What is the relationship between contemplative study and cosmic phenomenon?

  • Thread starter LFiremonkey
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In summary, contemplative study involves deep reflection and introspection on various subjects, including cosmic phenomena. It is through this type of study that individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the universe and their place within it. By contemplating cosmic phenomenon, individuals can tap into a greater sense of interconnectedness and meaning, allowing them to expand their perspective and find a sense of inner peace. Additionally, contemplative study can also lead to a deeper appreciation and reverence for the vastness and complexity of the cosmos. Overall, the relationship between contemplative study and cosmic phenomenon is one of mutual enrichment and enlightenment.
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Hello everyone, I'm excited to be here. Please be patient with me as I have very little classical or advanced physics training.

I have a strong fascination with the field and the understanding of the cosmos. I have always shied away from the mathematics and the computations. My go to place, has always been applying my imagination to the way the cosmos works.

One particular area that I have concentrated much of my time on is the relationship between how our mind perceives the environment we exist in and the possibilities of deducing cosmic phenomenon via contemplative study. I base a fair bit on my work on the observations of Yogic meditations and philosophies. Before you start balking at this, I assure you that I am not expounding the metaphysical, it was my interest in science that led me to certain articles in Yogic philosophy that quite recently seemed to align with the greater Theories that were being contemplated.

To name a few : The Yogis, came to a conclusion where they viewed the corporal universe as an illusion(Maya)(The Universe might be a 2D projection)(We could exist in the Event Horizon of a Super Super Massive Blackhole) . That the universe is a manifestation of light and vibration. (M Theory, String Theory). Their theory of 1 Day of Brahma coincides to a certain degree the time for one rotation of the universe. The Yogis, believe that at the centre of the universe there exist a central force that attracts everything to it.( We now have a theory of a Super Massive Black hole at the centre of each Galaxy and possible the centre of the universe.

So it is with this, individuals without scientific background and physical instruments to observe the universe were able to predict or theorise on the way the universe works that I have based my own work on. I have tried to utilise said mythology / methodology to observe first hand whether it is possible to unify their approach with the current scientific understanding of the Universe. From time to time I would rather like to post some of my observations and thoughts. I will try to make them as scientific as possible, but again, I lack the fundamental mathematical methodology and am open and look forward to any comments or ridicule. Always Learning and Evolving.


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