first need to answer your own question.

What is [tex]\int r d\vec{r}[/tex] supposed to mean ? Here you have something [tex] d\vec{r}[/tex] which has no clear meaning. It appears to be some sort of vector-valued measure, and that at best will take some work to even define.

Similarly, you have [tex]\int \vec{r} dr[/tex] and while whatever [tex] dr[/tex] is, it is apparently scalar valued. But what it is is also a bit mysterious. An ordinary measure perhaps, but defined on what measure space ?

Just because you can write down a bunch of symbols does not imply that those symbols are meaningful.
  • #10
DrRocket said:
You first need to answer your own question.

What is [tex]\int r d\vec{r}[/tex] supposed to mean ? Here you have something [tex] d\vec{r}[/tex] which has no clear meaning. It appears to be some sort of vector-valued measure, and that at best will take some work to even define.

Similarly, you have [tex]\int \vec{r} dr[/tex] and while whatever [tex] dr[/tex] is, it is apparently scalar valued. But what it is is also a bit mysterious. An ordinary measure perhaps, but defined on what measure space ?

Just because you can write down a bunch of symbols does not imply that those symbols are meaningful.

For example:
[tex]\int\frac{\dot{r} \vec{r}}{r^2}dt = \int \frac{dr}{dt}\frac{\vec{r}}{r^2}dt = \int \frac{\vec{r}}{r^2}dr[/tex]
Is that right? If so, I could solve that last integral by integration by parts, then could obtain:
[tex]u = \frac{1}{r^2};\ d\vec{w} = \vec{r}dr \Rightarrow \vec{w} = \int \vec{r} dr[/tex]
I could also try to write the integral below:
[tex]\int\frac{\vec{v}}{r}dt = \int\frac{1}{r}\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}dt = \int\frac{1}{r}d\vec{r}[/tex]
(I think that I didn't find [tex]\int r d\vec{r}[/tex] anywhere.)
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  • #11
In simple terms the concept of dR, where R is a vector has no definition in mathematics.

Related to What is the proper way to integrate a vector?

1. What is integration?

Integration is a mathematical process that involves finding the area under a curve on a graph. It is used to solve problems related to accumulation, such as finding the total distance traveled by an object with varying speed over a period of time.

2. How is integration different from differentiation?

Integration and differentiation are inverse operations of each other. While differentiation finds the slope of a curve at a specific point, integration finds the area under the curve. Another way to think of it is that differentiation is like going from a position to a velocity, while integration is like going from a velocity to a position.

3. What are the different methods of integration?

There are several methods of integration, including substitution, integration by parts, trigonometric substitution, and partial fractions. The method used depends on the complexity of the function being integrated and the specific problem at hand.

4. How do I know when to use integration?

Integration is used to solve problems that involve finding the area under a curve or the total accumulation of a quantity. It is often used in physics, engineering, and other sciences to solve real-world problems. If a problem involves finding the total amount of something over a period of time, integration may be a useful tool to use.

5. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when performing integration?

One common mistake when performing integration is forgetting to add the constant of integration at the end. This constant is necessary because integration is an inverse operation of differentiation, which involves adding a constant. Another mistake is not being familiar with the basic rules and properties of integration, which can lead to incorrect solutions. Practice and understanding of the concepts are key to avoiding these mistakes.

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