What is the relationship between the Planck length and black holes?

In summary, the Planck Length is the length-scale at which quantum gravity becomes relevant. It is roughly the distance things have to be before you start to consider “hmm I wonder if there’s a chance this whole system randomly forms a black hole.”.
  • #1
Gold Member
This article is posted on twitter with the byline: "You, me, and even aliens from Alpha Centauri could arrive at the same Planck units." but does not explain why.


I believe I have read (but cannot find the reference now) the following explanation:

The energy of an electromagnetic wave is inversely proportional to its wave length. The Planck Length is so small that calculations show something vibrating within that length, would be so energetic it would become a black hole.

Does anyone know if this is true or false?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Have you tried simply Googling "what is Plank length"? It is well defined and
The Planck Length is so small that calculations show something vibrating within that length, would be so energetic it would become a black hole
sounds ridiculous to me.

  • #3
This question comes up so often that it merits its own Insights article: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/a-hand-wavy-discussion-of-the-planck-length-comments.831640/

edguy99 said:
I believe I have read (but cannot find the reference now) the following explanation:

The energy of an electromagnetic wave is inversely proportional to its wave length. The Planck Length is so small that calculations show something vibrating within that length, would be so energetic it would become a black hole.

"I believe I have read" doesn't even come close to meeting the minimum standards for citing a source here - and without more to go on, we have no way of knowing whether your source is wrong or you have misinterpreted or misremembered what you might or might not have read.
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  • #4
Perhaps I should rephrase the question "Since the energy of an electromagnetic wave is inversely proportional to its wave length, at what wavelength would a photon become so energetic that schwarzschild radius would match the wavelenght of the photon.?"

Is the answer to this question 1.616199(97)×10−35 meters?
  • #5
@Nugatory Thank you for the reference. "Basically, the Planck length is the length-scale at which quantum gravity becomes relevant. It is roughly the distance things have to be before you start to consider “hmm I wonder if there’s a chance this whole system randomly forms a black hole.” I did not really understand this until I convinced myself with the following derivation, which was the main inspiration for this article."

Found it! http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/lengths.html#planck_length - thanks @john baez
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  • #6
""The Planck Length is so small that calculations show something vibrating within that length, would be so energetic it would become a black hole ""

"sounds ridiculous to me."
On the contrary,
actually this (first quotation) is a slightly poetic version, but it is essentially true.

For every length, you can determine two energies, one for a photon (of that wavelength) and one for a black hole (of that Schwarzschild radius). At the Planck length, those two energies will be equal. At longer lengths, the black hole will be more energetic than the photon. At shorter lengths, the photon is more energetic than the black hole.

One can check it out using these three formulas:


E=hc /lambda (photon energy)

R =2G M/c^2 (Schwarzschild radius for black hole)Jim Graber
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Likes TheCanadian, edguy99 and Jilang
  • #7
Oh, well. I should know better by now than to think that just because something sounds ridiculous to me, that that has any bearing on whether it's true or not when it comes to quantum mechanics :smile:
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  • #8
Some pretty interesting discussion around the internet concerning Planck Length. Wikipedia does not even mention that fact that the Planck Length is where the wavelength of a photon matches the schwarzschild radius of the energy the photon contains. Seems strange not to mention something that important.
  • #9
edguy99 said:
Wikipedia does not even mention that fact that the Planck Length is where the wavelength of a photon matches the schwarzschild radius of the energy the photon contains. Seems strange not to mention something that important.

It's not as important as it appears. The relationship between energy and Schwarzschild radius requires the assumption that quantum effects are negligible and the relationship between energy and wavelength requires the assumption that gravitational effects are negligible. Both assumptions fail under conditions where the two energies are anywhere near approximately equal, so neither calculation produces a meaningful result under those conditions. Thus, we have two numbers that don't really mean much of anything but happen to come out the same.
  • #10
I am open to other suggestion (and would like to hear them), but to me, "where the wavelength of a photon matches the schwarzschild radius of the energy the photon contains" is the easiest and most sensible explanation of what a Planck Length is. Love it :)

Related to What is the relationship between the Planck length and black holes?

1. What is the Planck length?

The Planck length is the smallest possible length that can exist in the universe according to the laws of physics. It is approximately 1.6 x 10^-35 meters.

2. How was the Planck length discovered?

The Planck length was not discovered through experimentation, but rather it was derived from a combination of fundamental physical constants, such as the speed of light and the gravitational constant.

3. Why is the Planck length considered the smallest length possible?

The Planck length is considered the smallest length possible because it is the scale at which the effects of quantum gravity become significant. At this scale, the traditional laws of physics break down and we need a new theory to fully understand the behavior of the universe.

4. Can we measure the Planck length?

No, we currently do not have the technology or instruments to directly measure the Planck length. However, we can indirectly observe its effects through experiments involving quantum particles and curved spacetime.

5. How does the Planck length relate to the size of the universe?

The Planck length is incredibly small compared to the size of the universe, which is estimated to be about 93 billion light-years in diameter. This highlights the vastness of the universe and the minuscule scale at which quantum physics operates.

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