What is the relationship between the Mellin transform and the sine function?

In summary, the Mellin transform of sine is defined as the integral of t^{z-1} multiplied by the sine function, where z is a complex number. If the transform exists, it is analytic in a vertical strip of the complex plane. The specific vertical strip for the Mellin transform of sine is not specified. Additional exercises include finding an analytic function representing the integral of t^{z-1} multiplied by sine, and using the inverse Mellin transform to prove that sine can be expressed as an integral involving the Mellin transform. There is also discussion about extending the formula for the integral to cases where the real part of the complex number is zero, and using contour integration to prove the result. Finally, there is mention of using
  • #1
Gold Member
Mellin transform of sine

Define the Mellin transform as

\(\displaystyle \mathcal{MT}\{f(t)\}=\int^\infty_0 t^{z-1} f(t) dt\) where \(\displaystyle z\in \mathbb{C}\)​
If the transform exists , it is analytic in some vertical strip \(\displaystyle a<\mathrm{Re}(z)<b \) in the complex plane

Find the vertical strip of \(\displaystyle \mathcal{MT}\{ \sin(t)\}\)

Additional exercises

1-Find the an analytic function representing

\(\displaystyle \int^\infty_0 t^{z-1} \sin(t) dt\)

2-Use the inverse Mellin transform by integrating along a line (Bromwich integral )

to prove that

\(\displaystyle \sin(t) = \frac{1}{2 \pi i }\int^{\gamma+i\infty}_{\gamma-i\infty}t^{-z}\mathcal{MT}\{ \sin(t)\} \, dt \)
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  • #2
$ \displaystyle \int_{0}^{\infty} t^{z-1} \sin t \ dt = \int_{0}^{1} t^{z-1} \sin t \ dt + \int_{1}^{\infty} t^{z-1} \sin t \ dt $Since $\sin t $ behaves like $t$ near $t=0$, the first integral converges if $\text{Re}(z) > -1 $.

And by Dirichlet's convergence test, the second integral converges if $ \text{Re}(z) < 1$.So $ \displaystyle \int_{0}^{\infty} t^{z-1} \sin t \ dt$ converges if $-1 < \text{Re}(s) < 1$.I'm going to integrate by parts first so that when I switch the order of integration it's justified by Tonelli's theorem.$$ \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin t}{t^{1-z}} \ dt = \frac{1- \cos t}{t^{1-z}} \Big|_{0}^{\infty} + (1-z) \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{1- \cos t}{t^{2-z}} \ dt = (1-z) \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{1- \cos t}{t^{2-z}} \ dt $$

$$ = \frac{1-z}{\Gamma(2-z)} \int_{0}^{\infty} \int_{0}^{\infty} (1 - \cos t) t^{1-z} e^{-tx} \ dx \ dt = \frac{1}{\Gamma(1-z)} \int_{0}^{\infty} \int_{0}^{\infty} (1 - \cos t) t^{1-z} e^{-xt} \ dt \ dx $$

$$= \frac{1}{\Gamma(1-z)} \int_{0}^{\infty} x^{1-z} \left( \frac{1}{x} - \frac{x}{1+x^{2}} \right) \ dx = \frac{1}{\Gamma(1-z)} \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{x^{-z}}{1+x^{2}} \ dx$$

$$= \frac{1}{\Gamma(1-z)} \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{x^{(1-z)-1}}{1+x^{2}} \ dx = \frac{1}{\Gamma(1-z)} \frac{\pi}{2} \csc \left( \frac{\pi (1-z)}{2} \right)$$

$$ = \frac{1}{\Gamma (1-z)} \frac{\pi}{2} \sec \left( \frac{\pi z}{2} \right) = \frac{\Gamma (z)}{\Gamma(z) \Gamma(1-z)} \frac{\pi}{2} \sec \left( \frac{\pi z}{2} \right)$$

$$= \frac{\Gamma(z)}{\frac{\pi}{\sin \pi z}} \frac{\pi}{2} \frac{1}{\cos \left(\frac{\pi z}{2}\right)} = \Gamma (z) \frac{\sin \pi z}{2 \cos \left( \frac{\pi z}{2} \right)}$$

$$ = \Gamma(z) \frac{2 \sin \left(\frac{\pi z}{2} \right) \cos \left(\frac{\pi z}{2} \right)}{2 \cos \left(\frac{\pi z}{2} \right)} = \Gamma(z) \sin \left( \frac{\pi z}{2} \right)$$
  • #3
Hey RV, Good solution. The third parts isn't that difficult.

