What is the relationship between the acceleration and the angle of the slope?

In summary: I'm sorry but I don't understand how you would calculate the applied force from just an acceleration. You would need to know the mass of the object, and also the angle and gravity.
  • #1

Homework Statement

To calculate the kinetic friction of a block of wood and determine its acceleration by timing it as it travels down a slope. The equipment available consists: of a plank of wood, clamps etc. for raising one end of it to give an inclined plane, blocks to slide down the plane, weights which may be attached to the blocks, measuring equipment, and a timer.Can this be achieved without knowing the mass of the blocks? Because despite being allowed to use weights the equipment doesn't mention digital scales...
Known data: height & distance (slope), time, angle(Ө), acceleration. Us (static coe.)

Homework Equations

Us = TanӨ (Ө being angle of slope)
Uk = Ff= P+mgsinӨ (P =Applied Force)
Nf mgCosӨ

The Attempt at a Solution

I have already completed the results to get the Us (static coefficient) = TanӨ . I know that if the weight of the block is doubled so will the frictional force, but I am unsure how the acceleration helps to solve the Uk? Have I missed something? Thanks.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
For the case of a block accelerating down the slope, identify the forces acting and apply Newton's 2nd law. (Draw the usual free body diagram.) That might help you understand how measuring the acceleration allows you to calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction.
  • #3
I know that the acceleration is directly proportional to the net force, and that the forces are therefore unbalanced to create an acceleration. I have drawn a f.b.d. but I am struggling to appreciate what good acceleration is without a mass or force to calculate the Uk...? Anymore clues or suggestions would be appreciated..
  • #4
Welcome to PF!

Ocis said:
I have drawn a f.b.d. but I am struggling to appreciate what good acceleration is without a mass or force to calculate the Uk...?

Hi Ocis! Welcome to PF! :smile:

The acceleration perpendicular to the slope is zero, so the normal force is the same as before.

Then just use Newton's second law for forces parallel to the slope.

You don't need to know the mass, because mass will be in all the forces on the left-hand-side, and you should have mass x acceleration on the right-hand-side.

So just divide the whole equation by mass! :biggrin:
  • #5
I would love to say I understand but I am even more confused now... What formula/equation are you referring to exactly. I can appreciate that the normal force is the same but its determining the applied force from just an acceleration? Am I expected to work this out from just having values of acceleration, angle, gravity? Sorry...
  • #6
Ocis said:
What formula/equation are you referring to exactly.

Hi Ocis! :smile:

Total force along the slope = mass x acceleration along the slope.

In other words: mgsinθ - µN = m x acceleration.

So µ = … ? :smile:

FAQ: What is the relationship between the acceleration and the angle of the slope?

What is kinetic friction coefficient?

Kinetic friction coefficient, also known as dynamic friction coefficient, is a measure of the resistance between two surfaces in contact when there is relative motion between them. It is a unitless value that is used to describe the amount of friction between two objects in motion.

How is kinetic friction coefficient different from static friction coefficient?

Kinetic friction coefficient is the measure of friction between two surfaces when they are in motion, while static friction coefficient is the measure of friction between two surfaces when they are stationary. Kinetic friction coefficient is typically lower than static friction coefficient.

What factors affect the value of kinetic friction coefficient?

The value of kinetic friction coefficient is affected by a few factors, including the nature of the materials in contact, the roughness of the surfaces, the speed of motion, and the presence of lubricants. In general, smoother surfaces and the use of lubricants can decrease the value of kinetic friction coefficient.

How is kinetic friction coefficient measured?

Kinetic friction coefficient is typically measured experimentally by applying a known force to an object and measuring the resulting acceleration. By varying the mass of the object and the applied force, the kinetic friction coefficient can be calculated using the equation μ = a/g, where μ is the kinetic friction coefficient, a is the acceleration, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Why is kinetic friction coefficient important?

Kinetic friction coefficient is important in understanding and predicting the behavior of objects in motion. It is crucial in many engineering applications, such as designing vehicles and machinery, as it helps determine the amount of energy required to overcome friction and maintain motion. It is also relevant in everyday scenarios, such as when driving a car or walking on a slippery surface.
