What is the relationship between mass and displacement in a vibrating string?

In summary, the given argument explains the small vibrations of an elastic string assuming a continuous density function, and introduces the concept of equilibrium position and displacement function. The final expression relates the mass of a specific interval on the string to the density at equilibrium and the displacement function.
  • #1

Homework Statement

hi I am reading Guenther & Lee, "partial differential equations of mathematical physics and integral equations" on the
first chapter second section i think, on "Small vibrations of an elastic string" they give this argument:
1. consider a string of x length L, the string is assumed to be a continuum and tied to posts at [itex] x=0[/itex]
and [itex] x=L[/itex]. a continuous density function, [itex] \rho [/itex], with its integral over any segment of the
string gives the mass of the segment. the string is perfectly elastic, vibrations are very small.
2. an axis perpendicular to the x-axis is constructed at [itex] x=0[/itex] , the equilibrium position of the string
is the horizontal segment [itex] 0 \leq x \leq L [/itex] . the position of a given point which was at x during equilibrium
will be [itex] u(x,t) [/itex] at time t. if time is kept constant the function gives the shape of the string at that instant.
3. the function [itex] \rho_0 (x) [/itex] denotes the density at equilibrium, and [itex] \rho (x,t) [/itex] at time t.
as the string stretches the density will change; if we focus on an arbitrary interval between [itex] x=x_1 [/itex] &
[itex] x=x_2 [/itex] along the string we find that the mass m in this interval satisfies:
[tex] \int_{x_1}^{x_2} \rho_0 (x) dx = \int^{x_2}_{x_1} \rho (x,t) [ 1 + u^{2}_{x} (x,t) ]^{\frac{1}{2}} dx [/tex]

this last expression has me stumped, it seems to me like he pulled it right from under his sleeve, why would the mass satisfy that
expression? i think the squared term is a partial derivative with respect to x imho.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
I think the squared term is a partial derivative, which means that the mass is a function of the displacement of the string. This is because when the string stretches, the density of the string changes and thus the mass changes as well. This is why the mass is a function of the displacement of the string.

FAQ: What is the relationship between mass and displacement in a vibrating string?

1. What is the purpose of modeling a vibrating string?

The purpose of modeling a vibrating string is to understand the physical behavior of a string when it is plucked or struck. This can help in understanding musical instruments such as guitars, pianos, and violins, as well as other real-world applications such as bridges and power lines.

2. What factors affect the vibration of a string?

The vibration of a string is affected by several factors, including the tension, mass per unit length, and length of the string. Additionally, the material of the string and the method of plucking or striking also have an impact on its vibration.

3. What is the difference between a linear and nonlinear string model?

A linear string model assumes that the tension and length of the string remain constant throughout its vibration, while a nonlinear model takes into account the changing tension and length of the string as it vibrates. Nonlinear models are more accurate but also more complex to solve.

4. How are mathematical equations used to model a vibrating string?

Mathematical equations, such as the wave equation or the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation, are used to model the motion of a vibrating string. These equations take into account the physical properties of the string and the forces acting on it to determine its displacement and velocity at different points along its length.

5. Can modeling a vibrating string be applied to other systems?

Yes, the principles and equations used to model a vibrating string can also be applied to other systems, such as membranes, beams, and plates. This allows for a better understanding of the behavior of these systems and can be used in various engineering and scientific applications.