Another way to solve the integral is using the formula
\(\displaystyle \int^\infty_0 t^{z-1} e^{-st} \, dt =\frac{\Gamma(z)}{s^z}\)

So we have

\(\displaystyle \int^\infty_0 t^{z-1} \sin(t) \, dt = \mathcal{Im} \int^\infty_0 t^{z-1} e^{it} \, dt =\mathcal{Im} \frac{\Gamma(z)}{i^z} = \mathcal{Im} \frac{\Gamma(z)}{e^{z \log(i)}} =\Gamma(z) \mathcal{Im}\left( e^{-\frac{\pi}{2} i z } \right)=\Gamma(z)\sin\left( \frac{\pi}{2} \, z \right)\)

A third way is by contour integration.
  • #4
The justification for what you did, that is, assuming that formula is valid when $s$ is purely imaginary, comes from contour integration. So contour integration is really the same approach.
  • #5
Well, I have been thinking about that for a long time. It seemed we can extend that result when \(\displaystyle \mathrm{Re}(s)=0 \) and \(\displaystyle \mathrm{Im}(s) \neq 0\) . The easiest way might be by contours as you said. I failed to find another analytic approach to prove the extended result. But generally it seems if

\(\displaystyle \int^\infty_0 e^{-st} \, t^{z-1} \, dt =\frac{\Gamma(z)}{s^z}\)

is valid for \(\displaystyle \mathrm{Re}(s) >0\) or \(\displaystyle \mathrm{Re}(s) \leq 0 \, \,\text{ and} \,\,\mathrm{Im}(s) \neq 0 \)
  • #6
$$\frac{1}{2 \pi i } \int_{\gamma - i \infty}^{\gamma + i \infty} \Gamma(z) \sin \left(\frac{\pi z}{2} \right) x^{-z} \ dz = \frac{1}{2 \pi i } \int_{- i \infty}^{ i \infty} \Gamma(z) \sin \left(\frac{\pi z}{2} \right) x^{-z} \ dz$$Shift the contour to the left.

Then assuming the integral evaluates to zero along the left side of the contour at $-\infty$,

$$ 2 \pi i \int_{- i \infty}^{ i \infty} \Gamma(z) \sin \left(\frac{\pi z}{2} \right) x^{-z} \ dz = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \text{Res} \left[ \Gamma (z) \sin \left(\frac{\pi z}{2} \right) x^{-z}, -(2n-1) \right] $$

since the zeros of $\sin \left(\frac{\pi z}{2} \right)$ cancel the simple poles of $\Gamma(z)$ at the negative even integers

$$ = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^{2n-1}}{(2n-1)!} (-1)^{n} x^{2n-1} = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^{n-1}}{(2n-1)!} x^{2n-1} = \sin x $$
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  • #7
It could be proved using the Stirling estimation that the integral vanishes at large arguments using a half-circle .
  • #8
Usually one uses a rectangle because it's easier to understand the behavior of the gamma function on the sides of a rectangle than on a circle.

Basically when $z$ is very, very large in magnitude (and not on the negative real axis), $\Gamma (z)$ is approximately $\left( \frac{z}{e} \right)^z$.

But the issue here isn't the gamma function, it's the sine function.
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  • #9
We can use the following approximation for large complex argument

\(\displaystyle |\Gamma(a+ib)| \thicksim \sqrt{2 \pi} |b|^{a-1/2} \, e^{-|b| \pi/2} \,\,\,\,\,\,\, |b| \to \infty\)

I think using this we can see that the gamma dominates the sine function at complex values.

FAQ: What is the relationship between the Mellin transform and the sine function?

1. What is the Mellin transform of sin?

The Mellin transform of sin is a mathematical operation that transforms the function sin(x) from the time domain to the frequency domain. It is defined as the integral of sin(x) multiplied by a power of x, where the power is a complex number.

2. How is the Mellin transform of sin used in science?

The Mellin transform of sin is used in various fields of science, such as signal processing, image processing, and mathematical physics. It is particularly useful in analyzing signals that contain sinusoidal components, as it can separate these components from other parts of the signal.

3. What is the relationship between the Mellin transform of sin and the Fourier transform?

The Mellin transform of sin is closely related to the Fourier transform. In fact, the Fourier transform can be derived from the Mellin transform by setting the power in the integral to be a purely imaginary number. Both transforms are used to analyze signals in the frequency domain, but the Mellin transform can handle a wider range of functions than the Fourier transform.

4. Can the Mellin transform of sin be inverted?

Yes, the Mellin transform of sin can be inverted to obtain the original function sin(x). The inverse Mellin transform involves a contour integral in the complex plane, and it requires the knowledge of the location of the poles of the Mellin transform. In some cases, the inverse Mellin transform can also be obtained using a series expansion.

5. What are the advantages of using the Mellin transform of sin over other transforms?

The Mellin transform of sin has several advantages over other transforms, such as the ability to handle a wider range of functions and the ability to separate sinusoidal components from other parts of the signal. It is also useful for solving certain types of differential equations and has applications in probability theory. Additionally, the Mellin transform can be generalized to higher dimensions, making it useful for analyzing signals in multiple dimensions.

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