What is the quantum of energy for an atomic oscillator in a block of magnesium?

In summary, the interatomic spring stiffness for magnesium is determined to be 12 N/m from Young's modulus measurements. The mass of one mole of magnesium is 0.012 kg. One quantum of energy for one atomic oscillator is calculated to be hbar*sqrt(ks/m) = 1.054e-34*sqrt((4*12)/(.012/6.02e23)). The heat capacity on a per-atom basis is equal to 1 quantum divided by the change in temperature multiplied by the number of atoms, which approaches the classical limit of 3k = 4.210-23 J/K/atom at high temperatures.
  • #1
The interatomic spring stiffness for magnesium is determined from Young's modulus measurements to be 12 N/m. The mass of one mole of magnesium is 0.012 kg. If we model a block of magnesium as a collection of atomic "oscillators" (masses on springs), what is one quantum of energy for one of these atomic oscillators? Note that since each oscillator is attached to two "springs", and each "spring" is half the length of the interatomic bond, the effective interatomic spring stiffness for one of these oscillators is 4 times the calculated value given above.

Use these precise values for the constants:
hbar= 1.054610e-34 J · s (Planck's constant divided by 2)
Avogadro's number = 6.022110e23 molecules/mole
k = 1.380710e-23 J/K (the Boltzmann constant)

I tried that one quantum of energy would be hbar*sqrt(ks/m) = 1.054e-34*sqrt((4*12)/(.012/6.02e23)) which is incorrect. The 'hint' is that one quantum of energy is the amount of energy required to raise one atomic oscillator from one energy level to the next highest energy level
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
That equation is exactly right, but make sure you are putting in at least 5 numbers for the answer just like the question asks.
  • #3
whenever I calculate the energy, I get an error on my calculator b/c it can't do 4.91e26 factorial. How did you input that as an answer?
  • #4
I can't get the right answer with that equation, too

hbar*sqrt(ks/m) = 1.054e-34*sqrt((4*12)/(.012/6.02e23) = energy

btw, Jchohnac, where does the "factorial" come from?
  • #5
i got the first question right with that equation, but I'm talking about the table and calculating the energy.
  • #6
For the energy all you need to do is multiply the energy of one quantum by the number of quantums.

So if 5.17597e-21 was the energy of one quantum, multipl that by 20 and you get the enegery. For entropy, it is just k*ln(# of ways) given in the table
  • #7
hey, Jchohnac, how did u calculate out the energy of one quantum ??
is it hbar*sqrt(ks/m)?
or hbar*sqrt(4*ks/m)?
  • #8
1.054e-34*sqrt((4*12)/(.012/6.02e23))...i followed this with my numbers
  • #9
Does anyone know how to do the very last part on question 1?...

There are 100 atoms in this object. What is the heat capacity on a per-atom basis? (Note that at high temperatures the heat capacity on a per-atom basis approaches the classical limit of 3k = 4.210-23 J/K/atom.)

Heat capacity per atom = ?? J/K/atom
  • #10
never mind, i got it
  • #11
I still dun get the Heat Capacity per atom.. Can anyone help me? Thanks
  • #12
One Quantum/ delta Temp/ 100 atoms = Heat Capacity

FAQ: What is the quantum of energy for an atomic oscillator in a block of magnesium?

1. What is the concept of "quantum of energy" in entropy?

The concept of "quantum of energy" refers to the smallest possible unit of energy that can exist in a system. It is related to the idea that energy is quantized, meaning it can only exist in discrete amounts rather than being continuous.

2. How does the quantum of energy relate to entropy?

The quantum of energy is closely related to entropy because, in thermodynamics, entropy is a measure of the amount of disorder or randomness in a system. The smaller the quantum of energy, the more discrete and random the energy levels in a system, leading to higher entropy.

3. Can the quantum of energy in entropy be observed directly?

No, the quantum of energy cannot be observed directly as a physical entity. It is a theoretical concept used to explain the behavior of energy in a system and is measured indirectly through its effects on other variables.

4. How does the quantum of energy affect the second law of thermodynamics?

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system will always increase over time. The concept of the quantum of energy helps to explain why this law holds true, as the randomness and disorder in a system will continually increase as energy is exchanged at the quantum level.

5. Can the quantum of energy be changed or manipulated?

The quantum of energy is a fundamental property of energy and cannot be changed or manipulated. However, scientists are able to manipulate the energy levels in a system, leading to changes in entropy and the behavior of the quantum of energy.

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