What is the purpose of Moment-generating functions?

  • Thread starter Urmi Roy
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In summary, the MGF or moment generating function is a useful tool in probability and statistics, as it allows us to calculate the moments of a function by taking derivatives and setting t=0. It is the Laplace transform of the pdf and has several convenient properties. However, it is not always well-defined and may not work for all functions. It is denoted by Mx(t) for a random variable X and can be used to find the MGF of a function of X, such as sin(X).
  • #1
Urmi Roy

I've been learning about MGFs in college and though the problems based on them are quite easy, I fail to understand what exactly MGFs are and why they are denoted by Mx(t)...what are we doing, essentially, when we find the MGF of a function (wherein we multiply the required function by e^(tx) and integrate within certain limits)...and finally the properties of MGFs (e.g Max+b(t)...what does this all mean?
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  • #2
The essential point is that the series expansion of the exponential, when integrated term by term with respect to a distribution, gives a series involving the moments of the distribution.
  • #3
Right...I get that...but what does the notation Mx(t) mean? And what does it mean when we put Max+b(t)...usually when we deal with functions of x, we have the x in the brackets and not the 't'.
  • #4
I am not familiar with the particular notation you are referring to. Perhaps you could give the precise definition.
  • #5
Urmi Roy said:
Right...I get that...but what does the notation Mx(t) mean? And what does it mean when we put Max+b(t)...usually when we deal with functions of x, we have the x in the brackets and not the 't'.

The Mx(t) is the MGF for the random variable X as a function of t.

Recall that the expectation of a random variable is a number unless you supply a parameter independent of the RV (in this case t). In the process you integrate (or sum out in a discrete distribution) the x-values in the integration process and obtain a function of t. It's a lot easier to see this when you see that you integrate with respect to x which sums out this variable leaving something as a function of t.

The same kind of thing happens when you need to say find the conditional expectation of a bi-variate distribution like E[X|Y=y] where you integrate out X and get the expectation as a function of a particular y realization.

Also the other thing is that in the MGF, because t has nothing to do with the random variable X, you can do things like E[tX] = tE[X] and E[t^2/2!X^2] = t^2/2E[X^2] and this is why when you differentiate n times and set t = 0 that you actually get the moments from this MGF.
  • #6
Basically the MGF is the Laplace transform of the pdf. It has several convenient properties, ie. to calculate the moments you only have to take derivatives and not integrations (you have integrated already to calculate the MGF) which is usually simpler. In many cases you can work alternatively with the characteristic function, which is the Fourier transform of the pdf. However, in contrast to the MGF, it is not always well defined.
  • #7
Mx(t) is MGF for X. Let Y = aX+b, then Max+b(t) is MGF for Y.
  • #8
Thanks for your replies!

Ok, so as pointed out, if we expand e^(tx), and differentiate successively and put t=0 we get higher orders of expectations (E(x), E(X^2) etc.) But if we need to find the MGF of a function say f(x)= sin(x) or even f(x)=x(x-1)...then the expansion won't be the same as that of only e^tx and we might not be able to get the expectations by differentiating w.r.t 't' and putting 't=0'...
  • #9
Urmi Roy said:
T But if we need to find the MGF of a function say f(x)= sin(x) or even f(x)=x(x-1)...
I don't know what ranges you have in mind but usually these functions won't qualify as pdf's as they are not positive, integrable etc.
  • #10
DrDu said:
I don't know what ranges you have in mind but usually these functions won't qualify as pdf's as they are not positive, integrable etc.

I suspect he is asking about a function of the random variable, i.e. Y=sin(X) is a random variable.
  • #11
Ya that's right...I was asking about what if f(x) = sin(x) is a random variable...
  • #12
Urmi Roy said:
Ya that's right...I was asking about what if f(x) = sin(x) is a random variable...

In that case the MGF is E(esin(X)t).

FAQ: What is the purpose of Moment-generating functions?

What is a moment-generating function?

A moment-generating function (MGF) is a mathematical function that is used to describe the probability distribution of a random variable. It is defined as the expectation of a given random variable raised to various powers, which allows for the calculation of moments (such as mean, variance, skewness, etc.) of the distribution.

How is a moment-generating function calculated?

The moment-generating function is calculated by taking the expectation of the random variable, which is the sum of the product of the possible values of the random variable and their corresponding probabilities. This expectation is then raised to various powers to calculate the moments of the distribution.

What is the purpose of a moment-generating function?

The moment-generating function serves as a tool for analyzing and understanding the characteristics of a probability distribution. It allows for the calculation of moments, which provide important information about the shape, center, and spread of the distribution. MGFs are also used in statistical inference and hypothesis testing.

What are some properties of moment-generating functions?

Some properties of moment-generating functions include that they are unique to each probability distribution, they can be used to calculate all moments of a distribution, and they can be transformed to obtain the MGF of a new random variable (such as the sum or product of multiple random variables).

What are the limitations of moment-generating functions?

One limitation of moment-generating functions is that they may not exist for all distributions. Additionally, they may be difficult to calculate for complex distributions or when the random variable has a large number of possible values. In these cases, alternative methods, such as characteristic functions, may be used.

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