What is the Relationship Between Acceleration and Time for a Skier on a Slope?

  • Thread starter physicsgurl12
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In summary, the skier falls down a hill with a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s2, which is less than the acceleration when he falls down on a slope without a skateboard.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A skier begins skiing straight down a hill having a constant slope starting from rest. if friction is negligible as the skier goes down the hill his
Acceleration increases with time
Acceleration is constant with a value less than 10m/s^2
Acceleration is zero

Homework Equations

dont need one

The Attempt at a Solution

at first i thought the acc. was constant but had a value of about 10m/s^2 (gravity)
that was wrong.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
physicsgurl12 said:
at first i thought the acc. was constant but had a value of about 10m/s^2 (gravity)
That's the acceleration during free fall, not while sliding down an incline.

Do you think the acceleration down a hill is more or less than that? Hint: Imagine a very long, gentle slope.
  • #3
i would guess it would be more than that.
  • #4
is that right??/
  • #5
What would be more than what? If you can be a little more specific, it would be helpful. And if you give us your thought process we can agree or help with where you might be making a mistake.
  • #6
Ignea_unda said:
What would be more than what? If you can be a little more specific, it would be helpful. And if you give us your thought process we can agree or help with where you might be making a mistake.

okay so i guess that acceleration will increase with time. i guess I am thinking about it like if you put a skateboard on a hill it gets faster as it rolls down. so would the answer be acceleration increases with time. does this help you?
  • #7
Nice analogy with the skateboard! :smile:

But you're mixing up acceleration and speed.
The speed of the skateboard increases as it rolls down.
Just like your speed would increase while falling down.

However, when you fall down, you fall down with a constant acceleration of g = 9.8 m/s2.
Since you're on a slope now with your skateboard, would your acceleration be more or less than when you fall down?
  • #8
umm less than when you fall down
  • #9
Yep! :approve:

So what's the answer?
  • #10
the answer would be acceleration is constant with a value less than 10m/s2
  • #11
Yes. Good job. :smile:
  • #12
Right! :cool:

FAQ: What is the Relationship Between Acceleration and Time for a Skier on a Slope?

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time. It is a vector quantity that includes both magnitude and direction.

How is acceleration different from velocity?

Velocity is the rate of change of position over time, while acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time. Velocity is a vector quantity, while acceleration is a vector quantity.

What causes acceleration?

Acceleration is caused by a force acting on an object. This force can be applied directly to the object, such as pushing a car, or it can be the result of other forces, such as gravity or friction.

Can acceleration be negative?

Yes, acceleration can be negative. This means that the object is slowing down or changing direction in the opposite direction of its velocity. Negative acceleration is also known as deceleration.

How is acceleration measured?

Acceleration is measured in units of distance over time squared, such as meters per second squared (m/s^2). It can be measured using tools such as accelerometers or by calculating the change in velocity over time.
