What is the quantized form of the strings lagrangian?

In summary: I will be reading about it soon.In summary, quantization is the replacement of classical quantities (in the Hamiltonian) like momentum by their respective quantum operators. Thus quantization transforms a classical system into a quantum system equivalently a classical Hamiltonian is transformed into a quantum Hamiltonian. Quantum mechanics is the physics of the small scale. Each familiar classical observable is correlated to a quantum operator.One uses the operator to operate on the wave function to find the required eigenstate. Now the normalizability condition limit the number of possible eigenstates and wave functions from ensuring the total probability is one across all of Hilbert spaceRaising and lowering operators, give one the immediately higher or lower eigenstate.The sch
  • #1
What is the quantized form of the strings lagrangian?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What you are doing isn't a proper way of learning science. Its obvious that you're not familiar with quantization of classical systems. So you're trying to learn string theory before learning QM and QFT which isn't a good idea. Also even if we put aside that, you should first read a textbook and when you have problem, come and ask.
I suggest you first read some textbooks about QM and QFT before going to string theory. But if you're insistent on learning string theory now, I can only suggest you read Barton Zwiebach's "A first course in string theory".
  • #3
Quantization is the replacement of classical quantities (in the Hamiltonian) like momentum by their respective quantum operators. Thus quantization transforms a classical system into a quantum system equivalently a classical Hamiltonian is transformed into a quantum Hamiltonian. Quantum mechanics is the physics of the small scale. Each familiar classical observable is correlated to a quantum operator.
One uses the operator to operate on the wave function to find the required eigenstate. Now the normalizability condition limit the number of possible eigenstates and wave functions from ensuring the total probability is one across all of Hilbert space
  • #4
Raising and lowering operators, give one the immediately higher or lower eigenstate.
  • #5
The schrodinger time dependent equation is the eigenequation for the Hamiltonian.
  • #6
Time independent equation governs the evolution of the wave function through time.
  • #7
Hilbert space is the space of states.
  • #8
Quantum field theory is the quantization of classical field theories like maxwells theory of the electromagnetic force
  • #9
Topolfractal said:
Time independent equation governs the evolution of the wave function through time.

I hope you meant time dependent equation otherwise you are wrong.
Further you can look at the evolution from a different perspective.
For example the Heisenberg picture with wave functions that are constant w.r.t. time. An example where this picture is useful is the zitterbewegung of a particle
In QFT yet another picture is very useful, the interaction picture.

Next you would need some basics of understanding symmetry arguments, Lie groups/algebras are everywhere in ST/modern physics.
Familiarity with gauge choices is a necessity as well. Finally you need GR.

Not to mention we usually work with actions instead of Lagrangians.

And lastly, posting random sentences which for all we know are copy-pasted from wikipedia or whatever won't convince us that you know that stuff. In fact I'm quite certain you haven't undertaken a formal investigation of QFT. If you would have just posted a polite reply stating that you know the prerequisites would have been sufficient for most.
Be warned, there is a reason string theory isn't part of the curriculum in most schools (maybe in the near future with the good books available these days). Also it is definitely graduate level, there is a reason for that.

  • #10
Topolfractal said:
Time independent equation governs the evolution of the wave function through time.
Ya sorry I hate typos I meant time dependent.
  • #11
And thank you for the advice I have studied QM. Although I have not studied QFT

FAQ: What is the quantized form of the strings lagrangian?

1. What is a string quantized lagrangian?

A string quantized lagrangian is a mathematical framework used in theoretical physics to describe the dynamics of strings in space-time. It is based on the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity.

2. How is a string quantized lagrangian different from a classical lagrangian?

A classical lagrangian describes the dynamics of particles in space-time, while a string quantized lagrangian describes the dynamics of strings. The main difference is that the string quantized lagrangian takes into account the quantum nature of strings, while the classical lagrangian only considers the classical behavior of particles.

3. What is the significance of the string quantized lagrangian?

The string quantized lagrangian is significant because it is a key component of string theory, which is a candidate for a theory of everything that unifies all the fundamental forces in nature. It also provides a way to reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity.

4. How is the string quantized lagrangian derived?

The string quantized lagrangian is derived from the Polyakov action, which describes the dynamics of a string moving through space-time. This action is then quantized using the principles of quantum mechanics to obtain the string quantized lagrangian.

5. What are the limitations of the string quantized lagrangian?

The string quantized lagrangian is limited in its ability to describe certain phenomena, such as the behavior of strongly interacting systems. It also does not account for the effects of gravity at the quantum level, which is a major challenge in theoretical physics.

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