What is the relationship between 4-momentum and energy/momentum components?

In summary, the 4-momentum of a massive particle with rest mass m is defined as p=mu, where u is the 4-velocity. In a frame S with 3-velocity u, the components of p are [p]=gamma*(mc,mu). The zeroth component of this can be identified as the energy divided by the speed of light, while the spatial component is the 3-momentum measured in S. This is based on the conservation of 4-momentum and the correspondence principle in special relativity. Additionally, when unifying space and time, the duality between translations in space and time leads to a dual vector of momentum and energy. Therefore, energy can be seen as the first component of
  • #1
Firstly, apologies for the notation.

The 4-momentum of a massive particle (rest mass m) is defined by


where u is the 4-velocity. Thus in a frame S in which a particle has 3-velocity u the components of p are


How can we then identify the zeroth component of this with the energy/c and the spatial component as the 3-momentum measured in S? In my lecture notes it just makes this assertion and I don't know where that comes from.

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  • #2
Rudipoo said:
Firstly, apologies for the notation.

The 4-momentum of a massive particle (rest mass m) is defined by


where u is the 4-velocity. Thus in a frame S in which a particle has 3-velocity u the components of p are


How can we then identify the zeroth component of this with the energy/c and the spatial component as the 3-momentum measured in S? In my lecture notes it just makes this assertion and I don't know where that comes from.


One argument is from conservation. If you accept that 4 momentum is conserved, then note that for Lorentz coordinates, the first component is always positive and is conserved separately from the other 3 components. This suggests it is total energy.

Partly, this is just a matter of definitions of mathematical objects that lead to physically meaningful predictions. In other words, it is defined this way because it works.

Note that the first component being energy is very much tied to 'common conventions' : use of locally Lorentz coordinates, with a particular order of listing components. There are coordinate independent definitions of these things that can be more useful in general relativity.
  • #3
Rudipoo said:

How can we then identify the zeroth component of this with the energy/c and the spatial component as the 3-momentum measured in S?

[tex](\gamma mc^2)^2 = \gamma^2(mc^2)^2 = \frac{c^2}{c^2 - v^2}(mc^2)^2 = \left(1 + \frac{v^2}{c^2 - v^2}\right)(mc^2)^2 = m^2c^4 + \gamma^2 m^2 v^2 c^2 = m^2c^4 + p^2c^2 = E^2[/tex]

Or are you having trouble with p = γmv?
  • #4
Rudipoo said:
How can we then identify the zeroth component of this with the energy/c and the spatial component as the 3-momentum measured in S?

I would start with the paper by Einstein "Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy content?"
http://fourmilab.ch/etexts/einstein/E_mc2/www/ . Einstein describes a thought experiment that shows that mass and energy are equivalent.

Next you can expand [itex]p_0[/itex] in a Taylor series, giving [itex]p_0=m+mv^2/2+\ldots[/itex] (in units with c=1). That shows that in the Newtonian limit, [itex]p_0[/itex] corresponds to the rest mass plus the Newtonian kinetic energy.

Now we step back and ask ourselves what we expect the laws of physics to be in special relativity. We expect there to be conservation laws, and we know by the correspondence principle that these conservation laws must somehow reduce to the conservation laws of nonrelativistic mechanics at low velocities. We also expect that these conservation laws should be valid in any frame of reference. But in general when you write an equation involving quantities like m and v in one frame of reference, that equation will *not* be valid when you change to another frame of reference in SR. The only way it will be frame-independent is if the quantities on the two sides of the equation are both Lorentz scalars, or both four-vectors (or higher-order tensors).

Based on these considerations, if there is going to be a conservation law in SR that plays the appropriate role, the only possible conservation law is conservation of the momentum four-vector, and its timelike component should be interpreted as mass-energy. That doesn't mean that there *will* be such a conservation law, only that if there is, it must have these properties. But experiments do confirm it.
  • #5
Another aspect of this unification. When you look at canonical formulations of mechanics you find a duality between (potential) symmetries and (potentially) conserved quantities, for example between rotation and angular momentum.

The dual of translations in space (parametrized by x,y,z) are the momenta P_x, P_y, P_z. The dual of translation in time is energy. So if you unify space+time you get a dual vector momentum+energy.

A related way to see it is that action units are action = momentum * distance = energy*time.
  • #6
Rudipoo said:
Firstly, apologies for the notation.

The 4-momentum of a massive particle (rest mass m) is defined by


where u is the 4-velocity. Thus in a frame S in which a particle has 3-velocity u the components of p are


How can we then identify the zeroth component of this with the energy/c and the spatial component as the 3-momentum measured in S? In my lecture notes it just makes this assertion and I don't know where that comes from.


if this wasn't apparent, note:

[Tex] E=mc^2\Rightarrow mc=\frac{mc^2}{c}=\frac{E}{c} [/Tex]

Then Energy is the first component of the momentum... divided by some super common number in physics...

Related to What is the relationship between 4-momentum and energy/momentum components?

What is 4-momentum?

4-momentum is a vector quantity that describes the total energy and momentum of an object in a four-dimensional spacetime. It is commonly used in the study of special relativity.

What are the components of 4-momentum?

The components of 4-momentum are energy (E) and momentum (p), both in the x, y, and z directions, as well as the fourth component which represents the object's mass (m).

How is 4-momentum calculated?

4-momentum is calculated by multiplying the object's mass (m) by its velocity (v) and adding the product to the object's rest energy (E₀) multiplied by the speed of light (c).

What is the significance of 4-momentum in physics?

4-momentum is significant in physics because it is a conserved quantity, meaning it remains constant in a closed system despite any interactions or transformations that may occur. It is also used to describe the behavior of particles at high speeds and in the study of relativistic effects.

How does 4-momentum relate to the conservation of energy and momentum?

4-momentum is closely related to the conservation of energy and momentum, as it combines both quantities into a single vector. This allows for a more unified understanding of physical systems and helps to describe the behavior of particles in a consistent manner.

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