What is the relation between a black hole's mass and its kinetic energy?

In summary, you are trying to calculate the kinetic energy of a black hole moving across the galaxy at a certain velocity, but whenever you try assigning any value to the equation it spells disaster.
  • #1
I've been scratching me' head a little. For curiosity's sake I've been trying to calculate what "would" be the kinetic energy of a black hole moving across the galaxy at a certain velocity, but whenever I tried assigning any value to the equation it spells disaster:


Based on this equation there are 2 possible outcomes:

1) the radius of the black hole is zero, the most widely accepted belief in that case the black hole will allways no kinetic energy whatsoever regardless of its velocity (Ekin=0)

2) Some believe that the radius of the black hole is infinetely small, but yet not zero, in that case the black holes have infinite kinetic energy (Ekin=∞)

In either case it got me into a bewilderment. You propably noticed that I took the classic equation apart because I was unsatisfied with the black holes mass being the same while its components went into the extreme.

Is it futile to even approach black hole phisics from this perspective or is there another way?
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  • #2
You're trying to rewrite m in terms of an average density multiplied by a radius, which is OK, but then you need to be careful. If you take your radius to be the schwarzschild radius, the average density is known (in fact, you know the total mass much easier, so this whole procedure is a little silly to begin with). If you try and apply this to an arbitrarily small sphere (say, approaching the singularity), you'll have to say the density goes to infinity, while the radius goes to zero. The product Infinity*0 isn't well defined, so you cannot proceed in such a way.

In reality, the black hole has a well defined total mass, so simply use mv^2/2 (or the relativistic version, if necessary).
  • #3
I know its silly but I don't know the phisicists manage sumarily dismiss the radical changes that happen to the components that define the collapsed black hole's mass. They simply declare the mass of the black hole based on the stuff that's crashed down into a singularity, but how can you define the mass at all in the same way if in the factor DxV one variable is infinite and the other is absolute zero?

Even if you approach it from a relativistic point of view the values must be finite in order to account for different black hole sizes at all!
  • #4
#Thomas# said:
I know its silly but I don't know the phisicists manage sumarily dismiss the radical changes that happen to the components that define the collapsed black hole's mass. They simply declare the mass of the black hole based on the stuff that's crashed down into a singularity, but how can you define the mass at all in the same way if in the factor DxV one variable is infinite and the other is absolute zero?

Even if you approach it from a relativistic point of view the values must be finite in order to account for different black hole sizes at all!

If you look at the solution to Einstein's equations which corresponds to a black hole (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwarzschild_metric ), it is defined by a single parameter: M. This M parameter corresponds to exactly what we would call a mass. So there you have it, to a black hole we assign a mass, no need to futz around with densities or volumes -- such concepts do not have well defined meanings for a black hole, especially if you are talking about the singularity. I'm not sure how I can make it any clearer than that.
  • #5

The relation between a black hole's mass and its kinetic energy is a complex and debated topic in astrophysics. The equation you have used to calculate the kinetic energy of a black hole moving at a certain velocity is not applicable to black holes, as they do not have a defined surface or radius.

Instead, the kinetic energy of a black hole is often discussed in terms of its angular momentum. As a black hole spins, it gains angular momentum and therefore kinetic energy. The more massive the black hole, the more angular momentum it can hold and the higher its kinetic energy will be.

However, it is important to note that the concept of kinetic energy may not be applicable to black holes in the traditional sense. The extreme gravitational forces near a black hole make it difficult to apply classical mechanics and equations to understand its behavior. In fact, the concept of mass itself becomes ambiguous near a black hole.

In conclusion, trying to calculate the kinetic energy of a black hole using traditional equations is not a valid approach. The behavior of black holes is better understood through other factors such as angular momentum and the effects of extreme gravity. Continued research and advancements in astrophysics will help us better understand the complex relationship between a black hole's mass and its kinetic energy.

FAQ: What is the relation between a black hole's mass and its kinetic energy?

What is black hole kinetic energy?

Black hole kinetic energy refers to the energy that is associated with the motion of matter around a black hole. This energy is generated by the gravitational pull of the black hole, which causes matter to accelerate as it falls towards the event horizon.

How is black hole kinetic energy calculated?

The kinetic energy of a black hole can be calculated using the formula E=1/2mv^2, where m is the mass of the object and v is its velocity. In the case of a black hole, the mass is the mass of the black hole and the velocity is the speed at which matter is falling towards it.

Can black hole kinetic energy be observed?

Black hole kinetic energy cannot be directly observed, as black holes themselves do not emit any light or radiation. However, scientists can indirectly observe the effects of this energy by studying the motion of matter around a black hole.

How does black hole kinetic energy differ from other types of kinetic energy?

Unlike other types of kinetic energy, such as the kinetic energy of an object in motion, black hole kinetic energy is generated by the gravitational pull of the black hole rather than an object's physical movement. Additionally, black hole kinetic energy is associated with extremely high velocities and can have a significant impact on the behavior of matter in the vicinity of a black hole.

Is black hole kinetic energy dangerous?

Black hole kinetic energy is not inherently dangerous, as it is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the universe. However, the extreme gravitational pull of a black hole can have destructive effects on objects and matter that come too close, making it dangerous to approach a black hole.
